I've noticed a few styles have holes in them, you can see right through them and I've seen it multiple times, but I can only bring to mind... High Voltage Chest - The bolts in the middle of the rib-cage have holes in/near the tips of them. Raptor Infiltrator Feet - The holes are high on the shin, right below the knee in between the opaque and the chrome. If anyone else is noticing this, please post below in hopes of fixing it. If there's already a fix, let me know! Thank you in advance and all replies are welcome.
yeah, i really started noticing this lately because of wearing AURAS and seeing the light come through. High voltage for sure, and there were a few others i noticed as well i cant recall ATM.
Thank you all for replying, I thought it was my computer at first but I tried tinkering with all the settings, nothing changes.
There are many styles with holes and other graphical problems. I think there should be a pinned thread to report them or perhaps we can dedicate this thread to it? Also you need to make sure to report which body type and gender it shows up with like what Chequered did because I know of several styles that only have problems with a certain body type.
Well I'm just going to add one that is really badly messed up. Divine leg armor on Mesa body (female), it looks like it's way too small and goes into the legs on several places.
The Lined Slimline legs style that drops for tanks in the flash duo has holes around the groin area and some circles on the rear. The thing is, with most but not all of these styles you have to be pretty close to notice them. It still should be fixed nevertheless
I have noticed serious waist-line fragmentation with the one piece outfit - female small sprite body type. Graphical clipping aside, the lower chest line is actually jutting out to the right - appears both at log-in and in-game.