How to continue in the game? New CR 100+ problem

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Blacktric23, May 6, 2015.

  1. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    For that quote, it's simply two words: Villain and T4. I wonder if the devs actually tried playing a new villain queueing into content to actually see the problem of relevancy at this stage. 8 players content is almost impossible to find at that stage which only leaves Inner Sanctum and Wayward Soul (when the latter is not bugged in the gorilla part which it was today). Hopefully solo are going to be solved but that still leave a very meager content compared to T3, T5 and T6 which is very likely to discourage lots of new players and who will never make it to T5 among villains.
    If new episodes don't cover T4 content, then the window should be broaden to incorporate T3 and T4 content together as being of the same relevancy. Maybe with less marks the higher CR tier but still enough content to play to actually be able to make the character progress at that stage
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  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    As he said, he was 100 before the update. He wasn't progressing too much farther anyway. He can still get raid gear from A&B. Buying vendor gear is a bit more convenient, yes, but his progress has gotten to the point he needed a new episode anyway.
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  3. Gooba1223 Well-Known Player

    spitting in the face of premiums is nothing new

    server goes down for 8 hours?

    oh lets give all legendarys 500 loyalty points but give premiums nothing
  4. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    How were you even able to get the Marks of Fury and Symbols as a premium player before they changed the currency, if all you owned was the Fight for the Light part 1?

    A mystery, if you ask me being that you can't even get into none of the later content to even see the vendors in Mogo or Gotham Underseige to begin with unless,... you let your sub run out.

    Almost sounds as though your trying to blame others for buying, either subs or episodes when you were riding for free and doing neither.

    Ok, then Mepps how about 1 of those God trinkets since you all are at it for giving premiums products that others have paid for, since we are asking for free content.
  5. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Balancing considered, you should never be able to hit a plateau where you cannot earn marks, especially if there is >no< content you can actually run - stuff that hasn't been created yet. I'm offering up a suggestion here. One method for players to return to earning marks, especially in cases like this, would be to enter the queue for whatever content, but toggle on stat clamping on themselves. Doing so and completing the content capped at-level would reward, at the very least, 1 MoV.
  6. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    If someone isn't paying any money for game time then the server being down isn't costing the player anything. On the other hand it is costing the legendary player paid playing time.

    What would you have liked them to give you? It could not be the same reward because premiums aren't paying for game time.
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    He obviously meant War of the Light I. And where did he say anything about Symbols or Gotham Under Siege? o_O
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  8. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    I hope so, I just returned to this game after not playing for 2yr so I'm leveling new characters with the different powers added over the past couple of years so I'd hate to have to deal with not getting marks while still working on a certain tier of gear but that aside probably about 3yr ago or so whenever the game went free to play is when I first tried it out. I decided to buy some dlcs but then decided to pay for the sub to get out from under the cash cap, since i returned I am paying the sub again.

    I only mention this because some people on these forums and maybe even some in game that don't post on the forums might think free or premium players don't matter but some of them might just decide to buy dlcs or buy from the cash shop or pay for the monthly sub but if they feel like it's too much of an uphill battle to progress then some of those potential paying players might leave and not spend money. I'm the type that will just deal with whatever because I enjoy this game, always did. I didn't leave it because I wasn't enjoying it, there were other reasons.

    Even if there are free players, those players add humans to the game and this is a MMO so it is all about us humans grouping up to enjoy the content the game offers. The more people playing obviously should mean the easier it is to group up for desired content. Far as this thread goes though, when I'm gearing up these new characters I really don't want to find myself being forced to move onto the next tier without completing the current tier because I want to complete each set of gear as I go rather than do like I did in past years on alts by giving them a ton of tradeables to instantly have high enough CR to jump into central city upon hitting level 30 and from there back then proceed to have my guild carry my new alt into raids like fos3 and gates to gear fast lol. This time with these new characters I want to fully enjoy it all and not be forced to rush or skip over anything.
  9. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I do not understand this at all. You are "forced" to get the next update? Were you planning on getting all the gear and not moving up? You were already max CR as is. I am really confused about what you are complaining about. Yes, I am Legendary, but even so I can tell that this is a non issue. That is unless you were planning on never getting to T5+ Just sub for a month, that would be smarter than buying one or two DLCs and cheaper too.
  10. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    You were more than kind for players in T6B, if you extend the same courtesy across all tiers, there will be a lot of happy campers.

    A reasonable overlap will fix the only real issue I have left with GU47, and most things are a lot better than I'd expected, especially for those of us over 108 who thought we'd lose currency rewards from T6A content.
  11. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Premium players should be free to play the way they wish and not suddenly be forced to buy new content because the game arbitrarily forces them to by removing currency rewards.

    If he wants to sit in T5 and farm out a full set of the level 90 vendor gear before buying the next DLC, that's his choice and it shouldn't be denied to him or anyone. It wasn't prior to GU47, yet the update forcefully removed that option.

    The issue was pointed out weeks before GU47 hit live and nothing was done about it, there should be a better overlap outside of T6.

    All they need to do is equip a full set the cutoff point for earning currency 1 CR about what a full set of gear from that tier would give.

    104 for T5; a full set of 90 gear = CR103.5.
    90 for T4
    81 for T3
    65 for T2
    56 for T1

    Not certain the calculation holds accurate for lower tiers, values look high, not sure on max ring/weapon levels within those tiers so I set everything to vendor gear level for that tier, yet not all vendors have weapons etc. Basic principle is the same, equip highest level item for every slot from each DLC, add 1 to the CR, that's when you stop earning marks from that DLC.
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  12. Blacktric23 New Player

    exactly thank. just for clarifying what the problem is.
    Like he said I want to grind full T 5.9 and stay there. BUT i am not able to buy for example styles from the other vendors for my feats, since I can not earn any more marks.
    I know that I was close to the maximum CR for my DLCS but i want to at least be able to buy full armor. I am still missing like 5 pieces. all other are CR 90. the 5 that are missing are between 85 and 87.
  13. JumpStarter New Player

    Yes I am in the same position as you, I like staying premium and in the tier of the DLC i purchased and play it slowly until i get all the vendor gear and styles.

    But with the new update, it appears that we can't do this any more, unless you've worked your way up to the highest relevancy range, and bought all the DLCs as a premium.

    Would the only way to complete styles and gear, be to delete pieces of gear to lower your CR you so can go back down into the relevancy range and earn marks again?

    Even then you could never equip the whole Scion of Ion set because you can never buy them all at once without going over cr100.
  14. Blacktric23 New Player

    yeah you need to destroy your gear in order to get into relevancy range. that is stupid and even then you are not able to get new gear only grind for existing styles, because equipping better gear would get you out of the relevancy range again.
    As it is rigjht now you can not complete your highest Tear gear if you are in a positon like we are,
  15. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

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  16. Epiclurker Well-Known Player

    Yes dear, we are all forced to get the update. You can't play the game without GU 47.
  17. ILike2Vape Well-Known Player

    Perfect :)
  18. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    I entered a bug report on another progression issue between T5 and T6.

    The devs previous statement was that playing any one of the T5 DLCs would get you gear to meet CR 99 so you could start AF1 solos and move into T6. I own only SoT at T5 and have 2 characters with the max available gear for that DLC. One had the gear well modded and was CR99 before, and equipped CR is now 98. One was weakly modded and his CR was 97 before, and is now 98. So it appears any new characters gearing through SoT can only reach 98 now, not 99 as needed for T6. I do not want to have to buy more T5 content, just to get +1 CR to allow me to buy AF1.

    I think the previous adjustment they made to allow characters to progress from SoT to AF1, was lowering the entry requirement for the iconic solos from 100 to 99. If the new math is right, they may need to lower it to 98.
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  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    this was bound to happen eventually as your gear progressed it just happened sooner than you expected they already allow players to proceed pretty far with having spent little money on this game so If you want to progress you will need to buy later content.. they are in the business of making money or the game wouldn't exist in the first place. while im sorry this is were you are at if you enjoy the game you shouldn't mind spending a little to be able to play it. the value for your money is much more than say even going out to dinner as you are able to get many more hours of enjoyment out of it.. good luck and play on
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  20. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I brought that issue up myself Wild, in another thread. Although it doesnt effect me I've got enough to do with my own characters I had noticed that t3 - t4 groups finding raids on USPC villain side was difficult in those tiers without a league backing you up.

    I did get an answer, I'm just not sure you'll like it.