How to get the starro items at it max level

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Razzbuu, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    So i crafted starro's items but i'm cr166 so i don't want to use it unless it on max level (170,172)
    So in what level should i use it?
  2. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    The max item level on the starro op ring is 171 (i think) and the max item level for the ub and face is 174. I was 190 when I attuned mine so they open at max item level. To get other items at max level during the AF3 DLC you had to be 184 so I would guess you need to be in that same ballpark 184+. If you want wait till 188+ to ensure you get max item level.
  3. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

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  4. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    The max item level for the face is 174.
    The max item level for the rings is 170.
    The max item level for the utility belt/clasp is 172.

    As soon as you hit 170 CR you will be able to craft the rings and they will be 170 each. I was exactly 170 CR when I made mine and they attuned to exactly 170. As a result this will probably pick your CR up a few as it did mine. I made the mistake of making the mask next (For the second time) and as a result it was 172 rank even though I was now at 175 or 176. What you should do instead is make the Utility belt/clasp second as it will max out at 172 and pick you up a bit more. If you want to play it safe you can wait a bit longer but I am confident that it will attune to max rank. I know FOR SURE that the rings will. That is assuming you are making two. In reality you only need one since there is an OP ring you will be able to unlock that is 175 CR and still the best ring in the game. So if you have enough stuff to make a second ring I would go for it just to help you get up the ladder. As for the mask by the time I made a third one I was already at 190 or 191. I think someone said that as long as you make it to 185 it will max out. Again I made mine at around 175 or 176 and it was only 2 below max level on that item. I know you don't have the crafting supplies on that but I think on all things aside from the mask you can pull max rank out of them as soon as you hit 170. That is if you are making 2 rings.
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  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

    At the bottom, there is an unattuned gear scaling calculator. You put in your CR, it tells you the max level the gear will attune to. Each unattuned piece has an upper limit listed on the item. If the calculator has it opening at that number or higher, you're good to go.
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  6. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    The difference between item level and CR is 15%. So if your items are all lvl 100 your CR will be 115. You can figure the level the item will attune to based on your current equipped CR the same way I think.
  7. Ereez Well-Known Player