Horrible customer service?Bad suppot ticket process.. :/ NOT happy

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by charlie shephard, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. charlie shephard Level 30

    So Im still waiting on a refund to process. its been longer then 7 days and still have no got it. And when I went to put in ANOTHER support ticket it keep asking me for a "category". NONE had nothing to do with my problem."They" told me it was my fault that I made a double puchase? Why because I had to hit the back arrow on my browser because there crappy website.....THEN they told me 5-7 days for the refund request when I sent in a suppot ticket the freaking same day??? COME ON now... daybreak needs to get there stuff together .. for real..

    Im also still waiting on my 150 Replay badges that they give everyone month.............

    can a REAL human tpye here or is it gonna be a another stupid "automated responds"? :/................................

    according the forums im a "new player". lol I been paying this game for 2+ years. can yall fix that?? wth.......
  2. charlie shephard Level 30

    Please Note: this is an automated reply to your question based upon the category that you selected. You must update this ticket (with any requested information) in order for Support to assist you.
    I’ll need you to send me these two files so I can determine the cause of your issue:


    I’ll include instructions on how to make them below at the bottom of the email.

    To create the files on your hard drive:

    Press and hold the Windows key and tap the R key on your keyboard.
    In the box that pops up type DXDIAG and press Enter on your keyboard.
    Click the "Save all Information" button, located at the bottom of the program window.
    In the “Save As” box click the icon in the top bar, and then click on “Desktop”.
    Save the file as "dxdiag.txt"
    You’ll need to do the Windows key and R trick again only this time you’ll type MSINFO32
    Click on the "File" menu and choose "Export..."
    In the File name box type MSinfo and click on “Save”
  3. charlie shephard Level 30

    ^ what the heck?? See what im talking about "automated reponds". that has NOTHING to do with my issue........
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    He's trolling you...
  5. MoonNight© New Player

    I was thinking about submitting some bugs but daybreaks seems to not give a duck :) gg
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