How much?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 9001BPM, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    They’ve been fed a narrative that new players leave because veterans soloing the content makes the game too easy for them. That’s probably why they did it all simultaneously.
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  2. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    $93.00 for one???
    You can keep that garbage.
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  3. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    I agree, these allies are very expensive should put them in the game, it would be more entertaining.
  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You seriously need to give it a rest.
    If you tried half as hard in game as you do on the forums you shouldn't have any issues in the game.
  5. Redwingsrock New Player

    I am confused, i bought the flash ally for 450 daybreak cash, did they go up in price? This was before I found out you could get them for 100 source marks. Also, is there more allies available now?
  6. Sweet Daddy Level 30

  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I never said the narrative wasn’t true, although I suppose I accidentally implied it with my wording. Sorry about that. In my opinion, it’s one of many possible reasons. I doubt everyone quits for the exact same reason.
  8. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

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  9. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    The same pricing math could be applied for Artifacts. to avoid the normal route of playing and leveling.
  10. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Pay the money to instantly have Max ally, or spend in game marks over the course of time to level it the normal intended way.
  11. Sweet Daddy Level 30

    you welp this is true cuz we need to get this Ally system removed from the game fast
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    True, but you don’t have to pay money to acquire any particular artifact.
  13. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Sort of. My point on that is that if they are charging such a greater price for Legendary Allies then they have to have things that make them worth that value. Greater DPS than Rares or Epics is just one possible avenue.
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  14. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Have they stated that the legendary ones are only purchasable? I haven't seen that said yet
  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Cyborg isn’t selling them, or legendary alliance tokens.
  16. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    $200 for ONE ally?

    Are you guys serious?

  17. MrWood Well-Known Player

    I think he messed up his story about having a job WITH great benefits. I bet was thing about becoming a dev and the great benefits they have. Repost same gif for same effect.
  18. Redwingsrock New Player

    Ok, sounds like they have added more.
  19. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I'm waiting for a definitive answer before I light the torch and sharpen the pitchfork. I Highly doubt they will remain marketplace only.
  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I blew my budget on booster bundles. There will be zero in game purchases until the next resurgence capsule drops.

    That's about it.