How is Rage more OP than Celestial, HL, Gadgets, Mental and etc?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Van Tooren, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Van Tooren New Player

    People keep complaining about how rage is OP and I noticed, the people who say it are usually Celestial and HL power sets. Personally, I believe the only closest power to being OP is Celestial due to the little power it needs to function properly.

    So what makes Rage more OP than the other top damage dps' out there?
  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    What makes rage a bit over the top right now is the with cr90 gear and relentless anger self healing buff almost everything in the game can be meleed and rage can do some serious work while in melee range.

    Hopefully newer content will force rage DPS to have to be very careful and tactful about when to go melee.

    The supposed nerf to outrage actually increased DPS by forcing in a rotation of either dreadful blast, revenge, or frenzy to name a few.

    Range wise HL and celestial are still golden

    I think a really strong gadgets could keep up melee wise but I haven't seen it yet.
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  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    -Gadgets is only OP in over-geared content where it can kill everything before anything else gets a chance(Basically the reason it had so much hype in the T4 era)
    -HL is the only OP-ish power that requires actual skill to be OP
    -Mental is not OP. Its balanced
    -Celestial needs looked at definitely imo.
    -Rage can keep up and beat Celestial if played right, thus it is OP? I have no idea. Both powers should be looked at I guess
    -Rage has more survivability in DPS stance than any other tank power, which I think is a little more than unfair.

    I personally think its a prec vs might thing. These prec powers are clearly better than might powers and the only powers that can not get embarrassed, are the Troll Powersets. Which is funny because before the general consensus that Precision Powersets reign supreme in the DPS world it was in fact Troll Powersets that were clearly superior.

    Prec Powers > Troll Powersets> Everyone else
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  4. ASH New Player

    rage for melee is amazing because of the berserker supercharge.
    for staying range its not stronger as celest, hardlight or gadget. and mental is amazing for single target.
  5. TrueOlympus New Player

    That's because it can't FYI
  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Not sure if Rage is OP but far as Celestial, depends on the player and loadout. I have a celestial toon myself, I can say I'm not the best with it. I feel like I'm not putting the damage out like most.
  7. TrueOlympus New Player

    Range wise Rage will probably be out-DPSed by Celestial and a Skilled HL. Kept up with by most of the Troll powers, but any other power actually has weaker range capabilities as well. When they made rage they seemed to balance it with the upper extremes of the powers rather than the mean or medium.
  8. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    That is not true at all. I been playing with a gadget player that is a beast. For the year I been playing with him, he has only been placed number 1 in every scoreboard. He was in SoL, and they could probably vouch for his pve skills.
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  9. Van Tooren New Player

    Maybe Rage needs looking at too, but I don't believe it's any more OP than HL, Gadgets and especially Celestial.
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  10. Van Tooren New Player

    I think gadgets needs a whole lot of skill as well. Maybe even more than HL imo.
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  11. TrueOlympus New Player

    Are you saying Gadgets is OP???
  12. Van Tooren New Player

    I normally see good rage users use range anyway for T5 raids. It's still really tricky to melee those bosses. But anything but those, yeah, is quite melee-able.
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    I personally don't think Gadgets is OP. reason why i said hardlight is the only OP-ish power that requires skill.
  14. Van Tooren New Player

    I know some serious beast dps' who use gadgets though. I personally couldn't get the hang of it so my gadgets toon is mostly for trolling. I love it for PvP though.
  15. frrrreeezze2 New Player

    im new to the forums but i know these power sets very bwell
    ive used HL and Celestial but rage is faster and has 2 precison buffs
    if rage is used properly with rifle or dual weild and a very good troller they will do more dameage than HL or celetial in range or melle
    I can actually do this and in each alert i get a minimum of 1 million damage either with or without other dps
    look at third loadout
  16. Fourth New Player

    Can't tell if you meant to put mental up there orrrrr? I think mental is pretty balanced..
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    The only thing questionably OP about Rage is the Berserk SC. Otherwise, I think it's pretty balanced. Best damage is from melee range, where you have some risk. It's also more power hungry than some of the others, so the damage out comes with a cost.
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  18. frrrreeezze2 New Player

    well this loadout is good but no ps3 player can do it that fast
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  19. frrrreeezze2 New Player

    doesnt use berserk
  20. 1st God New Player

    Boy o' Boy...SMH. To start, players who complain about rage being able to melee more than other powers obvioulsy don't listen to the devs when the said it is big risk big reward. The power is designed to melee more so than other powers(if you all actually played as rage you would know that). Saying that other powers can't melee like rage in higher content is true because your particular power is not DESIGNED FOR THAT. That is like saying why is Cel in healer stance able to do more damage than other healer powers, why is HL able to do end-less combos, why does Gad have so many power interactions, why does Cel not require any power interactions, why does Mental hit harder with encasement, why does Ice have really good shields, why does cast time powers hit hard? THAT IS HOW THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR MORE VARIETY. SMH. If this does not sum it up for you all then I feel sorry for this game, because it will go nowhere fast at that rate. You all cry about BERSERK, but you get easily interrupted. If that's the case then rage players should cry about OBLIVION since it hits everything and you cannot be interrupted or CURSED IDOL since it hits everything and its a 25% that you have a power that will buff it and it last long as heck. PICTURE PAINTED YET?????
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