Honest Conversation about Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. Morrigam Level 30

    Hey Mepps,

    Appreciate you taking the time to check the thread provide the information at hand.

    We understand transferring every single item (style, chromas, accessories, and the like) would probably not be an option. However, what we are looking for here is a sort of cr skip.

    The current cr skip gives you like 80ish sp and enough nth to get 1 arti to over 120? (I might be mistaking on that last part). That would sadly not be an option for players who have gather 500+sp in multiple toons and a considerable amount of artis over 160 - 200.

    We would be happy if there was a way for the dev team to at least give us that progress in that platform and call it a day.

    As other have stated, we can't imagine the resources y'all spend on switch server. Is it even worth it at this point? To be clear, if this is an option we wouldn't even mind our toons getting deactivated on NS as we are not looking to take advantage of anything like that.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Merging the US and EU will not fix the problem with population. The difference between Xbox and Switch are worlds apart. It would still be no where noticeable difference. Especially since the platform has become more and more unstable and pushing players away because of it. It would not be a bandaid even at that point. If you (Dink) really wanted to help the population, crossplay is the only way to go AFTER stability is gained.

    Which leads to the next question, how are they still saying no to crossplay? At this point, more and more online games are allowing crossplay at launch. I know this is an MMO, not a MOBA or FPS shooter, but it's still just baffles me why a MOBA _CAN_ get it. Heck, the platforms would make more money, because a players would have the convenience to use the platform they already own and put money into to only put more money into it.

    In regards to the "almost certainly no" reply. What is the alternative to a dead platform's accounts? Just SOL at that point? Sorry for your loss and thank you for the money? :(
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  3. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    For me, I actually jumped ship but from pseu to switcheu as Switch was more convenient and accessible for me. So for me, if they forced to having to move back to pseu would be the death of me.
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Neither are likely to happen. It is entirely to do with platforms and their ecosystems and to whom you have signed up with.
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  5. DocElysian Active Player

    @Mepps is the above mentioned a possibility?
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not trying to be rude by any means, but why does this issue not exist for some developers like Square Enix and EpicGames, but does exist for Dimensional Ink?
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm going to assume money. There is more than likely some form of fee console companies charge to the studio to maintain merged servers.
  8. myandria Item Storage

    Agreed @TheLorax. To add: Square Enix has a unique contract and set up with Sony. Sony has "NOTHING" to do with player accounts, subscriptions or marketplace purchases/microtransactions; Square Enix has full control on that end. So, for FFXIV online you will only find the games available for purchase in the PSN store, nothing else. I"m sure Square Enix had to come out the back door to the front door in order to afford this type of contract. I guess Sony felt that losing out on subscriptions will be made up in the sales, access and advertising of Square Enix games.

    Epic Games happens to have one of the most popular games (Fork/Knife.. ahem.. Fortnite) that has a lot of popular licensing rights and advertising love. That alone will entice any game company bend over backwards for Epic Games.

    So @Proxystar, you were on point when you said that game companies with clout get to bend the ear of game companies and usually get what they want.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Of which I'm well aware of course, I guess the reason why I asked the question was because frequently a lot of blame gets put on the console partners, which while being true also doesn't entirely mean there isn't something Dimensional Ink couldn't be doing.

    So I guess the question for Mepps really is can this issue be overcome through money perhaps DI aren't wanting to pay?

    I imagine it's unlikely I'll recieve a response, but you never know.

    It just seems a bit rough to me cause what happens if eventually the platform (switch) no longer has the player base you support a functional server, is there a plan for that? Or is it just sunset support for the console.
  10. myandria Item Storage

    Good points indeed; I also suspect that it may be a money priority issue. What would it take to have Daybreak negotiate with consoles in general move this game to cross platform on all platforms?

    I assume that a twilight/sunset would be the cheapest and hopefully the last resort plan. I feel bad for Switch players right now.
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  11. SonGoku Level 30

    Releasing this game on switch without a server merge to either xbox or pspc was such a mistake and I feel incredibly sad for switch players that have spent money and a lot of time into the game. Luckily for me I downloaded the game on switch after seeing it in the store and forgetting it even existed, played around a little while and realised “this can’t be right, where are other players?” So I re-downloaded thei game on my console and saw the difference, also in performance.

    And on the topic of server merges, I’m 100% convinced the only thing stopping a game-wide server merge is Sony. After reading other games issues with crossplaying, it’s all gone back to Sony. Even Epic Games had to deal with it for a while when Fortnite was trying to get into crossplay, eventually they allowed it but was it public outcry or a plane full of cash that changed their minds? Even CoD only got crossplay in 2019.

    There’s an article on TheVerge that goes into details about the Epic Games and Sony situation, and no surprise, it’s all Sony. They also require backend money from the game to “offset” profits lost by letting people play crossplatform, and Epic Games CEO has confirmed in testimony that Sony “force publishers to pay Sony a royalty whenever PlayStation players contribute more than a certain percentage to the bottom line of a cross-platform game, to “offset the reduction in revenue” from Sony enabling crossplay.”

    Very sad state of affairs. If even the giants like EpicGames and Activision struggled for so long to compromise and strong-arm Sony, I see literally zero hope for dcuo in terms of crossplaying together.
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  12. Captain Quasar Active Player

    I'm grateful that Meeps at least took the time to read the post. I am surprised I really thought nobody would
  13. DocElysian Active Player

    As promised, here is a video showcasing the persistent lag. Devs, would any of you actually play (or continue to play) your game on this server? I can accept that it was a choice we made to play this game on the Nintendo Switch, and yes that comes with certain expectations for performace, but this bad?? That is unacceptable.

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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    They been reading many post but don't have to respond to any of them if they want to.
  15. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    That is unplayable. Its honestly a scam if you pay money to it on switch. In no way should that have been released.
  16. DocElysian Active Player

    Is there a contact you can provide on the console side for us to voice our concerns/requests for cross-play/save/progression. Maybe if there is pressure from the players it’ll help our cause.
  17. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    So last night I loaded up the Nintendo switch, opened up DCUO.

    Leveled my character to 10, got the boost and leveled the character to 333.

    I warped to the house of legends. Took a look.

    1 phase, 3 players including me

    I mean what in the actual #@#%, I can entirely sympathize with this having seen it for myself.

    Switch needs a merge desperately lol.
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  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    If they can merge switch with PS/PC I'll definitely go back to switch since I love playing anywhere other than in a room.
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  20. DocElysian Active Player

    LOL I implore you to go to the Anniversary Event and try and fight Cerberus with a group, then you’ll see the bigger issue than population.
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