HL DPS or Troller?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by GLEmerald, May 24, 2014.

  1. GLEmerald Active Player

    I'm currently in full t5 armor and starting on t6. Should I stay a HL trollers or switch to a DPS?
  2. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    which one are you good at?
  3. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    Stay troll if you like it, but if you dont go dps.
  4. Arcpope New Player

    Why not go both? Depending on what the group needs or how you and to run.
  5. GLEmerald Active Player

    I've never tried DPS but every once a blue moon when I'm in an instance I do tend to put out more damage than I do power. It depends on who my group member are. But I do need help with being a better HL Troller. :\
  6. GLEmerald Active Player

    How do I do both ?
  7. GLEmerald Active Player

    I do like trolling but i also like putting out damage. Page friend of mine told me to make 2 toons and have 1 be a dps and the other be a troller
  8. Arcpope New Player

    I'm a quantum battle troll and do well on the charts (not that I ever look lol)
    So it's possible to dps in troll form, and is fun as helll