I remember seeing this happening, but just now I decided to actually save some nth metal for it. Is it rare? Is it random?
They used to be scheduled a couple weeks before new episode releases but now they've recently decided to stop doing that.
Rly? Ah, that's sad...guess there's no point on saving it now then. My character could really use the boost from the artifacts. Ok, thanks.
There's nothing to say that they've decided to stop it, it could simply be at a different date, generally there are 2 or 3 in the year and 2024 is just beginning, the event weeks have never been set at a precise date.
Lorax is incorrect. They never claimed to have stopped. What they DID say is that they did not want events to be so predictable. Bonus nth exp week used to normally happen 2-4 weeks before a new dlc came out. They decided to desync bonuses. We have no real idea of when or how often they will happen. Mepps did make a comment today (I think. Been a long week lol). Someone asked if the introduction of wolf arts meant no more bonus nth weeks. He said that the bonuses and wolf arts are not related. We can possibly get another one. It no way of knowing when
ALWAYS save your nth metal for 2X xp week. I suppose if you’re using any <120 arts it makes sense to get them to 120 ASAP since it takes very little xp to get an artifact to 120. But beyond that you wanna save it. I have 20 200 artifacts and paid very little money (especially if you don’t count seals prior to the Dr. Fate vendor system). That was only possible by saving all my nth metal and only using it during the bonus week. Also grinding source marks for catalysts.
Whenever it was .....it just got bumped 2 weeks for asking. Save it unless you read they are discontinuing them. Personally I'd guess it will be a while, but even if it's months, the 2x payoff is worth not having a few 60-130 artifacts slotted during that time. Unless you are looking to run Elite, in which case no artis might get you excluded....but so would 'low' (under 160) artis for the most part, so same difference there....especially as a support role.
Its been 9 months since the last one and I'm pretty sure this is the longest they've gone since they first did one. It will be a full year in April and if they don't bring one out in the next month, my guess is they will make it a full year and just do it in April again.
Nah, the last one was in June alongside the EoG nerf. Since they did two of them so close to each other, one could assume that is why the next one is delayed further.