HL Claw construct doesn't deal damage

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Tsigalko, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    i just realized when u tap melee after fan, the 1st hit from claw doesn't deal any prec damage if we are far from the target when we cast fan, while the animation is literally we lunge claw right to the target's nose. at the same range if we cast the Claw power (not construct), it deals might damage normally. if we cast fan close to to the target, the claw 1st construct damage damage hits prec dmg like normal.

    so is this a bug? or is this meant to be for pvp balancing or whatever reason? coz in that first construct claw after fan deals only a little below smoke bomb damage if it already enters AM (+4s), and HL is already annoyingly enough in pvp.
  2. R0FL New Player

    Yeah it only seems to appear when you try to use it from mid/long range.
    I made a video to show it doesn't do damage while doing combos :