High CR's rushing ahead...please stop

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by impulse1, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    If you're queuing in, it is what it is. Maybe it'll be a breeze or maybe it'll be 3 hours of rage.

    I can't really support you OP. If you want a balanced at level group to experience the content in a way that appeals to you, form a pre-made. That's always how it is in an MMO. Otherwise people are bound to ruin your experience.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

  3. High Troller Loyal Player

    They do indeed come to the forum. I have ran with some of these nutcases that are regulars on here. i vote them out of instances for their monkey business. I then put them on ignore. what's funny to them is not funny to others.
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  4. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Imma rush through the mission 100% of the time if im high. Why do you want to b there for a hour when someone can guide you through in 10mins? When im running on a cr boosted character for source marks, I almost always have someone run me through the mission.. sometimes i even have to pay them.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Stabilizer duo for me is the one exception to the rule. A) you might sit there for 10 min waiting to 'communicate' with some squatter or bot, B) the door does not lock someone else out or lose them loot, C) there are no adds to stick someone in the hall, D) there are no feats to be won or lost, D) It's stat leveled, so no one is 'over' CR and E) it's a 60-90 second run so waiting for a minute to establish some kind of 'gameplan' extends the run by almost double. There is only one 'goal' in the stabilizer duo and it will be accomplished for both players regardless of how it's done.

    If there were no squatters/bots ever, I might even rethink the other factors, but there are...a lot of them. I just want my 3, 4 or 6 frags and to get on to the next thing. This is the one run I don't care at all about the other person anymore.
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  6. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    As a DCUO veteran, I apologize on their behalf.

    You're totally right. Us higher leveled players should set an example for the community as newer players view us as what they should be in game.

    Everything we do, everything we say....everything matters.

    This is a very great game with a pretty good story to boot if you're willing to follow it. Steamrolling content isn't helping new players experience the game and everything it has to offer. While I'm sure there are players out there that could care less about what the other player feels, exercising a little bit of empathy can go a long way folks.

    That's just my two cents...
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  7. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player





    I couldn't have said it better.
  8. Brit Loyal Player

    As with everything, the random queue is the lowest common denominator. You don't have fun with a high level running too fast? Maybe they don't have fun waiting 20 extra minutes in an area where they're just chasing one style piece. Your fun is not somehow more valid than theirs. Unless you are paying their subscription then you do not have the right to tell them how to spend their play time. If you wish to go slower, prebuild a group of like minded people or accept what you get in the random queue.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    To each their own. Personally I try to go with consistency on my behavior, so even with the Stabilizer duo I'll go the polite route. Sometimes there can be a connection issue for the other player, sometimes real life can call unexpectedly and I'll give the benefit of the doubt more often than not.

    I've been extremely lucky in terms of squatters, and the one time I encountered one I waited them out. It helped that I had the next day off and plenty of time to kill, and their attitude (I believe they told me to "go fetch" their fragments for them or something to that effect) contributed greatly to my decision that day. But watching them finally bail after 100 minutes or so (can't believe it took them that long to figure out I was serious in waiting them out LOL) was very satisfying.
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  10. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    im sorry someone is ruining your experience.
    but in the same respect, him slowing down to avoid ruining it for you, is ruining it for him.

    someone will always be complaining.

    Form your own group and enjoy the content.

    if you try and queue in, be ready for what the game has to offer, good or bad.

    im not going to waste my day so you can enjoy the content. (granted, i will kill all the enemies for you so you dont die, sure) ..but i will try my hardest to be in and out of there.
  11. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I've run League of Assassins on high level toons with others at similar levels just for kicks. If you do the Ra's al Ghul fight incorrectly (kill him before the two Claws) you will glitch the instance. It creates a race condition.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah I gave up a long time ago in making that 'point'. Day off or not, my time is more valuable than sitting there for 100 or even 5 minutes. Feel free to do it yourself, but I just want to get in and get out. Normally by the time I notice the other person is not moving, I'm already done....if they get free loot...good for them. I don't bother even ignoring most times anymore....again, don't have the time to bother with it. In my mind...it's a solo. Now...I will say, that if I get to the door and the other person is standing there opening it, I won't blast through and TRY to lock them out. But 80% of the time this is not the case and I'm opening it....whether they are standing there or not. I can't say the same for most others when I'm the one opening the door....generally I end up having to enter via the portal....and it's been a long time since that bothered me.

    Again, the stabilizer duo is the one exception for me. Everything else I'll TRY to do the polite thing, but as Brit pointed out...it is a random queue and I'd have just as much right to blast through if I wanted to as you (the low player) have in taking your time. Best fix for those situations, especially on duos, is make it so that the high tier players don't' need to queue in with a low tier player. That would mean less times the situation would pop up.
  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    Now personally I gotta disagree. I may be running content for marks or drops. The other person maybe doing the same whether they are leveling or not. If I want a feat. I’ll let them know and if they don’t cooperate. It’s frustrating but it is what it is. Either come back or form a group. I as a player am not obligated to help others. That does not mean that I won’t hesitate to do so if need be but if I’m going into older content. I’m not a bad person for one shotting everything and beating the content super fast. For every “I want to be slow paced and enjoy the content for myself” there are 10 more “You’re 330 CR. Why are you standing here letting me do all the work?”

    At the end of the day. Most players want to get in and out of content. Especially the content where you’re pretty much super op in comparison to the ads. If you want to enjoy the content at a slower pace. Pugging the game is not exactly the best choice. There are leagues out there with like minded individuals or you could ask around during runs for players at your level if they want to level with you at a slower pace.

    Also the Stab event point. Yeah idk why anybody would decide to wait for anyone for that. There’s no progression that comes out of it and why would they que it up, and join the instance if they were just gonna stand there? It’s their loss if they miss out on rewards but I highly doubt that that is the case. As long as you’re in the instance. You’re getting a drop whether you contribute or you don’t.
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Okay this kinda jumped out at me.

    With all due respect, if that's how you feel then why join in any group content runs at all? By joining a group for any content run, you are obligating yourself to helping them. You've joined in a group effort to accomplish a goal, and yet you don't feel obligated to help?

    Okay, I gotta stop using "obligated" now, the word is starting to lose meaning to me. I really need to get a thesaurus. LOL

    Just a little attempt at humor there. :D It's one thing if you're a player like me who tends to stick to solo stuff the vast majority of the time or are just busy with some other project while playing (collection/exo gathering, running an open world solo mission, etc.) . In those situations you (speaking generally) aren't obligated to help out others at all. But the instant you join a group you've pretty much committed to helping those other players accomplish the goal of finishing the mission, at the very least.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I've experienced the opposite. My own philosophy is an instance should take as long as its supposed to take. no more, no less. I don't like wasting time. I've been in way too many alerts and raids where rushing ahead or skipping ads to save time results in the opposite. Many times in duos and alerts its my much lower cr partner running ahead and starting boss fights and dying while i'm doing things like popping the "hidden" chest, finding ambush bug or setting things up so newbie mcspeedynewbersome can get a few feats popped your welcome very much.

    i know how to skip ads and speed my way to each boss fight. usually when i play the game that way i end up leaving my teammates in the dust to fend off any ads i may have accidentally aggrod while i'm waiting for them to reach the boss. funny how nobody likes it when it happens to them.
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  16. Shalayah Committed Player

    I join instance content because I’m 100% sure It can be beat whether I’m running with at CR guys or not. I’m not saying that I don’t help players if they want to get feats or what not. What I an saying however is that I am not required to alter my playstyle in any way to suit another player’s desire to “enjoy the content” if they don’t like the fact that I kill everything in sight. That’s on them. Should’ve created a group of people at level because I’m not for wasting time. Nor is it my problem when content is finished faster than you would’ve maybe preferred.

    Teamwork is expected but in most of the older content. It isn’t needed.
  17. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    If im the high cr in an instance i dont do this, i might kill things quick but i'll at least stick with the group, plus if there is a feat attached like kill a boss quick or speed feat i'll just get things over with. If ppl have a problem with that aspect run it again lol
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  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Hmmm, I get the frustration and all but it sounds like someone trying to either show off, have the desire to just check out the content after obtaining new gear or they want to experience what more experienced players can do.

    In either case, it's subjective when having this situation and could be closely related to mood.

    Usually people like that run solo for a reason, mainly because they can't run with others and usually get kicked, a lot.

    I knew someone like that, tried to invite others to join them in running older content for the marks, was excited about it too.

    At the time my other half had sympathy for them, would run with them, but when it got time to be serious you definitely wouldn't find them in the group, they lacked skill.

    Which actually goes into the opposite argument of being elitist.

    There are many different types of gamers, various personalities, I bet if you could see when they started and looked at when they completed certain feats there would be a huge gap, maybe years after when they got them, only because they were carried themselves.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I always love this aspect of the discussion. While I'll agree there are scoreboard focused people out there, I'd say most people want to get in and out as fast as they can, whether they have an audience or not. I know when I run a solo like the M1, BoP or WV one, I like to see a quick time when I walk out...and there is no-one else there for me to 'show off' too. Anyone that thinks that 'whupping' a bunch of at level toons when you are 200+ cr over them needs serious time in a therapist's office.

    Does that excuse being a jerk and leaving people behind to get killed by adds or miss loot? No....not really. But I'd chalk it up more to someone just being oblivious or not caring more than some need to 'show off'....in most cases.
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  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I rarely run old content for a number of reasons but if I do, the mantra is “No man left behind!”.
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