How do we obtain Powerset auras after Resurgence is gone?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheEpicCrash, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Speaking of Candy Crush...I recently saw a TV commercial that was *specifically* made by the developer to advertise that they have RNG loot boxes, in the midst of all the political uproar over them...
  2. OmegaMan nWo Level 30

    I also left SWTOR after 5.0 and the needless link between gear progression and RNG crates.
    This is very different in my opinion.
    TC's are a whole different discussion so lets not get sidetracked but these auras and the mega capsules are pretty much cosmetic items and have no link to progression. I opened three today without spending a dime because i do the stabilizer event daily and had 25 saved up since the paradox capsules dropped. I also made 20 million this morning just selling 2 of my 3 power auras and a few gear boxes from the mega capsules. Its honestly the best deal the game has ever offered.

    If you want an item from a previous TC then the mega capsules are not the way to go.
    Also, all of those feats and extra SP are not necessary to play the game or get to end game. I have people in my league with half my SP and they arent mad that they arent always number one on the leader boards. If you want that extra advantage, it takes more than just TC feats anyway. It requires years of grinding content to get the majority of the games feats.

    The real problem with this limited event is two fold. The first being that it is limited and even the capsules expire. The second being that this is a stabilizer sink because its been so long since the paradox capsules dropped that everyone has been saving stabilizers.They obviously want us to burn our stabilizers so people have an incentive to buy more once the next TC is released. Dont fall for it. Use the stabilizers you have now on the mega capsules and save up until the next TC is released. You can stick it to the devs and save money this way. If you want a specific power aura, play the broker.They're rapidly dropping in price as the event goes on, same goes for all TC contents. The way to make money off of this is to open them early when they are released so you can get the contents sold before the market is flooded. Early bird and all that...
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  3. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Already broker prices on TC items is bottoming out, with the possible exception of collection pieces. Hera Emblem Cache, for example, was below $2500 a couple of hours ago
  4. OmegaMan nWo Level 30

    And i forgot to mention the ludicrous amount of quarks i was able to get from opening just three of the mega capsules. I nearly doubled my quarks and can get any of the modular powerset auras i want from the quark vendor. Not a penny spent too. Its a sweet deal.
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  5. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Like I said, I respect your right to choose what you like. I apologize for misreading the RNG box vs. aura thing, since you commenting in this thread that's specifically about auras I thought that's what you were talking about.

    Some people would be turned off by a game that requires you to purchase it ($50 or $60?) and also has microtransactions in it. I don't mind that personally however, as long as the microtransactions are completely cosmetic. In my mind, these are, because the aura is what I'm purchasing, the rest is just extra.

    But, you're free to play the types of games that make you feel comfortable, and that's important. I don't really get into MOBAs personally, because I find them too repetitive (PVE is more fun than PVP to me), but Overwatch does look cool with the amount of different characters it has.
  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So you'd rather they didn't make auras?

    Or you'd rather that they eliminate the broker and not let players trade anything?

    I'm confused by your reasoning here. You feel that having money gives you an advantage because you can purchase things like simple mats and complex mats to craft mods instead of doing it all by hand or something?
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  7. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Yeah just like he can do in SWTOR and he knows it. Everything in their packs are tradable and constantly sold on their broker (not saying the prices are good but still).

    He's trying to make SWTOR's packs look bad when they have been done quite well, with none of the issues that other game's loot boxes have had. SWTOR is not Battlefront 2 in anyway.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Things like Qwardian legs are only 50k now - its going to be great for people trying to catch up
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yes, I agree. Purely cosmetic. The drop rates aren't always the best, but no one forces anyone to buy anything. The question I always like to ask is (because let's face it, few people want to spend $75 on a platinum lightsaber ((yeah, that's what it cost) as a straight purchase) the devs are saying, this is how much it cost us to make this, do you want it or would you rather we simply don't create anything new?

    But I guess using the broker is forbidden, while using gold that accumulates from Overwatch's repeat rng loot drops and playing the game is permitted. Or something. :D
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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    How about the guy trying to buy every single scorching aura so he can horde them an extort everyone later?

    IF someone is nice enough to spend extra u should do whatever possible to assure they are happy and satisfied NOT unhappy and dissapointed. I mean seems simple
  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    As far as i know u could buy the entire baseball card set for a fair reasonable price negating "luck" u were subjected to buying individual packs.

    U see a difference?
  12. Roocck Committed Player

    You forget to put two 00 after 2-4? More like 200-400mil, thats the way its always been with these crazy prices....
  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Actually, no you couldn't. The packs always had rare chromes, etc. that weren't available through other means.
  14. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    ?? Did you actually look on the broker?
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    His loss. It would be different if the drop rates were in favor of scorching being the rarest. But they're not, so his artificial bubble will burst sooner rather than later. Or is he going to buy 500 auras to keep the prices high, lol? If it's a group of people (more likely) they have to sleep sometime, lol. Prices were at 40,000,000 for the scorching this morning. What are they at now? Half that? On day 1? For the most desired aura?

    As far as the 2nd paragraph, I agree, to a point. The question is,

    What if DCUO said, each aura (1) costs $15. That's what we have to charge to make a profit.

    Would you be OK with that, or would you rather they simply didn't make any new cosmetic items?
  16. Vagrant Committed Player

    You completely missed everything from that post.

    Its two fold, if I have money in game or in real life I have a very clear advantage vs other players who do not. The reason being because I can drop money to get things that I can then sell immediately to buy power in game. This isn't necessarily in conjunction with the mega capsules either. Players have a very real ability to just buy into settling themselves in game.

    The original post is saying that we as players have let this happen because we literally let companies like Daybreak take CLEAR ADVANTAGE of us.
  17. Super_National Well-Known Player

    I'm not trying to make SWTOR packs look any particular way. I simply stated my dislike for the model, the fact that I left the game over it, and the fact that I'm not renewing my DCUO sub for any additional time due to the same reasons.

    I, at absolutely no time, compared SWYOR to BF2 in any way, shape, or form.

    A couple of you are extremely talented at reading stuff that was never typed in the first place.

    I'm having a love/hate relationship with Overwatch right now. It was a primary reason I decided to give DCUO a look after five years of not even thinking much about it. Geoff Goodman is the Hero Design and Balance guy. This is the guy that headed the absolute worst era of WoW class imbalance when he was in WoW. Then he was in Heroes of the Storm at launch and hero balance was a hot mess. He's been with Overwatch since launch, and now, almost 2 years into his reign, hero balance is still a mess.

    With Activision looking to charge $35 million to $60 million a team slot for new investors in season 2 of the Overwatch League, and Overwatch actually losing some of its popularity, not to mentiom Fortnite gaining on it, I'm hoping like hell that Activision moves Jeff Kaplan and Geoff Goodman off the game sometime in 2019.

    Between early November and early March (just over four calendar months), Overwatch ran no less than three 50% MSRP sales. That's a new record even for Blizzard.
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  18. Roocck Committed Player

    If everyone would follow and do the same this RNG cash issue would end...
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  19. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Apparently you started playing SWTOR after it went f2p. Once they introduced crates, 99% of all armor and weapon styles, pets, emotes, mounts, dyes and crystals were introduced via those accursed gambling boxes. In the beginning, there were vendors all over the game that sold orange shells. Many more dropped in flashpoint and operations. Eventually, those vendors were removed and only blue gear dropped in content. Operations still had tier gear tokens but that's it. If you wanted a unique look, you had to use crate gear.

    There is no defending EAWare. Don't even try. Even the Malgus statue that came with my collector's edition is crying over what happened to that game.
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  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You're still not being clear. What power? What are you talking about?

    How can players "buy power in game?"

    Is the best gear in time capsules on an in-game vendor?

    Does the best gear require you to run content or not?

    If you mean replay badges, I totally agree that they're bad for the game, because they make content old faster. But saying they're necessary to obtain gear is false. Someone who uses replay badges still has to play the same content, the same number of times, so they don't get any kind of advantage whatsoever, except finishing earlier.

    Please give more details to what your accusations are. You're being pretty vague here.
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