Honest Conversation about Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. DocElysian Active Player

    I am honestly getting tired of writing these types of forum posts, but I continue to do so because absolutely nothing has changed since my previous posts.

    After showing multiple examples, multiple pleas, and multiple forum posts about the quality of the game on Switch servers we are still without answers or solutions. This game is straight up not fun to play on a serious level on this server anymore, and it's disheartening to say the least.

    With this anniversary event alone, the load time to just get into the area was 6 minutes, and then another 7 minutes for the NPCs to load to get the missions.

    There are really only 2 real endgame leagues left (1 league completely quit because of the state of play) and we still can barely complete elite raids because of the crippling lag. Have you ever had to wonder if you're alive after a delayed Lazy Blast from Faust, or if the tank have grabbed all the ads? Have you had to wonder if you're not in the lava in NUe? It's frustrating.

    For more context: Clock Tower Elite was recently beaten first time server wide in November of 2022, that episode came out April 2020, and the ONLY reason we beat it was because the 6 people we took in the last boss all had Lazarus Pit Water to keep us alive. My first forum post about the lag showcased TSD, two episodes later and that raid has still not been completed in Elite because the state of it is exactly the same.

    Does that not sound alarming to you devs?

    Please, as gamers to gamers: take an honest look at the quality on Switch and ask yourself if you'd even play it. Honestly the only reason the people who still play haven't jumped ship is because of the grind we've done to get to where we are, and the people we enjoy playing with. It really feels disrespectful as a player to have to play in these conditions after spending thousands of hours and our money on this server, only for us to be continually ignored about the issues.

    So the solution?

    We have asked multiple times for either a server merge or cross save, but there is no clear answer for that because of the console companies themselves.

    My solution, and what I hope can be implemented - give us an opportunity to jump ship. Find a way to give us our "toons" on a server that we choose (most likely USPS/PC). At this point, I honestly only care about my Skill points, Artifacts, Augments, Quarks and Allies. Everything else I am willing to cut as a loss (including but not limited to multiple bank toons filled with capsule collections and gear, all my rare materials and auras, all Nth metal and ally favor - but if you could give that stuff to us, that would be amazing), and I think I speak for most of the Switch players when I say that. You can even deactivate the Switch account afterwards so we aren't "double dipping"

    I do not know the logistics, I do not know if it will have to be done manually, and it's not my job to know, that is for the devs, but what I can say is that I know that if you do this for us, you'd continue to have dedicated players who would be happier and who don't hate themselves playing a game they love and enjoy.

    Please, don't let this request be washed out like the previous ones, I am seriously asking from gamers to gamers, please consider this. Thanks.
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  2. Zua Level 30

    I would love for some type of change, some communication would help. It's extremely frustrating having to wait all this time for things to load then whoops! You crashed!

    Time to do it again!
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  3. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I know merging Switch servers with other platforms' servers like PC with PS isn't really entirely up to them, but maybe they could merge the Switch's US and EU servers like they did for XBox.
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  4. DocElysian Active Player

    An afterthought on my solution of “moving servers” - maybe an easy way of moving our items is giving us caches like you do with the CR skips and gifts.
    Not sure if that could be done on an individual level, but it’s an idea.
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  5. DocElysian Active Player

    I don’t think that would fix the core issue we’re facing. Sure, we have population problems, but most of the serious endgame EU Switch players stopped playing a while ago because population on top of the lag wasn’t worth playing the game anymore. Server merge between our own servers won’t fix that.
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  6. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Yeah the lag seems worse and worse. I wonder if the switch just doesn't have the horsepower to run this game. Honestly if they just closed the switch server and have us a way to transfer all our stuff I'd be happy. Although I doubt the devs listen to switch players
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  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    maybe they should shut down the switch server and focus their attentions on something else...
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  8. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Sorry but you knowingly continue playing on the Switch hoping something can be done but you know deep down it hasn't and probably never will due to the reasons you gave yet despite that you want your toons to be sent to the PlayStation/PC server with all your augments, allies and artifacts. Yeah that's a big no. I played on Xbox and Switch. I spent money on each one but I didn't continue spending money and playing on those platforms because I realized the population isn't the best compared to PlayStation/PC.

    I seen your post from a long time in reference to the Switch yet here you are again pleading to the devs except this time you want your stuff transferred to PlayStation/PC. You don't see me asking the devs to transfer my stuff from Xbox because I spent money on there fully knowing the population sucks major butt. You made the choice to continue playing on the Switch and all we can say is thanks for your support.
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  9. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    When has Nintendo ever had "horsepower." I don't know what they're doing over there at Nintendo, but N64 was where I drew the line. After that, it was only Playstation as far as consoles.
  10. Morrigam Level 30

    I see where you are coming from and we appreciate your input and letting us know what you did. Nobody is blaming the devs as we understand the cross save and that sort of stuff is not entirely up to them. However, they kept saying "we are working on improving NS servers", "The issue is not the console themselves". So they did gave us some sort of hope and something to look forward to but here we are. Some of us have play this game for a really long time and despite all the frustration we enjoy it and we are grateful for the good things it brought. Nonetheless, grinding over 500 sp again, getting over 10 artis at 200 is beyond a punishment.

    We might be fooling ourselves here, but hey, one can only hope. :)
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  11. DocElysian Active Player

    Absolute horrible take. I don't even know where to start with this.
    1. It's completely valid to continue playing for the reasons I listed.
    2. Population is not the issue. This game is UNPLAYABLE for serious endgame players because of the lag, your reference to population has nothing to do with this.
    3. You didn't ask the devs because you have the thought that nothing is going to change or come of it. I am trying to fix that, don't shoot me down for actually trying something.
    4. I am glad you had to foresight to stop giving money to a server you didn't benefit on; unfortunately for the rest of us, after almost 4 years, multiple maxed endgame toons with almost 700SP later, we don't feel like just throwing it away, so forgive us.
  12. Krimsonite New Player

    Just because you made the decision to take a loss does not mean that is either correct or expected for other players. We are playing on a released game on an approved console that is not performing at the standards it deserves and requires. If you had played on Switch at any point, you would understand the frustration that is being brought up on this post. We are hoping for answers, a way to keep enjoying this game that we've invested years, thousands of dollars, and many friends we've made along the way. The game does not work on Switch, period. We're hoping our efforts weren't wasted, and that we can continue playing the game in a console that works. Please don't go victim blaming here. Glad things are working out for you.
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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Oh you're more than welcome to continue playing on the Switch. What's not valid is asking for your stuff to be transferred to a better platform just because you continue to support the Switch knowing it's issues and mind you for 4 years as you put it. Population is part of the issue surrounding the Switch not just lag. It didn't take me 4 years for me to realize both Xbox and Switch isn't the best investment and experience I can have. If you plan to continue on Switch just know we value your support. :)
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I have and even played while having a broken humerous. I had to use discord in order for me to communicate with my league mates while doing instances. I spent money on it, ultimately I was already aware of how bad the Switch is. I also realized this on Xbox. I know you guys have been aware of the issues for quite awhile now but it's y'all choice to still play on a sever like that then when you're finally fed up you expect your stuff to be transferred to a better server? Yeah no, not going to happen. It would be nice but it is really not likely to happen. Your chances are as slim as winning the Texas lottery and it's at a billion.
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  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    It's pretty crazy though because in one thread about powers I believe, Mepps had said to not be hopeful lol maybe the same applies here. Perhaps DCUO coming to the Switch was just so they can milk as much money as they can.
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  16. Krimsonite New Player

    Cute. Love your journey. Wish you the best. Now let us talk with the devs who this thread was directed to.
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  17. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    Sadly the only fix is for them to make accounts open, No reason in 2023 MMOs are in that a Nintendo account can't be used on Ps/pc. The switch simply was a bad investment all around for players and the company as the system just isn't strong enough to play properly. The Switch can barley run pokemon.
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  18. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    If I'm not mistaken, somewhere, someone had given fair warning to switch users NOT to play this game on switch. Before launch on switch. It is meme worthy. Merging platforms was a bad idea from the start. It brought nothing but cheaters and exploits to the game. Furthermore, why would PS be able to play with PC, but not XBox users with PC? And then the Switch... Just based on graphics fidelity alone one would assume not even touch this game. Lag? Disconnects? You should have played on the PS3!
    Do people really want to buy another console just to migrate?

    I'd recommend cutting your losses and play Breath of the Wild
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  19. Captain Quasar Active Player

    I wonder if a dev will actually read this, and if they do will it just be the same "we're aware of issues" they've been saying for the last TWO years
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  20. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Indubitably. Unsuspecting victims fall prey again to the marketing machine.
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