How about a Work in Progress for League Halls?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrHoiPolloi, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    hrm? Would be mighty fine if it happened.
    • Like x 5
  2. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    I definitely agree, granted this is probably a little while off, but I believe it would be perfect for such a feature as league halls!
  3. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    It’ll be added after the next DLC drops.
  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I think it's a good idea there still in the early phase so maybe they can get an idea about what features we would like to see.
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  5. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    They probably put one up after DLC 10 drops. They need to focus on that and not something 6 months away.
  6. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Work in progress as in……..?
    A hall for our toons that are still work in progress?
    Sorry, I might be playing dumb on purpose but this threads topic and title kinda leaves me hanging for the rest.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I mean it wouldnt hurt, they can see what we would like and wouldnt like in a very early stage and then after the DLC create a new W.I.P. thread about it with what they are planning.
  8. Coup_dEtat Level 30

    WIP as in: it's not implemented yet and we would like to see what is in store for us, and hopefully have time for some feedback.
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  9. Yeah that Eddie Committed Player

    I am a finely tuned machine. Like a concert pianist. Therefore I feel my input into this topic counts for more then others. While I, and others like me such as Obsidian Chill, allow all of you to play this game, please don't assume you can make decisions on your own without asking our permission first.
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  10. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    I agree that they need to be focusing on the upcoming dlc, but as a dev team they look forward, and get concepts for upcoming features as far as a year out. It would make sense for them to put it up know so they can fine tune the concept before beginning to develop it.