How to be an obnoxious player.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by hintofcoolness, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    Guy the other night in a pug raid I was trolling should have written a guide.

    I've been playing MMOs forever and I'm used to it but in my experience obnoxious players are usually obnoxious in one specific, specialized way (and, yes, this can be irritating if you are not accustomed to it.)

    MULTI-FACETED obnoxiousness, on the other hand, is much rarer and (as opposed to irritating) is typically comical in the "is-this-guy-for-real?" way. Especially when that player is the ONLY one talking (raging) in instance chat.

    So, all in the same raid, same guy, DPS role [insert thrash-metal intro] of course:

    1) Early in the raid, not at first boss yet: "What's up [dps that is one CR ahead of me], what's going on with your damage I'm beating the [expletive] out of you, step it up." Obnoxious Player™ must let any CR above him and the entire group know if he is outperforming them in any way due to any reason.

    2) After opening the maze [clicking cog/carrying X item to Y location/insert mechanic here] he demanded thanks.

    Actually, he ASSUMED thanks, since his unsolicited words were "You're WELCOME everybody." Obnoxious Player™ must let the group know his prowess at clicking.

    3)So the healer was on the low side CR-wise, admittedly, but was doing a heck of a job solo healing and we did finish the content in a relatively fast manner in the end. In the middle of the raid, Obnoxious Player™ dies (likely dpsing when the tank briefly lost aggro due to scripted event,) berates the healer mercilessly, and warns "if there's anyone you want to keep alive it's me, I'm top dps bro."

    This was my favorite part since 154 DPSs are a dime a dozen. Who do you think the group felt was more important, him or the solo healer that was doing a fine job keeping the tank alive? [snicker]

    ...and lastly...

    4)The obligatory "you guys are all idiots" at the one and only final boss wipe. Because Obnoxious Player™ knows. Always.

    We nailed the boss the second time and....


    Seen it all before just not wrapped in the perfect obnoxious package. I think the only reason he wasn't kicked was because he was so damn entertaining.

    Stories? Somebody tell me they've seen worse...

    P.S. He was also a heavy mouth-breather.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I would have trolled the #$%& out of him. Not gonna lie.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Come on hint I wasnt that bad in the raid you're making up at least half of what I said.
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  4. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    Whoever it was, he was a RIOT.
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  5. House New Player

    Did he have the spark/cc hood/super speed combination by any chance?
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  6. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    LOLOL Oh my, that would've been fitting. Unfortunately I didn't take a good look ;)
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  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Wow, that guy was, "special"
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  8. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I probably would of kicked him early or looked him up on wavedox and made fun of the feats he was missing.
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  9. metalfenix Committed Player

    someday, I will make a villain with a name including "Obnoxious".
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  10. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'm livid about the superspeed, spark, captain cold hood mention. I have a friend who has that look now and than and she is a sweet girl.... well at least that word won't get me in trouble with the devs. That being said she is a real nice gal and I'd back her any day of the week... maybe I should go ahead and beat these other spark, hoody, speedster people up to protect her rep.

    That being said I would've trolled him and I would have fun doing so. Probably would have ended up on his ignore by the end of it but I could really care less. Actually I would care a lot now that I think of it because in the moment it would be a great deal of fun ;)
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  11. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    *great job* - Griffin McElroy
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  12. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    I think if it had looked like the run would have ended in failure (or would be been unreasonably long) then he likely would have been kicked by someone but we were moving along at a decent pace and I can't stress enough how entertaining such special people are when literally NOBODY is engaging them in conversation in any way. Just a funny-as-heck monologue of obnoxiousness.
  13. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    Obnoxious Player™ is magnanimous in victory! LOL
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  14. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Kudos to you for just taking it all in and laughing! Idk if I would have been able to resist going full blown troll on 'em :)
  15. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Oh wow, i'm usually a bit annoying in most runs just because I never stop typing nonsense, but to think a specimen like this exists o.o....
    Is it the age? Am I slipping?...I need to step up my game. :(
  16. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    A specimen like this indeed exists. Unaccounted for in your Surviving the Pug. Others must be warned!
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  17. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Fortunately, I rarely run into peeps like this.

    My more common experience is that there are 3 people in the raid that all know what to do. "No, stand here, there or don't move from there troll!" people. And after several wipes of trying each way that they've "done it a million times with their league," we finally beat the boss and whoever's strategy we happen to be on at that time says, "see, I told you so!." :rolleyes:
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  18. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    You forgot the "Comical" personality.
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  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

    "i know what im doing dumb*** i been here since beta f**** u f*****"

    well u been doing it wrong since beta lol
  20. seek76 Committed Player

    Funny and in my experience the truth.
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