Highest DPS class atm?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aggronator, Feb 19, 2013.

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  1. Massah Committed Player

    If you are talking about highest Damage-Per-Second it is hard to beat Insane High Crit powers which some powers need all the DoT's overtime to even try to match the burst damage.

    Now as some one mentioned Damage Effectiveness - as a rule of thumb whether Might or Precision based - I prefer that a DPS maintains a 10:1 damage to power ratio. (So 100K damage to 10K power-in) At that ratio I have seen few HL and Gadgets players that are this effective. If you ask why I say that....you can have a single troll with only 1000vit solo troll Prime with no issue.(Like when Prime first came out- I had seen several solo-trolls with less than 1100vit at the time----now you'd get kicked for a vit lower than 1250ish....sad days because people are not power-efficient at all.) Also the most damaging DPS I have run across was a 1-handed Gadgets who used the Shock-Cola Clown Box in addition to the normal Pi loadout.(Scorecard may have had fake Box damage but scorecard was absurd and everything was vaporized)

    If you want to have a real DPS chanllenge go into Gates with a single troll providing power and compare damage at the end. The DPS complaining about their damage being low because the 'trolls suck' (sound familiar) are what I call unreliable DPS. These unreliable DPS seem to be the ones that need a troll to complete the Cosmic Treadmill speedfeat because they don't have enough power to kill things. Even Better for a DPS contest is to Random queue.

    Lastly the actual Role is Damage role not Damage-Per-second....part of the balance that is heavily skewed is that there is supposed to be an apparent trade-off to high burst damage powers. Usually a cooldown, cast-time, or large power consumption. Issue being is that with HL clipping and Gadgets with enough power you don't get the power consumption negatives to deter you from maximizing damage. Other classes with moves that either have a cast-time or cooldown cannot bypass their negatives.
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  2. Zypher New Player

    I kinda disagree with everything about that list.

    Post 1h nerf, nothing will beat HL in gates or any add-heavy raid. This includes gadgets with equal players. If I was forced to rank powers by DPS it would look like:

    1. HL
    2. Gadgets
    3. Electricity/Nature/Sorcery (with good players)
    4. Mental/Earth
    5. Fire
    6. Ice

    5-man gates speed feat with a nature player who is on the bottom of your list.

  3. Aggronator New Player

    Well with the update hitting live servers tommorow...guess we will see if ice shines and go from there!
  4. ImpeccableSin New Player

    That's one of my favorite things about HL. It's, imo, by far and away the best power without a troller there is. While it's most effective with clipping, it's also possible to do a lot of damage using very little power.
  5. Unreal Level 30

    Fire was the best dps for PvE until this update. Fairy and myself never got beat in dps once I got my might up to 1900. His is above 2k and we beat everyone badly. I guess we will have to find a new power to beat everyone with because they nuked fire out of existence with this GU. It's probably the worst power in the game atm for PvE damage wise.
  6. Snix Dedicated Player

    I don't know why some people have that "All powers can put on the same amount of damage in the same amout of time" logic. I agree that all powers can output the same amount of damage but not the latter. Which is why some powers lack and some powers shine in different content.
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  7. Giggles Loyal Player

    Honestly, I don't think it's the power sets as much as the weapons, the exception being light. The only gadgets users that usually top DPS are 1 hander and MA. You ever see one top dps without those weapons? Hardly. In my opinion the weapons need to be rebalanced more so than anything else. I read a great post earlier by someone who said debs were making us sustained dps players. I agree with that post. Don't focus on topping DPS more than staying alive. A dead DPS is a useless DPS, and a DPS who has more damage in than a Tank and more power in than trollers and healers combined is not a good DPS, they are the reason why raids fail. You may not see that now, but you will when T5 hits.
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  8. SuperMia New Player

    Post-GU22/Pre-GU23, with all gear, skill, and experience being equivalent...

    The Highest DPS Class in PVE:

    1. Light
    2. Gadgets (very close second)
    3. Sorcery/Nature/Mental/Earth
    5. Fire
    6. Electricity
    7. Ice
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  10. Aggronator New Player

    Loving ice dps now!
  11. SLEVINKELEVRA New Player

  12. Aggronator New Player

    LOL! This sig sums up how i feel about ice now..EPIC!
  13. Ink Soul New Player

    1. Gadgets/ Lit
    2. Electricity
    3. Nature
    To the people who say "Any power can be the best DPS it's the player" You're right to an extent; some powers are more situational than other, and power which has more "situational" than others, like ice for example, are generally considered lesser than others. Gadgets has DoTs, Burst, Shields, and Procs. It's an all rounder, that can adapt to a variety of situations. Light is a brilliant powerset, Ink Soul is HL and I can tell you, when you clip so much your fingers bleed in lesser gear I have been able to DECIMATE other generally considered "good" players, I clip my Block Breakers, most effective with Dual wield to me, and they're down in seconds, it's primarily burst damage for Light, and you can do damage ranged and close up.
    Electricity is the Mob Killer, get up all those DoTs and they'll melt like butter.
    Nature's very similar to Electricity DoT wise but it has a lot more utilities to guide it in battle, Carnage and Hive Mind for example. You can have both a prec build (Wolf) and Might build with this, it's very versatile and can also do a lot of burst damage when set up correctly.
  14. Elusian Crowd Control

    Gadgets, HL and Elec are close to each other (in aspect of the max. dmg out possibilities). The variety establishes on the player who uses them. Ice and Fire can't be determined right after the revamp and needs some time to see where they really stand. Sorcery and Nature are going for the next revamp and both are hardly in need of that. I myself play a Sorcery Healer / DPS and I know about the capabilities of the powerset which is the speed of setting up things, same for Nature. In rooms with fast-dying adds we have nothing to do there and let those faster powersets do their job but on boss fight we can shine and even win some ground in the "dmg race". The most satisfying moment as Sorcery is to run Prime and end up close behind HL and Gadgets with a power in that is so shocking low that you get your own feeling of being op even if you're just the 3rd DPS in dmg out. Earth is pretty hard to determine. I ran that powerset for a while and in the end you end up in the middle of the weakest and the strongest powersets for DPSing (in both aspects of ratios and dmg out).
  15. Aggronator New Player

    Ice is right up there now...been raiding with some new loadouts etc...looking good!!
  16. TrueMarvel New Player

    This is factual incorrect. on both fronts. Fire was not the best DPS power pre-update. It is not the worst after update.
  17. TheDark Devoted Player

    smart man right here. ^^^
  18. RASTA4LIFE New Player

    most definitely! all the bunny jumping to clip fan and others -.-
  19. RamsesVIIX New Player

    I've been hearing mental is sneaking it's way back to the top. Fire now seems stronger than before.
  20. Massah Committed Player

    That can Be true Kyle Rayner on the US PS3 is one of the most Power Efficient HL DPS I have come across maintintaing a better than 10:1 Damage to Power Ratio.

    ISSUE I (and I think others) have found trying to use Earth's Precision Based Aftershock moves is that you can get more AoE damage from normal Melee Weapon combo's than using a PI's Jackhammer with Might &Precision Ticks. (My Power Efficient Earth Loadout relies on Small DoT's that cover a vast part of the Battle Area (Much like Soul Well aka Totem; Circle Of Destruction aka Debris Field) a pet to take advantage of the totem PI a self-buff (reinforce/weapon of destiny) to clip totem and provide 50% damage buff weapon clip away (Downward Smash/Uppercut-Haymaker/Home Run er Mega smash/Smoke Bomb) clip with only move not on cool down Finisher: Sandblast/Final Ruin. Can also be played ranged.( even with Pistols as the increased crit chance allows Sweep Shot to shine)

    But any powerset can be DPS efficiently and competitively Precision biased utilizing weapon combos. Especially now that all but 4-Powersets can lock in a 60% Damage Modifier for 20secs with enduring Damage and +10% for Core Strength = 70% for 20 secs at the cost of 1 3-sec acst time move. The powersets without a cast time inadvertently correspond with Power-Hungry DPS classes: Earth; Hard Light; Electric; Gadgets. (To be completely honest Gadgets' Neural Neutralizer, Hard Light's Triage, Electric's Ionic Drain, and Earth's Rumble Crush should be reworked/tweaked to grant 60% damage Buff)
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