How do we get new players off the ship???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChillCat, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. X-zero Loyal Player

    Everyone can't be worthy to join the fight against Brainiac. Some must succumb to him usually those with good names.
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  2. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Such great ideas for the beginning of the game. I'm also tired of this brainiac ship. Not fun. And not useful and not teaching new players. I hope the devs will change it for something better.
  3. X-zero Loyal Player

    Sometimes people take there nameholds out for a little test drive, some play for a while and comeback only to realize they have to start the mission from the beginning, and some people realize they hate the combat style by then.
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  4. UltraVillain Committed Player

    I don't believe many players giver up at the Braniac ship, I suspect this is really a statistic heavily distorted by player alts either just 'reserving names' or expecting to level them..... 'one day'.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Make them buy the game. They would than be financially invested.

    Cost should be $5 and include Light power, Fight for Light Eposide and Green Aura.

    No more free downloads and players are getting $15 worth of stuff for $5. I think it is worth that value.
  6. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Any value in some kind of abandonment timer? New player that hasn't left the Brainiac ship after 6 months is considered "abandoned" and dissolved. Would be a good way to clean up the population numbers and free up claimed names.
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  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    If you're going to insult the general public, best to use somewhat proper Grammer and spelling.
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  8. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Also, what about an option for skipping the Brainiac ship if you already have a main toon above level 30?
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  9. Backseid Devoted Player

    Lol, yeah, cause someone fresh off the ship will be popping into the next raid with you.

    And don't sit here pretending you knew everything perfectly the first time you went through the ship.
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  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    So much this. Strait to 30 actually.
  11. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    It sounds like the campaign needs a severe revamp.
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  12. UltraVillain Committed Player

    tbh it might also give players an incentive to return and try stuff out after a burn out (everyone has one once in a while even when something like GU47 isn't trying to p them off)........ drop an email 'your character xxx has been inactive for 6 months and is listed for renaming, if you wish to avoid this simply log in once...' etc

    Edit to return to the op an alternative to the exobyte origin as a game starter would be a great option and might encourage a bit more RP as players have options as to their heritage....
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  13. Buckley Loyal Player

    And this is where that inflated 18 million subscriber lie comes from. Whooo Hoooo.
    "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting"
  14. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    Yeah I saw that too there is no way I believe Jen's though just saying if my 7 year little sister can make a toon and go through the ship without block and just pressing triangle expect at the parts that requires you to block then anyone at least her age can do it. The game doesn't even need a tutioral based off this, even the Dev's said they are not planning on making a tutorial since there is youtube and forum guide or something along those lines. The beggining is probably the easiest it will get in game you can almost one everything except the overseers and the last boss. I think there is alot of alts and Jens is using that as an excuse to say thats why there are a lot of people in the ship still. In my opinion.
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  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The tutorial and the census:

    1,776,698 Characters at level 1 that have have never gotten past...
    • the very first room where you have to learn to look and move around, how to attack
    • the first boss, the Overseer, which introduces the messaging for dangerous attacks
    • the part where you are supposed to learn about your movement mode
    There are 2,147,156 Characters at level 2 that have never gotten past...
    • all those boring braniac robots in the corridors
    • the part where you drop down and use a console
    • the breakout tutorial
    • the counter tutorial
    There are 4,353,919 Characters at level 3 that have never gotten past..
    • even more of the same braniac robots in even more corridors
    • destroying the cannon
    • beating the final tutorial boss
    • the fight with Superman or Lex Luthor against even more Braniac robots (only 1,025,924 characters never leave the ship according to Owl)
    • the first missions outside of the tutorial
    That's a freakin' tragedy and surely not caused by reserving-name-characters or the gold spammers. I think it is part of the low-population problem we are facing at times!
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  16. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Or a corporeal hero/villain that teaches and criticizes you.
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  17. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    1.- I never said anyone pops in a raid, but a person's character shows and permeates into everything they do.

    2.-I didn't know anything! You get INSTRUCTIONS right on the screen, they even tell you "Block with SHIFT when the lunging baddie lunges", open your skillpoint window with (button) and use skills in the place that says skills"

    ...I's not rocket science!! If rocket science had a pet, and that pet had a son, and the son of the pet had a pet, that would be the Brainiac's ship science!
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I thought the same thing when my 67 year old mom made a free toon and got off the ship, but they have the numbers and see all the data... I have no reason to not believe it especially after he talked about how much better they need to make it to keep people engaged.

    It could be a number of things though, people may try it and not like the gameplay, they may get stuck, etc...

    Maybe they should say they're going to wipe anyone stuck on the ship so they can see if those people are just holding names or not....
  19. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I'd like this idea a bit more, it wouldt be the first tutorial where an NPC is "escaping" with you and even (sometimes) makes you feel that "team feeling" until the mission is done.
  20. Oriole New Player

    they don't need holograms because this is a way to introduce your mentor plus how would you have a hologram device with your mentor if this your first time as a hero or villain and looking back its is the first time you meeting them. If it is true that people are leaving its not because its too hard it probably because its too boring it not an attention grabber maybe in 2011 but in 2015 games are more epic they so revamp it no for a tutorial but to more it have a more wow factor.