Up-Votes Needed House of Legends' Orrery Teleporter sends me back to rally point

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by LeatherJacket25, Aug 30, 2022.

  1. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Lately when I’ve been doing the T5-T6 bounty tour with groups on thursdays, I warp to HoL, travel to Orrery, and when I go to open world list, I get sent back to spawn point.
    I thought I might have been just doing it too fast, but I tried getting there, then waiting, then trying but it still happens.

    Smaller bug I know, but it’s annoying to me and the group members. Been getting told I’m too slow and have even been kicked/had people leave group.

    Could there be a reason/fix for this?

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  2. Berza Committed Player

    Happened to me too a few times.
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  3. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player


    Happened to me 3 times in a row,, like 7 times all together while doing bounty tour this evening.
    Tonight was actually a bit different first it happened when I went from broker in main room to orrery, sent me back to rally point.

    Then when I was doing tour it happened 3 times. Just getting near the orrery sent me back to rally point.

    Anyone else?
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  4. GermanM Committed Player

    Welcome to my world, that´s why i use watchtower and my base teleporter.
  5. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Happens to me pretty often (US PC). I believe it's when you run from the rally point to the teleporter too quickly and the environment hasn't even loaded in fully, OR you're SuperSpeed and clinging to the walls of the teleporter when you try to Interact with it. When I'm standing on the actual ground it usually doesn't happen (or it's because the environment has loaded in as I'm positioning myself).
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is 100% it. When I ran bounty runs more, I'd hit this about every 3rd trip to the orrey and noticed the pattern. If the console was not loaded in...bang...back to respawn. Wait 1 second for it to render and never had the issue again.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok...as I was doing a bounty run last night, this happened quite a few times. Heat of the movement and all...I did some sloppy button pressing....my fault, BUT...It begs the question....

    Why is there a button on the Orrey that warps you back to rally in the first place? Other than 'whoops' presses, who is needing or using this 'feature'?
  8. Capt. Retro Well-Known Player

    This bug happens to me and a friend quite frequently when we don't hit the Teleport Panel exactly.

    Even being a little to the side.....if you are interacting with the Orrery at all and not fully on the teleport panel, then it warps you back to rally point. Like others have mentioned, trying to get to the orrery quickly to interact with it early you actually end up warping to rally with greater frequency instead.

    Making sure the panel has rendered and being certain that your interaction is directly on the panel solves this for me (US/PS) but it seems really weird and occasionally annoying that this can happen at all....
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Same here, though I haven't experienced it for awhile, used to happen ALOT when they launched The House of Legends.
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  10. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    I tried waiting for the area to load and it still happens. It happened when I walked (flew maybe) from brokers to orrery.

    I’ll try hitting the very middle of the console…….
    Actually, it happens before I even press any buttons.

    I’ll have a squiz on Thursday and try all of these things out and report back.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not doubting what you are saying, but make sure (if testing) that the console is flashing, indicating you are pressing activate on it, not the Orrey. Even if the console is loaded in, you can still be active on the orrey when pressing the button if you are too far forward, or slightly askew.

    Happening without pressing a button sounds like maybe you've got a glitchy button/key on your controller/keyboard. Not sure how it would activate without you pushing any button at any time.
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