Highest DPS class atm?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aggronator, Feb 19, 2013.

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  1. D4rkwond3r New Player

    It'a all Player Based SKILLS and Loadout.

    D4rkwond3r, Vilain 89CR dps/troll Gadgets, 123Sp.

    P.S Bring any HL user and let him try out DPS me :) .
  2. ASH New Player

    from my experience. the same player with the same gear in the same team without all the overwriting some classes have and a good knowledge of all powersets.he/she will have the highest damage potential with:
    1. Hardlight
    2. Gadgets
    3. Fire / Elec / Mental
    4. Nature / Earth / Ice/ Sorcery without clownbox glitch
  3. OMAAR New Player

    Ice is equal to HL in damage now. I have seen it twice.
    So far I have seen Ice, HL and gadgets all equal and if power is lacking
    I'd put it like this:
    3.Hard Light.

    Hard light has a LOT of requirements to be good: Tank with EXCELLENT aggro management, Good healers that have instant heal powers. I'd say controllers but with the new gear I have seen a single controller keep me powered up ( his name is EL CROW ) from my league. And the controllers who don't give any power are usually shunned by the whole group and not just by the dps.
  4. OMAAR New Player

    Please not another " I'm the best dps ". I have seen awesome dps from literally every powerset ( yes including Mental and Nature )
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  5. Nitemare Kosmos New Player

    I'm calling you out omaar on my earth toon. I want blood. lol
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  6. OMAAR New Player

    Don't call me lol, there are many players better than me.
  7. AllanPage Committed Player

    For PVP I prefer Gadgets and for PVE nothing comes close to HL for me, its just so fun.
  8. Lokkii Committed Player

    imo HL is not fun at all, it super boring, def the highest damage out put capabilities at the moment tho
  9. ARI ATARI New Player

    this is a moot thing as its basically scoreboard padding.

    this is also not generalizing. this is simply if you put the best player at the controls.... in most cases HL will not top the chart. But if the player is good they will every time. Sorcery would be number two and gadgets 3rd.
    in pvp. remove HL from the equation as they are a liability not an asset.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I don't think you can order too much now. The difference between Mental/gadget/hl/ice is pretty small now.

    Both Mental and Ice have lots power now if you have the right loadout. Problem is there's a ton of powers that are very lackluster that could have been fixed in the revamps.

    I wouldn't put them in any order but yes Ice can do very well now, so far I've topped almost everything I've done in the week it's been out.

    Ice has a GREAT setup for single target. A very solid AE power in resonating gale. If they lack somewhere it's killing the 2-3 mob groups as they don't have the best splash damage, it's either all out AE or Single target IMO.
  11. Nitemare Kosmos New Player

    Since they dont have good splash damage would whirlwind dervish help some just wondering?
  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Who isn't going to gain from whirling dervish =). But yeah that's in my loadout. It's not like it's a huge hit, but like 2-3 enemies my mental will take out faster than Ice. The split damage of the 4 target AE spam powers in mental is better than the single target or AE'd with res gale. The difference is miniscule but just saying that's the one area where I think they are behind the curve, where every other area they are right there or above imo.
  13. FroZen New Player

    Martial Arts / Ice DPS here.

    Before and after the update, I haven't had a problem putting up respectable DPS damage. After the update the scorecard is much closer. There are plenty of instances where I top the damage ranks. When I am blown away, most times by far, its by Bow/HL combo. Though, after the update, it is much closer now.
  14. Lokkii Committed Player

    Bow/HL combo is a terrible one, brawling,DW,rifle are all far better to pair with HL IMO
  15. OMAAR New Player

    Bow HL?!?
  16. Frostmourne New Player

    Bananas with Pijamas!!!!!
  17. kgghk New Player

    lol bow is poop
  18. Elusian Crowd Control

    Can't agree more with that :)
  19. TrueMarvel New Player

    Is ICE really as good as HL now?
  20. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    i'd say it is. it feels a lot like gadgets now. it has a nice mix of dots and burst damage, just like it did before the update. but now everything does proper damage. i got a nice 1900 crit with frost snipe earlier (trinket was active but still, i was running with 1816 base might).
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