How to continue in the game? New CR 100+ problem

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Blacktric23, May 6, 2015.

  1. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    So buy it? How expensive is it really? The fact they let you play this game for nearly free, up to CR 98 is crazy. Most F2P make you pay to see past level 10 or 20. So this is not new. If they gave it all to you for free, why would you ever buy? I am sure that $5 will not end the world.
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Hey Meps,

    I posted in another outlining the CR required for players in full sets of gear from T1-T6 along with ranges I believe each tier should have to statisfy the maximum CR per a tier.

    I'm sure you seen it already, but I thought I would provide the link here.

    This definitely type of change would make many players happy as they could run older content until they reach max CR in said tier.
  3. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    It's just not about how expensive it is. I do own 4 DLCs, but I intend to buy only as much as I need to advance, and no more. They have made statements about how we are expected to play the game, and I am asking them to keep their word, or state they have changed their position. This looks like a change by accident, and I don't plan to pay them one extra cent to work around a mistake on their part.
  4. inferno Loyal Player

    First i need to make sure of what you meant. You have ALL of the DLC all the way to War of the LIght part 1, which is Episode 9 and none after that.
    Before the update at CR 100 running WOTL part 1, you were not receiving Marks of Fury, right? So even IF you had Amazon Fury part 1, you would not be able to purchase any 92 gear.
    In fact the only way for you to progress, is to keep running A and B to get the gear there OR the MoTs you were getting to buy the vendor gear?

    Now after Update 47:
    Even IF the update had not raised your CR to 102 and you had remained CR 100, you still won't get Marks of Victory because you had just passed the border. So now you have no option of gaining Marks of Victory because you do not want to buy the next episode. Obviously, at 102 the situation is the same.

    The question: How do you progress your toon and gear up if you are not able to run ANY instances that gives you marks.
    The answer which you already know is to keep running A and B raid until you get the gear you need and to complete your 90 gear set.
    This is the only option you have left yourself. And after that how do you progress?

    Well, you don't. The top gear at War of the Light is level 90 gear. you want higher gear choose another episode to purchase.

    I'm sorry but it seems like you do have a relevant instance to run to keep progressing for now.
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  5. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    He is absolutely right. You ran the course, either buy new content, go Legendary, or make an alt. You won DCUO on that one.
  6. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Loyalty Points for membership loyalty.

    maybe premiums should get "Usually Interested Enough to Pay Points"
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  7. c6relic New Player

    Really? Now you guys start thinking about this issue? You should've waited before pushing out this update, but you guys only ever look through the eyes of your legendary members.

    None of you ever see the bigger picture.
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  8. Enzan Committed Player

    We tried to tell them it's going to happen. :(
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  9. Epiclurker Well-Known Player

    Pay to get past level 20? Are you sure you aren't talking about a trial account?
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  10. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player


    Yea...something like this overlooked or not addressed before hand is not good.

    It is understandable how it could've been overlooked on test. Since you start 110+ but this will be damaging if not fixed ASAP. Will cause people to stop playing, or only play on there highest CR toon. Bushiness wise I see them finding a fix for this very soon.
  11. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    In most games, F2P is a trial account, if there is a subscription choice. Guild Wars does not count, cause there is no sub, period. But can you get to max in STO or CO? Yes, kinda, but not really. You cannot make your own powerset in CO if you don't pay. In STO you cannot be an admiral, unless you pay. So that is two games that I know are F2P that make you subscribe to really play the whole game. That makes it a trial account.
  12. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    The only way the devs could have known this before the update hitting Live, would have been making all characters on test server start at "fresh" level 30 without T2+ gear/marks being available in the vendor/boxes.

    Since both GU47 and DLC 14 were on test at the same time, pretty much everyone was testing the newest content, not going back to old content to experience the normal progression. It would have taken quite a long time for everyone on test server to start fresh from CR30 and go all the way to T6 to notice the inconsistencies.

    How long does it take now to get a new character from T1 to the kinda iffy tiers (T3-T5) now? Well, the answer to that, would be the time it would have taken the Update to be tested in that particular area.

    This was a pretty big update so, those things to be overlooked are kinda expected. Changes will be made, corrections, etc. The best way to have this whole thing resolved, is having patience, giving constructive and detailed feedback, and not being an impatient <Dousing Device> with a tin foil hat making threats and calling the devs all kinds of names.
  13. Blacktric23 New Player

    Well yeah I think something has to change. And due to mepps reply in this thread I think there is still hope for people who have this issue.
  14. c6relic New Player

    No, that's wrong, STO allows you to reach Admiral without ever having to subscribe. However you get a ship token to use on a T5 ship if your a subscriber. I'm level 60 and have never subbed to STO before, I may have a couple of Z-store ships, but never subscribed.

    Subscribing to STO is purely optional, not needed to progress further into the game.
  15. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    I finished the missions I had available to me. The ones that were "relevant" pretty quick. But after that, I just didn't want to deal with my high level characters anymore. Starting a new alt from scratch seemed to help. Leveling up isn't taking as long as it used to with me and I'm watching all the MoV roll in. I just have to keep reminding myself of the cap.

    I just hope things are adjusted or fixed before I level up any higher with my new alt. And not just doors slamming shut and locking behind me as I level up. Otherwise I'll just be in the same situation again with this alt as I am with the rest of my higher level characters.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

  17. Swamarian Committed Player

    Legendaries are all current players (or at least currently participating in the game). Premiums include people who haven't played in over a year. Or, to put it another way, legendaries are currently paying for the game, and premiums aren't.
  18. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    where you banned for going all negative about a certain topic?
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player


    guess certain people dont like hearing the truth about certain things :rolleyes:
  20. NightBandit New Player

    I loathe GU47...