Honest Conversation about Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    As someone who only owns the switch, it's truly frustrating. I work around 3hrs from home, so I live in my car 5-6 days a week The switch is the only console that I can play due to this.
    DCUO is the only reason why I bought the switch. So yeah, this sucks. I barely even have the motivation to pick up my switch due to how unplayable this game is on it. And the fact that nothing has been done for this long... it's really concerning. Makes me wonder if they even care about the switch servers at all..
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  2. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    its not being a negative nancy it's just how tech works, the switch should have been a dcuo port its not a strong enough system honestly not much the devs on this game can do to fix the console.
  3. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    That's honestly the real fix.
  4. Skoll Well-Known Player

    I remember years ago I was having this type of discussion with an Apex Legends dev on reddit back in 2019, about them having an issue getting cross-play. Worth noting that Respawn studios is owned by EA and that game brought in at the time, hundreds of millions in revenue. He mentioned their biggest hurdle was Sony. Microsoft don’t really care at all. Most PC gaming is done via their system anyway, but Sony are really not into the idea of playing nice with specifically Xbox. It took Respawn 18 months from release to get cross-play, and they’re one of the biggest FPS games out right now. Destiny 2 is another example, released in 2017 and only got cross-play in 2021. Also, they request money for this stuff, not sure how much EG7 would be willing to part with just for cross-play, which to them, is probably not that big of an issue.

    I hope a dev will chime in on this topic tbh, it’s all speculation otherwise, but I’d bet my money on Sony.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    To be honest thats not going to happen. Youre gonna have to get Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo unanimously OK that. Good luck.

    Also if you want to future-proof your game. You buy stronger hardware. The Switch was showing its age years ago.

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  6. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    We not disagreeing on anything said. I don't play Dcuo on switch, just giving those that do the only path they have.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Even thats not really a path since that is out of D.I's hands

    They are still a guest in Sony's/ Microsoft/ Nintendo digital house. Some may have finacial reason to want cross-plat, just like some would have financial reasons to use console exclusivity as a way to get you into their ecosystem.

    Seems like you dont have much a playerbase on SWITCH/XBOX...Maybe you should buy yourself a PlayStation. Plenty of players over here;)

    Yea sure we COULD allow cross-play, but why do that when i can strong-arm you over to my console?

    More players on PlayStation/PC anyway...Right? And lets not forget the other stuff Playstation has to offer!:eek: Like PS Essentials, Free games every month, Free games dont require plus.....You get the point lol
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea I agree with you entirely.

    That's why I mentioned clout because the likes of companies like EA etc won't be paying Sony, they'll just be demanding it or pulling their games.

    They've got the clout to just bend Sony into submission.
  9. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    with them knowing the state of their game on that system. that's for sure a reasonable solution to help players migrate. but it would have to be a generic cashe of goods not a direct transfer of your items and gear as thats probably way more effort then they would be willing to spend resources on
  10. DocElysian Active Player

    I agree and you’re probably right, honestly anything the devs can do at this point would be a step in the right direction for us. Its not looking good for the future of the Switch server.
  11. Captain Quasar Active Player

    This would require the devs to step off their ivoy tower and actually talk to us. Outside of the basic patch notes or generic year road map we get no communication
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  12. Queenofthevirgo New Player

    The game doesn’t work on the switch it is a crime to look at. The devs should at least comment in this all. They tried to fix it they failed. I think more then reasonable is it to give players from the switch an opportunity to transfer their characters. Instead of putting effort ( if they do at all) into fixing the lag etc. They should work into a way to transfer characters. I think it’s for the best after 4 years of switch
  13. Mercy Graves New Player

    I feel like one major point needs to be emphasized about the Switch situation… It was NOT always this bad. Yes, there was some lag. Yes, that messed up a few raids and feats, and could make bounty trains a pain. When I first started playing the game on Nintendo Switch, I accepted that SOME lag was going to be part of the ride. The money, time, and effort I invested into this game… I invested before the latest updates. Following the launch of the 2023 Anniversary patch, the lag on Switch has increased to the extent that the game is now unplayable.

    It was not this bad when I started playing. The situation has changed significantly. I would not have paid for a game as wholly broken as the Switch edition of DCUO is now. I paid for a game that had a few lag issues, but was still by and large enjoyable. I did NOT pay with the knowledge that said game would be in this state less than a year later. When I see a game being promoted in the Nintendo Switch shop, I assume that that game will actually be able to run on Nintendo Switch. I honestly think that’s a reasonable expectation.

    Unless the situation on Switch improves dramatically, I see little point in continuing to play. The many cosmetic items I’ve paid for are useless now, because the only way to reduce lag enough to actually see enemies loading in… is to remove all auras, chromas, accessories, and the like. People are actually taking off all style items in order to run bounty trains and raids. This is the new “normal” on the Switch server. While playing solo in the event area, I had to hover in place for 3 seconds or so (while being attacked) before a lone enemy would become visible on my screen. That was the point where I just stopped playing.

    Given the significant money I’ve put into a game that is now broken beyond recognition, I think requesting to transfer my toons to a server that is actually functioning is not a lot to ask. For serious players who have put a lot into their accounts and are now unable to even play solo missions without crashing… I think at least that much should be granted.
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  14. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Bumping up so maybe a Dev will get off their butt and read
  15. DocElysian Active Player

    This was very well said and shows the “normal” things we have to do on Switch to even have a decent chance at some content. Thank you.
  16. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    today is a holiday so maybe try tomorrow?
  17. DocElysian Active Player

    I will be posting a video tomorrow, showing some different scenarios of the lag on Switch, including the Anniversary event area, Wonderverse open world bounties and COUe. It’s worth noting that I posted my first “Lag Showcase” video a year ago, and it not only feels like nothing has changed, but in fact is getting worse with more and more content being added to the game.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hi all.

    On the topic of Switch performance: this is still actively being investigated and worked on. I'm very sorry we haven't made any really noticeable strides here yet.

    On the topic of Switch server US/EU merge: this is likely going to happen similar to how it worked with Xbox, but there is not a specific timeframe yet.

    On the topic of crossplay, cross-platform saves, or transferring to another platform, the answers remain, respectively, yesterday if we were allowed to, probably no, and almost certainly no. Again, these are restraints from the platforms themselves.
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  19. DocElysian Active Player

    A server merge with EU Switch is not going to help the problem at hand, I can’t even imagine it would be good for the lag as is.

    There are two types of “transfers” I’m going to refer to, please tell us which is the one (or both) that is almost certainly no:
    1. Automatic transfer of our account that was linked to our Switch accounts to a new system (Im guessing this is the one)
    2. A manual transfer by the dev team - we create new accounts on a desired platform, and we are given caches of certain things equivalent to what our old Switch account had. I understand this one would probably be more labor intensive, but I can’t see a reason why this can’t be done, if there is something blocking this path, please educate us on why.
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  20. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    Oh come on. Have u seen the amount of lag in the anniversary open world part. I got pics of enemies stuck in ground or literally the NPC vendors not there. If u die from a boss in open world, u return to area and can't see boss til 10-15 secs later. We do a boss tour every Sunday on the EU of switch at around 18:50pm UK time and bosses don't appear for about 15 seconds. Vendors, NPCs, even basic enemies don't appear. Invisible attacks. I'd guarantee it's gonna reach a point where the lag on the ads r gonna kill us before they appear.