Hope (Blue Lantern Powerset?)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. ParadoxVanguard Well-Known Player

    So you are talking about villains being Indigo would violate lore yet you are ok with multiple Orange Lanterns? It seems to me that you are just unwilling to accept Indigo Tribe makes are the most capable to be the lantern healer power. You are being bias with your discussion and decision something the devs should not do. Instead you decide to let your personal belief actually violate the same lore you claim they are. Making Indigo Tribe heroic only would violate lore because they are not heroic only. Yes the ring feels them with compassion of the universe, is the universe good no is it evil no it is neutral. To be 100% compassionate means you have to be neutral you cannot be good or evil because then your judgement is not guided by universal compassion but personal morals. Lets look how "heroic" the Indigo Tribe is, A Green Lantern and Sinestro core member are doing battle the Green Lantern gets badly injured the Indigo Tribe member appears and do to the wounds being so bad she kills the Green Lantern member with a construct copyed from will. This was done out of compassion not good because the Green Lantern member did not willing accept death, He was smothered to death and actually struggled. Would Superman the stable of heroism in DC comics do something like this? No because he bases his judgement off heroism not compassion. Also it is already in comic lore that there is a darker side to the Indigo Tribe. Hal Jordan tried to SAVE Sinestro from them, they were forcing Sinestro into there tribe and actually CHASED Hal Jordan a HERO through the jungle. There is a reason DC Comics and DC Comics wiki have Indigo Tribe listed as a NEUTRAL FACTION. You are not giving any facts about how Indigo Tribe is heroic only you are only making a factless assumption based off personal that you admitted to not wanting to play as one. If they made Star Sapphire a power I would accept it the same goes for even Orange, would it make sense of course not but I would still play as one. I would never get into a discussion and try to disprove why something should not be in a game not based on facts but personal opinion. Indigo Tribe does not help people out of heroism. If a single father had 5 kids and was about to get evicted out of his house because he has no money. Well since money is the key solution and I doubt a Indigo Tribe Member would get a job just to pay the bills for them the most compassionate option in there mind is to ROB A BANK and get them some quick cash. You see how compassion works now its situational what is evil to you is good to someone else and vice verse thus to be fully compassionate with every living thing in the universal good or evil you must be neutral of all morals. Just as Love has made Star Sapphire do crazy things Compassion can equally do the same if not more.

    Also it does not violate lore to make Star Sapphire female only gear because that does not mean DCUO has stated males can not join it just means that made the gear only for females because there most Iconic members are Females. At no point in game did it say Star Sapphire is a female only corp what you are accusing them of would not hold up in any valid argument. Why they made it female only maybe because they seen no problem highlighting the fact all of the active members of the corp are women, and the fact that there has yet to be a large protest about it tells the devs male and female gamers have no problem with that apart from the extremely vocal minority that would hardly put even the smallest dent in DCUO. If there was a large wave of request for the John Stewart Star Sapphire gear then I promise you I am sure it would have been in the game by now but its not and lantern content is over only gear I can see them adding at this point is white lanterns which is the gear I have seen more complaints about being absent then male star sapphire. Not mentioning something is not the same as saying it doesnt exist or lying.

    Like I said before the only Lantern powers that can make it as a healer is Love or Compassion. I would rather have Compassion due to it makes the most sense and the gear is already there for both so less work for the devs. But if love is in unlike you its not a gamebreaker for me. Get out your personal feelings and think rationally.
  2. JKwak Well-Known Player

    you cant be orange, larfleeze would kill you and steal your ring even if your ring is created by exobytes
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    And none of the rings in game have anything to do with Exobytes, thus further empowering the notion that we could never have an Orange Lantern powerset in game.
  4. JKwak Well-Known Player

    but the story tells us we all have our powers from exobytes who stealed the powers on a future earth from heroes and villians all over the world

    so yes our lantern rings are made by exobytes, they are not the "real" rings
    so anyone could have any light power except for orange and it would be lore friendly
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Nope. The official letters when the powers were released specifically referred to them as reservist rings that were bestowed upon us by the Green Lantern, Red Lantern and Sinestro Corps to aid in the battle against Brainiac because Brainiac was a threat to them too as he was attempting to digitise the emotional spectrum. Also when Fight for the Light was released with Light powers they gave free respec tokens specifically for Light and when you used it you got a voiceover that welcomed you to the Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps.

    Don't forget, we all have movement modes also, so that accounts for the Exobyte part of our powers.

    Also if the rings were made by Exobytes then they would have the purple and yellow colour scheme that we see in places like Star Labs and Brainiac's Bottle Ship when Brainiac or one of his minions uses a Light construct.
  6. MariaTenebre Committed Player

    Well if the rings are working compassion makes them heroic. Also Indigo 1 killed that person who was going to die anyway for heroic means he would have died anyway once the ring gets on them it make them pretty much want to do good. They are not willing to harm people or do the very evil things required of villain characters.

    Also by making the Star Sapphire armor female only they are violating lore because men have wielded Violet Light as well and Geoff Johns stated that they are not female. The majority of Red Lanterns have been villainous but that did not stop them from making Rage and the Vestments of Rage faction neutral. Actually many people have spoken out against the dev's foolish decision at making the gear female only and have been calling for them to change it. Either by giving a male version of Heart of the Predator or John Stewart's outfit.

    Also Compassion wouldn't really work as I mentioned because when the Compassion ring gets on you, you turn heroic. Even your argument of robbing a back to help a poor family is still heroic to an extent hell that is what Robin Hood did. Love makes the most sense.

    Also I think an Orange Lantern power could work if say Lex Luthor stole the rings from Larfleeze himself or simply forged his own rings out of the Orange mist.

    Actually if you are unwillingly good or unwillingly evil then you are still evil just brainwashed. Once these rings hit you, you either become good or evil respectively against your will. Also even before this story we had males wielding Violet Light like Superman Prime, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner etc and Geoff Johns stated they are not female only so it violates lore and is sexist to make the Star Sapphires female only.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh for goodness sake Maria do you even know the meaning of the word compassion? Emotions are neither good nor evil, they are something that every person feels. Compassion is an emotion, and emotions are not only felt by "good" people. Get a grip.

    Contender for dumbest thing you've ever said, and that's a long list. If any of the Earth heroes or villains could just "simply" forge a ring to channel the emotional spectrum don't you think they would have done that by now?

    I honestly think you're just afraid to admit you're wrong about almost everything at this stage because this gibberish nonsense has been going on for so long now.
  8. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    As Jafin said the ring were made by their respective Corps to aid in the fight against Brainiac. The rings are just preprogramed devises imbued with the power source of the specific Lantern powers.

    Our characters are also imbued with exobytes, which is what gives them all their abilities separate from the rings they wear. Their strength, stamina, movement, weapon proficiency and whatever else none Lantern is from the exobytes.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The only thing that happens when those rings latch on to a character is that they essentially become a puppet for those corps. Sinestro and Black Hand did not automatically become heroic just because they were taken by Indigo Tribe rings. When it comes to defining characters and their actions, intent matters. And when a device removes or blocks the ability of a character to exercise their actual intent in their actions, that will at the very least call into question how you define those actions.

    There is nothing out there outside of a possible directive from DC that says the devs HAVE to match every single story and aspect of the DC universe verbatim. And DC hasn't given that directive. War of the Light and Blackest Night played out much differently in the game than it did in the comics. The devs do have to respect the lore, but from what I've seen they aren't beholden to it, not to the degree in which you seem to want to see.
  10. ComicsKid Committed Player

  11. JKwak Well-Known Player

    wearable lantern rings as style or maybe choseable colors for the existing lantern powers Rage and HL would be enough for me
  12. DeadSteel Active Player

    Same but I still want a healing hard light just to round it out, its the ocd in me
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  13. DeadSteel Active Player

    And once again those of you that claim anything will violate the lore of dc, this game takes place in an else world, meaning its rules of the universe are different from the rules of say earth one meaning that powersets like lantern rings can have there own new rules that have nothing to do with earth ones rules. Think of it this way, are your toons/ocs/characters cannon to dc lore, no no they are not.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    True, but only to a certain point. DC pretty much has final say on what can and can't go into the game (the amount of time it took for green auras for players to arrive is proof of that). They get to set how closely the devs have to follow comic canon, so if they decide, for example, that Blue Lanterns in the game have to follow the same rules as in the comics, that's the way it's gotta be.

    Even if the game is more of an Elseworlds setting than anything else, the challenges that may arise from comics canon have to be kept in mind as possible obstacles, because you can never quite tell what DC will and won't allow.
  15. DeadSteel Active Player

    True enough but I still back the blue lantern excuse of, there are green lanterns everywhere
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  16. Milutin Mujovic Well-Known Player

    I hope they announce Indigo Tribe power for the next year, since we are getting Water power this year. :)