How many guys here will switch to Atomic?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xibo, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. YinChakra Dedicated Player

  2. Nemisor Committed Player

    i was going to, then the colour came out as orange which put me off a little.

    i might finally make a villain though. wont swap my main from rage. Atomic wont be as strong tank wise as rage or ice but it does have some nice pulls going on.
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  3. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    [quote="jpharrah1010, post: I've also bad experiences where a tank dyed I switched to help in that boss fight and the other tank quickly stitches to dps and I'm stuck tanking when I really wanted to dps

    I tank for my league and my friends that's it ... (Generally)[/quote]

    lol, same
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  4. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    The power looks exactly like the comics. It's hard to find something realistic because we haven't seen it in real life actually.
    If they made it like in the Flash series THEN it would be Fire 2.0.
    Other powers like earth, water, munitions, etc, can be seen in the real world, so it's pretty easy to create something.
    I think the power looks beautiful and the mechanic are extraordinary.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    My main (same name as my forum handle) is ready to switch to Atomic. Had been planning to change him to Atomic ever since the SOE live presentation. My main is a DPS only...always has been, always will be...nothing on this earth will ever change that. He's been mostly Ice in the interim (originally Earth, then switched around for a bit).
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  6. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    I have 32 slots ...and sad to say..prob one less HL toon too play once atomic hits..I'll keep the other 2 HLs though..but yes..I'll have an atomic toon np...
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  7. SnowStar Committed Player

    I might get my fill on the test server and maybe create an alt, but I might eventually change over. Yes, unfortunately I am a lookie-loo and not a hardcore tester. My hats off to those that do true testing - on their own time and dime - and help with the game's QA - that is good and important work.

    I have multiple power respecs that were intended to change to troll and healer to consume the role-specific styles collecting dust in my bank, so those come first. Also, re-upping my sub probably comes first as it went bye-bye yesterday :( I'm looking at other alternatives to all access at the moment, not sure all access makes sense anymore for me. Anyway, </end thread derailment>
  8. Impulsively Committed Player

    No, at least not immediately. I've got all 10 character slots occupied at the moment and don't feel the need to drop any of them or switch any of their powers out. It looks like a great power that might be very fun and very versatile in both roles. But it's just not for me right now.
  9. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I'm keen to but I'm still enjoying Aftershock tanking atm so can't decide just yet
  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Main is going from fire to atomic. Can't wait!
  11. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Scrapping my 140 Munitons DPS for Atomic Tanking
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  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    I've got a respec token waitin for release day :D
  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Been ice forever. I cant wait for atomic to get here already.
  14. Dogico Loyal Player

    Already got my respec token and I'll be grinding for might mods until it drops. Unless they make tweaks to Earth dpsing/tanking I don't see myself switching back.
  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Can level 2 end game in a week
    Hundred skill points not great but will due and can scoope a hundred in my sleep
    Spend money on changing powers then replay cause we want the new gear? NOPE
    More u try to lure me into spending money via drops less I spend. U hurt the game ill use said injuries to my benefit. The above mentioned advantages hooks me up leveling a new toon and nkw I dont need 2 replay. I got 2 not one chance to get a tank elite gear having two tanks less replays so win win 4 me.

    If it aint legendary I aint spending a penny till luck ends my progression or best gear in vendors... k ty
  16. Marorin Active Player

    I got my respec token. I just HATE that I feel pressured to go to Atomic because elec DPS just sucks.
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  17. Proto1118 Committed Player

    New character for me. Already got the name I wanted, kind of.
  18. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I have an alt that should have been atomic in the first place. He'll switch. He will not switch to something else at any later date.
  19. Controller Devoted Player

    I'll be building an Atomic toon, but still spending much time on my HL one.

    I've invested too much time to permanently switch, now. Still a LOT of power, stuns and debuffs to give.
  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm switching my main villain from HL to Atomic.

    I might switch my Ice hero as well, but haven't decided yet.