Devs, Would you be willing/able to show us players some statistics which led to the decision to offer "open Episodes" again and even to extend it through January? Just curious to see what the benefits to the game or the number of online players were.
This doesn't answer your question, but here's a snapshot of current (yesterday) of the US server (CR60 - 150) I've another thread with a few more numbers if you're interested in taking a look at data from Feb:
I know several people came back and tried the game again. And considering some kids just went into winter break it gives them a chance to try the game or some people for the first time. And considering how the game is now. It probably pushed many players to buying AF3, which then set off a chain for more people to buy stabilizers which probably encouraged the recent 40 stabilizer pack.
Nothing personal against the OP, but I always find myself questioning any agendas a person might have when it comes to asking for statistics. The very first thing I remember being told in my Probability and Statistics class was to never trust statistics, because you can make them say whatever you want them to. Beyond that I just find myself wondering what may be such a big deal about open episodes being extended that someone would want to see any statistics related to the devs making that decision.
Fair enough. Just seems kind of silly to go to the length of asking for statistics regarding their decision when the extension of open episodes looks to be a non-issue for most players lurking around the forums.
Posting a single 46-word query is not actually going to a noticeable length. It takes about twenty seconds. Posting twice to critique the question is not particularly less silly.
Well, to be fair, it could be called equally silly to count the number of words in the OP's post AND to critique my dual post critique of the OP's question, but then we'd be getting the thread into an endless loop of nitpicking and critiques of behavior and no one really wants that.