How can I make some specific players of a specific league banned without blacklisting them?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jolaksi, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    'Cuz we got on the subject of certain items on the Broker possibly being devalued by speed hackers flooding it with more items, which has the tendency to drive prices DOWN!

    I mean, it would have been self-evident if you hadn't just skimmed over posts without paying attention to what they said! :p
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Actually yes he does. If he genuinely thinks someone is cheating he is supposed to provide any kind of proof in order to give the devs something to follow. You can’t say “i think this person is cheating” and expect them to just ban them off your word. They need to know what was done to investigate.

    Accuser: think this person cheated.
    Dev: what did they do?
    Accuser: idk I think speed hack?
    Dev: what did they speed hack?
    Accuser: I think that raid?
    Dev: when?
    Accuser: no idea
    Dev any time frame?
    Accuser: nope
    Dev: have any screenshots or video?
    Accuser: no but I’m sure they did

    If you want them to do something about hackers you need to give them any proof you can give them. That’s how it works anywhere. Games, real life.
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  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, the questions this raises are as follows:

    1. If they're truly keeping their group's actions secret by sticking to pre-made groups comprised solely of members of their League, then how did you know about it, eh? Either they're only running with their members, thus keeping it secret, meaning you couldn't know about it, OR they're letting the occasional Random Player join them, in which case that Outsider can see what's going on. You can't have it both ways! :rolleyes:

    2. Going off of the assumption that they've at least occasionally allowed Random Queued Players to run with them, and you were one of those players, WHY did you NOT record a video of them doing it? I mean, that's Cheater Reporting 101 there. You have to provide the PROOF!
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    No, he can just mention the name and they can check the logs. Providing proof is just additional information, which can be doctored. What can't be doctored is the logs and that is for the GM to look through and decide if action is necessary. They often will follow the player to see them do it in person. I've seen this happen a few times, when I joined pug groups. A GM name shows up on the scorecard.
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  5. Tros Well-Known Player

    amazingo cool ideia, but te parser can reach 2 mi, i have done it on test
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh, it's possible. They essentially shadow the player. If you've ever seen a dev stream, where like Mepps is invisible, it's that.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes they did it during Season 1 of SM during a bug where you could invite 4 extra people into the run.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Well... They shouldn't be visible unless they WANT TO be. The only time you know they were there is the scorecard, but I don't know if they changed it where you can leave yourself off the card with a GM command. They can port to wherever they want, they can also port you to wherever they want...

    I've been ported to my lair with a boss once by Mepps. #sobatmansentyou #goodtimes
  9. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Just dont. Dont try to turn this thread against to me.

    If you have common sense and so called "elitist" or "legit feat grinder" type of mind YOU would know who is hacking once NEWEST CONTENT drops. There are websites that you can see and track who did which feat and with that you can figure out the time they did. (WATCH OBSIDIAN'S FGSE NO DEATH EXPOSE and COUE SPEED FEAT/NO DEATH EXPOSE VIDEOS)



    How do I know thse players hacked?... I assume you did not read my previous posts (the very 1st one.) I came across with these players in-game while randomIy running stuff from LFG. Then in content we run I can see how bad and inexperienced they are to get these top noch feats. So there is your answer.

    Also these "specific" players are ALWAYS the same ones in the same league that beat and get these feats at same time. EVERY SINGLE NEW DLC.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Neon isn't even a 50 point feat....pffft. Why bother? Void+Smoke Aura for the win.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The only thing that would need to happen is a hit counter alarm. If you've ever seen any speed hacker live or video of them, they depend on constant hits, with hit counters going well over 1000...or multiple 1000's in a single chain...especially on a single target boss where you don't get many stray add hits. That's not really attainable by non hackers. If someone hits it, a log is dumped. If the start-finish of the chain of hits is under a minute....guess what, there is something afoot. I've chained entire raid bosses that take 10 min and only hit 300-400 hits....1000 in under a min(or 17 hits a sec constant) should be almost impossible even for the spazziest SS/clipping/macro employing/weapon spammer...unless they are hacking. The number could be adjusted to a point where the false positives would dry up eventually and all you'd be left with is hackers. Damage rate would also work, but the 'I'm just a beast' crowd would blame it on just you needing to 'get gud' to post up those numbers. Hit counter...not so much.
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  12. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Oh, trust me... I get that. None of these automated options should be taking an action more drastic than disconnecting the user without locking the account and then notifying the admins that such an action occurred, and include instance details, date, time, etc... then a human must take an action to say, "False positive" vs "Yep, this is a problem." Final decisions like that need to be done after analysis of the log files, etc. The advantage of the "just disconnect the user without doing anything else" is that it prevents anyone else from questionably-at-best obtaining trusted renown, rare items, difficult feats, etc.

    We can talk about this all we want... but until Dimensional Ink, Daybreak Games, et al, have their internal legal discussions regarding doing any of this all we are doing is wishful thinking. :)
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    To be frank, most of the time they implement this stuff is when they remove the human element and just want it to go on autonomy to save money from hiring employees. Look at Google/YT, good luck getting a hold of any actual representative.
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    But wouldn’t information like a screenshot or video proof it’s time stamps help them look back at the logs at more accurate times? You can say x person cheated without any information and you want them to look through hours and days of gameplay looking for when and if it happened? When you can easily provide information to make let them know where to look.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Would it? Yes, that's why they have an option to upload something to it. Is it necessary? No, because they have access to the logs and can look up the person. Chances are, finding the reported person will be easy for them. Either out of the norm damage shows up or they said some bad things in a chat.
  16. nawanda Loyal Player

    Didn’t bother reading your little dialogue thing, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I could create a bit of dialogue where someone calls the police and says they want to report a murder and the police hang up because the caller can’t prove it, and try and undermine your opinion like that, but you’re entitled to it. I think there’s a chance you might be confusing evidence with proof.

    He can explain his suspicions and why he has them, but players are rarely in a position to prove others are speedhacking. He’s explained why he thinks those people are and it sounds like it justifies the devs looking into it. For the proof or otherwise. The main thing is cheats are caught and punished and innocent people aren’t.
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  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    How does it impact the economy? Do you think these people just speedhack for renown only? No, they farm rare collections, styles, etc. When you have one group who farms and attains a majority of these things, yes, it impacts the economy. The economy is ruined my more than speedhacking, of course. But like I said earlier, you are only thinking surface level if you don't think speedhackers can ruin the game for people outside of their groups
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  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    LOL stop playing with you....
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  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Somebody gets it. Don't waste your time. These people either run with the speedhackers or are up the devs butt too far to admit it is a problem that affects everyone, not just the groups the hackers run in
  20. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Most cases they arent being devalued. The market is controlled to stay high.
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