Honest Conversation about Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. Captain Quasar Level 30

    And who exactly said that a dev? Clearly the majority of the people replying haven't played the switch and are missing the point. Population wise we've figured it out pretty much. It's the lag. It was never like this before so clearly it's on Daybreaks. Excuse us for wanting a product that works like it's supposed to work
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  2. DocElysian Active Player

    Again, not a great take here.
    I don’t remember seeing anything about warning of DCUO coming to Switch, and to be fair, the game ran pretty okay for the first year and a half, it was around Wonderverse we started seeing the issues. It’s important to note that most of the players I’m referring to in the bracket of endgame on Switch are not new to the game, a lot of us, including myself, started back on PS3 and took a break from the game, saw it came out in Switch and started new from there. Even on PS/PC you aren’t playing this game for the graphics, Switch players care even less about the graphics. This is not about those issues. This is and will always be about a product we are paying for that is not working properly. We just want to play the game the way it should be. Most of us have the consoles we would want to play on. Would you want to entire cut your losses after thousands of hours and dollars after 4 years? I would sincerely hope not.
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  3. Captain Quasar Level 30

    I don't think it's worth trying to explain they're not going to listen
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  4. Tree Well-Known Player

    How do you know so much about our chances? I mean really, we need a Dev here. Not a negative nancy.
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  5. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Oh believe me I know all about the "sunk cost fallacy" and I'm still suffering from it. I've played for 10 years. Subbed for 9 of those years. Donated many many a dollar to this game. Over 7k hours in DC, not proud of it, and that stat is a year old.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    everything being complained about here is a product of their own making.

    look switch players I get the frustration but its your platform.
    the switch doesn't even have the processing power that the ps3 had and DCUO ran horribly on PS3 and that was before tons and tons of changes that make them drop the system to ps4 because even ps3 couldn't handle it any longer.

    I personally feel it was a dumb idea to even have the thought experiment, to even think how can we run this game on this under powered platform when they knew the drawbacks from their ps3 and xbox sever days.

    one statement made about the thousands of hours argument. has the switch server even been alive for a thousand hours I don't know and don't feel like looking it up. just doesn't seem that long to compare the time and money spent of say any other platform DC is on

    but the above statement goes to show the whole reason for doing it. they know that this game will never run optimally on switch but they don't want to let go of any of that sweet money from branching into another platform.

    but you as a player should make rational decisions and know, joining a under powered platform and also this late into the games lifecycle knew what you were getting your self into. to come here and then demand concessions for your choices seems like poor decision making.
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  7. Forum Junkie Committed Player

  8. Chadro New Player

    We want to play, Not to wait on loading screens for 84 years and NPCs loading after 9000 years.Youre telling us that we have to suck it all up and just keep suffering under these conditions. Nah man
  9. Warpath619 New Player

    If y’all are gonna be negative can you at least like the original post so it can maybe be seen by the devs.
  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no I'm suggesting to you, that if you want to play THIS game then you should probably figure out a way to play it on a system that can actually handle it. instead of being upset that it cant. there is no magic that the devs can do to fix your issues because they knew about them before they even made the switch version of the game. and sold it to you anyway.

    play DCUO its a great game and you can make great friends playing it BUT
    save your self the time, money, and effort and don't participate in a experiment that's not to your benefit
  11. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    because the ps/pc merge happened months before the xbox servers went live. pc was having population issues of its own.
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    you can only upvote bug threads not complaint threads
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Personally I think the developers need to implement cross platform, cross progress, one account and just merge all the systems and servers so you can just play on whatever you want with one account.
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  14. DocElysian Active Player

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  15. DocElysian Active Player

    This would be great, but we've been told that is more up to the console companies rather than Daybreak.
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  16. Chadro New Player

    You are completely missing the point. What about all the players that only have a Nintendo switch to play on hmm? They dotn have a xbox, or pc or ps. They only have a damns witch to play on. Are you gonan tell them "Hey suck it up, its your fault, get a better console." No son. Not everyone has the luxury to get a better console. Seriously.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    You know they say that, but when it can be done by other companies like Blizzard, EpicGames and Square Enix just to name a few, I'm not buying it. It's either lack of actually wanting to or lack of industry clout, not sure which.
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    [IMG] very interesting movie what about it
  19. Chadro New Player

    Warframe came up with crossplay and is about to come up with cross save soon. If they can do it, Daybreak also can.
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  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the point is don't play this game on that system if you do you get the results listed

    if you don't want those issues
    that you and others are stating and complaining about
    that's your only option because complaining to the devs to do something is pointless
    its not going to change. it cant

    I personally have no dog in this fight. I don't care what system you have or what you can afford. not my problem
    but the facts are the facts
    I explained the issues and gave you a solution to the problem
    you can choose to accept them or not.