Honest Conversation about Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. Chadro New Player

    Yall negativity amazes me honestly.
  2. DocElysian Active Player

    I didn’t know you joined the dev team and can make decisions on what and what is not possible in a game they created. Congrats on the job bud, when are you gonna get that cool flashy green forum title so that I know that we’ve been noticed by the team??
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    No, but what would be nice is if they were given the option for cross platform progress so they aren't just told live with it or leave.

    It would be so much easier to "put up with the switch limitations" if you knew that it was only while you were playing your account on the switch and that it'll be better when you're on a playstation, xbox or pc and you can just seamlessly keep playing.

    case example - I can play my EpicGames FallGuys game on both systems seamlessly although it runs worse on switch. DC needs the same.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'm not being negative I'm giving you information form a lifelong career in IT and how systems work. I'm sorry you don't like the responses I've given but it doesn't change their validity.

    can switch run a dumbed down version of DC? sure, I mean they have it up and running currently.

    are yall experiencing game breaking issues?
    obviously you are or you wouldn't be here asking for help.

    I'm trying to give you information for you to be able to make a better decision on where you put your effort.
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Not just cross platform though just to be picky about making the distinction, but actual cross progression.

    We should all have one Daybreak account allowing us to play on whatever system we like, whenever we like. :)
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  7. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    God. Please yes
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea that be nice a lot of games have that now I'm all for DC joining the club being able to switch between console and PC would have tons of benefits for the community.

    I don't know for fact to other poster "DOC" but my assumption would be because of the reduced nature of the switch client it would be super difficult to bring them in with all the rest of us. they have delayed launches because of Nintendo, and haven't played on switch myself but if I had to guess. they have reduced inventory and bank spaces than the rest of us. reduced visual effect among tons of other technical reductions to be able to run. by their own statement and some others have made the community is on the smaller side.

    with DC's proclivity to only work on things that benefit them monetarily I doubt there is a forward push to bring switch into the fold of a server merge
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah the same sort of thing applies with Fall Guys as well, they do their updates at the same time, pretty sure its on Playstation and stuff now as well and the Switch definitely has reduced graphics etc.

    It just surprises me that some developers/games make it work and others seem to chuck it in the impossible basket, so I'm really not convinced it can't be done with effort.
  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    The game is not optimal to be run on switch. IMO it should never have been released for switch ESPECIALLY if it was in this state on release
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    This thread really highlights my views on the state of the game for the Switch. Lag spikes are definitely a severe problem, especially when there are mechanics that still require twitch reactions to survive. (Tentacle slam of the SFFe's last boss as an example.) Then the population is abysmal. At this point, I don't think it's conducive to keep supporting the platform, I can't imagine there is enough revenue coming in that fully justifies its maintenance. I really hate that idea, but there needs to be something drastically done. I don't think it can be merged successfully now. Let me explain.

    Last year, they found out that the Nintendo approval system put a huge delay on releasing content the same time as the other platforms. This is a BIG problem that can hinder the gameplay release for all players and honestly, hurt the company's bottom line as they would have to delay the release and updates for all servers to match. Thus making all players frustrated with release, especially since there are a lot of other things getting delayed recently due to the staffing issue. So they can't merge it with the main servers.

    If crossplay happens and IF they could keep a good same schedule, it still would have the same problems with lag on the switch and player interaction would be hindered because of it. It would result in similar or worse problems than we saw with the PS3. And we all know what happened when they tried to support the PS3 longer than they should have...

    What is my proposal? Daybreak should buy the accounts back from Nintendo and allow them to go PC as I don't think merging them with other consoles would be possible that easy, but if it was a PC account it wouldn't be that difficult to setup. (There of course will be some logistics to iron out, absolutely.)

    But wait, B, what do you mean by "buy back"? Simple, there is precedent when it came to account ownership. A number of years ago, a European company, call ProSiebenSat.1, bought all the EU accounts and setup their own servers to host the EU. If you were from the EU, your account was theirs. Then PS.1 did a lot of stupid things with the accounts that basically caused a lot of grief with the players and ultimately, they were acquired back from them.

    Something needs to be done. The server is in hospice right now. Just waiting for the one thing to finish it off and we are probably one update from it doing just that. :/
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  12. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Yes this would be for the best, if I'm not able to have access to a TV I could use Switch, then hop on my PS4 when I'm able to use it
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  13. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Worst part is the Devs are radio silent. Not even an "we're aware of issues" message. I'll bump this thread everyday if need be. Now can we get back to the actual issue of this thread
  14. DocElysian Active Player

    I think there’s a misunderstanding about my solution/request. I’m not saying cross progression is the answer, as great is that sounds, the devs have already been on the “this probably won’t happen” end of the stick. What I am proposing is simply having a new account on a different server with a cache given to us of our assets, then deactivate the old account. No real transfer or server magic needed.
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  15. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    So a transfer? It would be easier to link accounts than to tranfer your data across i think. It would be more viable too. It allows the devs to save so much time manually transfering everything themselves for each account.

    the whole thread spiralled into cross progression and such but yes, maybe just fixing switch or coming out right saying "Ok we messed up, switch will be forgotten about so we can focus on the other imporant stuff" would be the best way to do things imo
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  16. Emoney Loyal Player

    But, you're getting new emotes!!!

    My sarcasm aside, I had to give up playing on the switch about a year and a half ago, I dunno how any of you can still be playing it now. It's worse than the PS3 was at the end of its cycle.

    I totally agree you all deserve a token to migrate, but, I think Nintendo would get a say, and I doubt theyd let yall go.

    Heres hoping a newer Nintendo console comes out soon!
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  17. Arctic Blades New Player

    As much as this should be a “do the right thing to your customer base”….At the end of the day this is a business, and the DCUO developers need to ask themselves which option gives them a better return on investment:

    1. Do nothing and lose the revenue of XX amount of players (because most are unwilling to redo all of this on another server)
    2. Invest a bit of time into a solution that retains the spending of XX players

    I have my opinions on which stance they are taking, given the lack of internal resources and lack of communication. As someone stated earlier, they’re probably milking the revenue until its completely gone.

    I obviously do not know what the revenue split looks like between servers (and Switch probably makes up a fairly insignificant portion due to the lack of population), but knowing the overall server as well as I do, I’m going to say that Daybreak will continue to see a decline in Switch revenue and player base over time. HOWEVER, it could be salvaged and they could retain that revenue with a solution.

    And to the person saying “I cut my losses, so they shouldn’t figure out a solution” - that’s just asinine and a horrible take. That’s like saying “I had issues with my Toyota, so I didn’t buy one again……but Toyota shouldn’t improve the quality of their vehicles.”
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  18. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I didn't mean that just merging US and EU would fix everything, just mentioning the most feasible to actually happen thing that might maaaayyyybbbbeeee help a liiiitttttle with population and I'm just.... surprised they haven't at least done that much even if they can't do much more. But then.... XBox did do that and I still hear of population and queue-time struggles even so..... though I don't have an XBox and can't really verify one way or the other. I do have a Switch and the game is downloaded on it, but I haven't played it on that, so this is really the best I can offer, unfortunately. I know a lot of the other main things that might help various issues have some.... complications getting in the way of them happening for now (hopefully at least some of that will change), but I really don't see why they can't at least do this even if the other stuff is harder. Confuses me they don't at least try that if nothing else.
  19. DubiousOP Active Player

    There was an update for the switch that came out last summer ( i think ) and for 2 days the game was great! It wasn't a flawless lagless experience but it was playable, and enjoyable. Then after the second day, it was worse than before. Does anyone on the switch remember this ? Was there ever an explanation as to why?
  20. VIRALITY Dedicated Player


    First off, sorry to hear about your experiences over there on Switch.

    Truth is, the Switch probably doesn't make them all that much money, so they probably don't have the time, resources, or investment capabilities to truly 'fix' those servers. The game will likely never run properly on the under-powered hardware anyhow.

    Best case scenario is that they offer the ability to transfer all that you've worked on to a different server (account). Wouldn't hold your breath though.

    But man, if I were you, I'd get a decent laptop and just start fresh on the PC servers. There's no way in hell I'd be sitting there waiting for 20 min queues just to have a laggy experience. No way. I'd cut my losses and write it off as a sunk cost at this point. File a ticket and see if they'd be willing to hook you up with a CR token and a starter pack, possibly.

    If you do come over to PC/PS, shoot me a PM and I can hook you up with some stuff as well.