Hold Range Handblasters

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Gods Disciple, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Gods Disciple New Player

    Anyone else experiencing a delay in doing the first hold range for the handblasters and then finding the tap range combo after is not always connecting?

    Did a nexus raid with the league last night and it was a nightmare seeing as 6 of us were using them! The poor controllers were struggling to keep us powered seeing as we were mainly using power moves to compensate :(
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  2. surge914 New Player

    HB have been and will always be my main weapon and I always have problems with them. Mostly lag problems when doing the charge attacks but also occasionally the random not doing damage for some reason. When you use Pulse beam it automatically goes to the next target continuing your attack but sometimes it messes up where your targeting the next enemy but the animation is not there and your not doing damage or the animation is not there and your still doing damage or the animation is there but not doing damage.
  3. Autarkis77 New Player

    I've had issues where intermittently I hold range and I get stuck in the arms back animation, when I click range I expect it to fire but it only does so after a few seconds and I can't clip it with Recharge as normally.

    Been wondering if it has anything to do with lag as I have not been able to recreate.
  4. game007dad Well-Known Player

    I have noticed that ever so often when trying to do a PB that it will be cut off after only about 4-6 hits. I have even experienced this in my base trying to build a SC prior to running a Raid. Anyone else getting this as well?
  5. Gods Disciple New Player

    Yeah it must be a current bug with the weapon itself if it's happening across all the servers o_O