How did the first round of time capsules go for you?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO Addict, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    It was mostly good for me. I missed the first few days, but after that my very small league ran the event every day, traded collections, armor and emblems amongst ourselves, bought a few things on the broker, and the end result was that everyone got the full Future Crusader set and all the emblems. We need two Atro Sacrificial Tokens, one Anti Sinestro Banner, and one HJ Sunglasses to get everyone all three auras. We each have several stabilizers, but we're saving those for the new capsules.

    Just curios about other experiences.
  2. VV Dedicated Player

    I got T2 head mods. So I gave up and farmed in game cash to buy the stuff.
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  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Very well, for me. Was able to complete everything without spending more than I wanted to.

    I bought $20 worth of Stabilizers on day 1, because I like the feature and wanted to support it. Everything I got, I sold. When the prices plummeted thanks to the weak economy, I started collecting things and then I filled in the gaps with the in-game currency I raised early on.

    Going to try and obtain every item from the new set without spending a penny on Stabilizers, just to confirm whether or not it can be done.
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  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I did pretty well with them, but didn't get everything I wanted. I didn't go too crazy with the marketplace... just a 20-pack per month. The rest I took care of in the broker. I ended up with:
    - my main as everything but the red mist
    - yellow mist on 4 toons
    - red mist on 2 toons
    - green mist on 3 toons
    - all emblems on 7 toons (maybe more)
    - collections close to complete on most alts. The ones without the aura are just missing the rare and a couple of commons.

    I spent minimal cash on the broker. I did not spend more than $2m on a single item and I already earned back all the money I spent... just in time to blow it again in the Amazon capsules!

    The only thing I fell short on was I was trying to get the full Batman set on a male and female. I got really lucky on the completed set because capsules I opened had the chest, cape & helm... the 3 rarest ones.
  5. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I'm still missing three pieces of the Future Crusader gear and haven't finished two collections. I managed to get all the emblems, thanks to my league.

    I still think the drop rate of stab frags is far too low for legendary players. I've only opened 34 capsules so far, because that's all I've been able to earn.
  6. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Fine made 15 mil the first 2 days selling the time capsules to people waited 3 weeks then spent 10 mil on the items i was missing. So got everything, made 5 mil, and didnt spend a dime of real money on it so pretty great!!

    Only negative I dont have the III head mod that i want yet they are still a little high on the broker, Hoping to get one i can trade for it.
  7. Abel Well-Known Player

    It went well for me. I got everything without using real $$$$money$$$ or Loyalty Points. ;)
    Everything was achieved via stabilizers received from the daily instance or with ingame cash.

    The DCUO Economy....a game within a game. :p
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  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It was garbage I had to spend a lot of in game money to get the Lantern symbols ai wanted when it first came out thankfully these Amazon capsules have very little stuff I want I do like the Phoenix material but I can live without it.
  9. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    I'm still search9ing for my grand summoning head mod but I had ALL of the feats in a week. I think this time around I will refrain from buying stuff on the broker for a while, since I spent 1mil on a star sapphire emblem on day one last time.
  10. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I made a ton of money (which I blew all on a base), got every item on my main, and have one of each aura in my bank to sell on a rainy day.
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I actually had fun with it. I spent twenty bucks on stabilizers knowing what i was getting into. I also bought a few stabilizers with some loyalty points i had saved up (like 6 or 7). I was done with everything quickly. Since then I've been running the event every day and using my free stabilizers. Based on the stuff I've gotten with free stabilizers I think I would have been done with everything by now. I've opened boxes and gotten nothing but complex material and ultimate colers but i have gotten my fair share of chest and capes and hall's aviators glasses. i think the only thing i haven't gotten out of any of the free time capsules(let alone multiples) was the final collection piece for the red aura.

    i was planning on doing the same kind of experiment as tori above but the phoenix mat throws a wrench in the system. its going to take four of those babies to make me happy. we'll see how things work out...
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  12. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I did pretty well, considering.

    Spent a little more in-game cash than I wanted, but got everything within a few days.
  13. Swamarian Committed Player

    Got an aura and most of the emblems as premium. Picked up the rest, except for 3 FC style pieces as Legendary. (I could have grabbed them too, if I'd realized how soon the time capsules would switch.)
  14. Pults Loyal Player

    Mix match, I got everything in about 2-3 weeks and then started grinding money with all the peaces I sold. In total spent about 20mil and currently sitting at 25mil, got lucky with a lot of rare collections and III mods.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    sums up my experience.

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  16. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Are the regular TCs goin away?
  17. inferno Loyal Player

    My experience with it was good. I got two chest pieces in the early days. Put one on and sold the other for 20 mil right before the price tanked. With that I purchased any gear I was missing. After that any FC gear box I sold off and just bought the rare collections that I was missing. It was a good way to make some in-game money, some stored FC gear boxes for the future.
  18. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Bad... I haven't been able to complete a single aura and I only want the yellow one...
  19. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    You mean MY grand summoning mod? :p I got a type II, which is sweet and makes a noticible difference, but I wants the type III!

    Yes. People have many thousands in their banks, so you'll still see stuff on the broker. The stabilizers will work with the new time capsules, too. The devs have said they will rotate these back through in the future.
  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Shocker here I am left with most everything unfinished. Lucked into a collection at 20k to finish the green aura but the red and yellow with rare collections............ Nope. Not even a little bit surprised.

    Future crusader gear. Nope. Odd I am without the chest and cape.

    It should be noted I only farmed capsules 7 week BUT I spent all my loyalty points and Luke a fool a few real life dollars. No way should I be left this unfinished but as usual who cares if the customers satisfied.