High CR's rushing ahead...please stop

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by impulse1, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. impulse1 Well-Known Player

    Just ran Stryker's today on one of my alts. I am CR85, two other players at level and one at about CR300. He rushed ahead and locked us all out of both the Rogues' fight and the Grodd fight. This is incredibly selfish and seems to be happening more and more often.

    If he wants to solo Stryker's, why doesn't he use the walk-in?

    Same thing happened yesterday running League of Assassins. This was even worse because the high CR spawned all the ninjas as he rushed past, which ambushed the rest of the team while he solo'ed the last three boss fights.

    I have endgame alts who occasionally run lower-level stuff that can easily be solo'ed - but I never enter a boss fight without waiting for the team. This is not a solo game. This is an MMO.

    As experienced players, we should be encouraging new players leveling up to enjoy the game and help it to grow and thrive. And yet so many experienced players are robbing new players of the pleasure the game provides.

    Just a little bit of kindness and respect toward your fellow gamers.

    Is that really too much to ask for?
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  2. ErickStrife Well-Known Player

    Nothing new. This has been happening for years. At this point, I am actually surprised when the opposite happens. When a high CR actually runs WITH the group and waits for them and actually helps. Most of my toons are around 326-329 with only maybe 2 toons in the lower 100's. but, when I run old content with my higher ups, I actually try to help out as much as possible, and avoid doing what you described, because I hate people doing it.

    If I wanted to solo old content, which I can, I would do as you said, walk in and solo it.
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The problem is you're preaching to the wrong choir. You and your group need to maybe communicate from the start that you all don't want that player to rush ahead...please. The A-holes doing that in the game aren't reading your post here, let alone giving a damn about your reasonable request.
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  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    From their perspective... They probably think they're doing you a favor. Would you even have fun attempting to tank/troll/heal for someone that probably no use at all for you? Not to mention how long queues are at the level. He needs a style or something and you are getting a free ride. I get it... You want to play and have fun... But as long as he's in there you aren't going to anyway. Why should he have to leave his queue? To force you to work for a living? Kind of a silly complaint if you ask me.
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  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Speed is king around here. If your slow go play some other mmo. nobody got time for slow ppl who turn an alert into a 16 to 23min alert because they simply want to be slow. If you have alts then u can understand why someone would be rushing ahead... maybe they have alot of alts aswell and want to hurry up and get to them
  6. Shalayah Committed Player

    I’m someone who typically blows through content but I don’t leave everybody to fend for themselves. I usually kill everything in sight which still isn’t exactly an enjoyable experience for newbies but I don’t have the time or patience to let them take 20 minutes to beat one hallway of adds. Only reason I run old content is for marks/styles so yeah. If you want those real runs you can get to endgame, or form a group of like minded individuals.
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  7. myandria Item Storage



    No, Boobookins. Just No.

    MMO's are for everyone, no matter how fast or slow you play. A slow player's money is just as good as a fast player's money; why would DCUO or any other MMO miss the opportunity to make a game that ALL players can enjoy and spend money on?

    The whole "Speed is King" sentiment is truly player community rooted; it has nothing to do with the devs or how the game should be played. The devs will not shun players if they do not/will not keep up with the meta fast track players.

    Just because YOU like to play the game fast doesn't mean that other players should play as fast as you do. Everyone who plays this game has the right to play it the way that suits them; you have no right to tell others to go play other games because they do not play the game the way YOU want them to play it. Some players actually have time to help other players who need it and/or don't mind playing with slower players. If you do not, then that is YOUR choice, not the choice of the entire player community.
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  8. myandria Item Storage

    Agreed; communication is key, especially when you are playing an at-level character in an alert/raid. Letting other members of your team know what you need and/or looking for will go a long way and help things go more smoothly.

    When I pug older content, I usually ask if anyone needs feats/collections/briefings and I try to help out as much as possible.
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  9. ErickStrife Well-Known Player

    I respectfully disagree.

    If you want to rush through content, then go on LFG, and say something like, looking for a group for a QUICK/RUSH (dont bother killing adds) run. Then, you are all on the same page.

    But, even as a higher up like myself, I hate when people rush and there's hallways and rooms full of enemies, just because one or two people decided they would skip it all just to get to the boss and get out quick. If i am in an alert/raid, I WANT TO KILL EVERYTHING. I want the TEAM to work together.
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  10. ErickStrife Well-Known Player

    Hehe... Y'all lucky Im not one of the higher-ups in this game's admin crew/developers.
    I would make it so that the bosses will NEVER spawn until you kill EVERY SINGLE add in the raid/alert :cool:
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  11. fm0987 Committed Player

  12. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    This is an old issue and is the reason we have CR relevancy. Sadly people will never stop doing it because people are generally rude and selfish.

    Oh and as for League of Assassins, that is the standard practice in both versions of it. People expect everybody to just know that they must skip through and of course have a tantrum if anybody doesn't follow along.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually if you want to take the 'random' out of random experience, which is blind queuing, then you should use LFG, you can't suggest that works one way but not the other, if anything when you blind queue you should just expect a random experience each and every time, sometimes people rush ahead, sometimes they don't

    Are some people in the game ********, yes they are, most however are not.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd agree, why didn't he just walk in...however most runs don't have walk in points...and maybe this guy didn't know about Strykers having one.

    I'll queue into something old sometime if it has a worthwhile drop, or a few loot choosers to pick from so I can net a few marks, and If it pops and I end up with someone who is 'at level', I'll almost always ask "you mind if I bash through this thing?" or "were you working on a feat in here?". If I get 'no' answers, I'll blow through. If I get silence, I'll blow through. If I get an objection, I'll leave and let the guy re-open or solo. If I get an affirmative or am asked for help, I'll help. I've even laid back and let the other person do much of the burn, only popping in a few hits now and then to egg it along... or if they get crushed, I'll finish it. What I never do is dust the other people and leave them stuck in the adds. I'd mop up adds and wait by the boss door...you don't leave a man behind...that's just uncool.

    I generally don't queue into old stuff, I'll build a group and go in, but many don't have the patience or the fillers to do that on the really 'un-run' content.

    BTW... I need to ask. Did you ask the guy to slow down at all or just grumble to yourself? If you didn't say anything, it's at least partially on you.
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  15. tukuan Devoted Player

    I agree. For events and LPVE I can get the need to run ahead but for at level content it's a real richard move. Especially when all the ads pool and the map is big like Strykers the end result can be that the lower level guys are too far to get the rewards. Of course that aside it's not really all that fun to slog through the left overs on your own.
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  16. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    For every player mad at that high cr there's 5 happy for the free run. Personally I'm not gonna intentionally get people locked out or anything but I'm not gonna slow run the content for them and pew pew in the back either
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  17. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Then I could say if you want Speed go play black desert online or some other fast paced mmo and let people who are enjoying the game at Their speed be..
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I had a very similar experience in a duo like a year or two back. My alt was in the correct CR for the duo to earn gear, and the other one was like 280 or whatever it was back then. He didn't bother to communicate with me and got upset that I killed an add or whatever (And he was rushing leaving me to take all the damage from adds), he wanted a feat done and if he just communicated with me he would've had this feat. Then he threw a fit of "Goodluck I'm standing right here complete this alone". I ended up leaving and not running duos pug again unless it was with friends.

    So I understand the frustration a lot, and if you are on EU contact me in game I will help you run stuff.
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  19. VariableFire Loyal Player

    At least with most Alerts there's a chance that the ones left behind will get some loot. The T4 Operations are super frustrating because there is almost always one jerk who runs off and one-shots the bosses before the others get there. Even worse, the players who are at level and need the gear and marks most are usually the ones left behind.
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  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I've always been of the school of thought that it stops being about the individual the instant you step into a group situation. Even if it's just a duo and something as simple as the Stabilizer duo, you don't rush off and do your own thing. It takes little to no effort to chat with the group to find out what sort of plans might be in place or what sort of goals have been set. And waiting for the other person/people in your group isn't going to be the end of the world.

    Just as a side note, there's a part of me wondering how many of those folks who rush off and do things on their own might be the same ones who chafe at the idea of or scoff at people only doing solo stuff in MMOs. But I digress.

    Anyhow, if someone either can't or won't play nice with others when they're in a group situation, perhaps they might want to rethink what sort of content they want to run.
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