HL is gonna be op with the stats update

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Sep 23, 2016.

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  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i hope they take some time to balance the powers before they go live with the new update so that NO power is op
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  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Nature Healer, HL, and HB were/are all working as intended. No exploit :\. They were/are just stronger options than the rest but none of them were functioning in a manner of an exploit.
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  3. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    working as intended? That's why HB got nerfed afterward right? And you have any idea how long HL was on the list for nerfs? I guess Munitions shotgun was working as intended too until it got nerfed in a hotfix xD

    Funny how ya'll quick af to say something is working as intended, but later on down the line, it gets changed because someone found a problem with it or the logic behind why it was made that way.
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  4. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    All things you are speaking of were working as intended before their reduction. They were just over tuned but they definitely weren't exploits.

    We also reported every single thing that has been reduced or altered because we know they are too strong compared to the rest and want to see it all balanced out. I actually just reported to Mepps again just 2-3 weeks ago that MA's lunge is still too strong. But with this week's announcement I see why they haven't adjusted it. I guess they are just gonna hit it with the massive stat changing thingy.

    But once again...none of the things we have been discussing this evening are "exploits" as they are functioning as intended. They just need to be balanced better.
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  5. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    We could go back and forth non-stop about how we see things man but it will just end with us...well going back and forth :p.

    I will note that I said "again" in my comment about reporting MA's lunge to Mepps. I along with others reported it numerous times over the last few months and a lot of us reported HB's lunge and certain weapon combos as being too strong the last few months. All of which have been adjusted thankfully (excluding MA's lunge).

    And yeah the last part seemed a bit out of place and I actually removed it but you must have been in the process of replying to me when I edited it.
  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    PC leagues are the only ones who can use teamwork confirmed
  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Pvp will never make a comeback. The nail in the coffin imo was when pvp leagues were going in with all circes in new map.
  9. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    How do you know though, animation times are being tweaked, weapon and power damage are being tweaked.. You won't really know until you test..
  10. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    They said it will be on the test server for as long as it needs to, so it's up to us to test it thoroughly before telling them that it's good to go live.
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  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    If you think that was bad you missed the era 5 years ago when MA Shuriken + Transmute would essentially one shot teams, or 4 years or so ago when Pets were bugged and doing a RIDICULOUS amount of damage (it was known as the pokemon era), or when PS players were "ghosting" other players to get kills (only reason I state PS is because this couldn't occur on PC). All these eras lasted much longer than one weekend. Point being pit. The weekend of Circe was nothing compared to some of the eras PVP has gone through in the past.
  12. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Lets be honest, this is DCUO, they'll find a way to make sure the only powers that don't get higher damage at melee are combo powers, no matter what Ice, Mental, Munitions and Gadgets will still be OP after the update.
  13. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Just my 2 cents after reading some of the posts in this thread.

    When something is broken or overpowered and the devs do not fix it, people will use it until it is fixed in order to win. End of story. Something OP that is "Working as intended" is exactly that. "X" was intended to damage/heal/mitigate by "this much", albeit a ridiculous amount. There's a difference between roll glitching and Fire Tank. One is clearly a glitch, the other is an imbalance.

    No one can cherry pick who can and can't use what's overpowered unless they host a tournament. Then you can ban whatever you want, while on the filpside, people are not obligated to participate. And if they do, they will still use the strongest power/legend available. Why? Because at the end of the day, in a competition, you play to win.

    All that said, to the OP, HL has always been a top DPS power. Probably always will be.
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  14. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    PC leagues are the only people that resort to the cheapest aspects of the game and use "working as intended" as an excuse. But since we throwing shots, why is there not 1 win from Hope Brothers uploaded on YT, or were Zypher and everyone else just smashing you guys consistently before the current update. Cause he has like 2-3 uploads and HoB has like 4 so...
  15. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    See that's the type of logic that justifies using the Mental AM 1shot or HL's LW 1shot or arena map buffs inside of a scrim. Funny how you guys cherry pick what imbalances you want to accept inside of a scrim.
  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    No denying that the era of Hope Brothers was the worst run of Arenas we ever had. The AM era did not work out for us at all. But we did beat HoB and we beat Zypher's team but they definitely stomped on us more than we won...by quite a bit. We dominated Legends. Those guys dominated Arenas. Just how that time period played out was all. Prior to AM's though we dominated Arenas and Legends.

    *Note: Reason I say "we" is because we changed out League Names quite a bit over the years.
  17. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    You mean back during Rage's 100% heal back era when it dominated arenas when you quote on quote said that two of your dps's had rage as their favorite power lol
  18. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Both the examples you gave were clearly bugs. Especially HL's Light Weight. Your whole argument honestly sounds like you're just looking to pick a fight. Main reason:

    This. This ruined your credibility.
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  19. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

  20. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Actually before Hope Brothers we (me and Venge) never played with Clutch or Talve in Arenas before as they only played on EU and we played on US.
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