Hi Res maps of everything / Collections / Exobits / Investigations / Briefings

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Happy Cat, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Champion_Of_The_Gods Active Player

    my only comment is that SC4 is no longer there, and is in fact a green token not a blue token.
  2. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    • Like x 1
  3. The Darkrayne New Player

    These maps are great. Finding them very useful.

    I have a question though (I'm brand new to the game). What are the yellow arrows and the yellow circles (both sizes)?

    Thanks a lot for making these and/or sharing these!
  4. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    The yellow markers are EXOBIT SPAWN LOCATIONS!!! for your Exobit hunting pleasure.

    Yellow arrow up means it is on top of something, yellow arrow down means it is under something, yellow circle means it is on the ground.

    I don't play DCUO any more but I have this thread watched so it will email me if someone responds to it. If anyone wants the files for the map the links for the PSD Download are in this thread.
    • Like x 1
  5. MYCROFT New Player

    The Metropolis map is amazingly good. The Gotham map is in a different format (png, not psg), and is VERY hard to read when you zoom in. Any chance of getting the Gotham map in PSG format? Pretty please?
  6. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    You have to be careful with the Gotham Map, click on the arrow to the far right and select "Download" do not view the map first or it will dump it to you as a PNG.
  7. MYCROFT New Player

    When I click on the Google drive link for Gotham, it goes straight to an open view; I get no chance to do a download. 8-(
  8. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

  9. MYCROFT New Player

    Yeah, I tried that one a couple of days ago, and couldn't get it to work; tonight, no problem! Go figure!
    Anyway, I got it, so thanks VERY much!
  10. Maafe New Player

    What is the key to the map? I get the green or blues but what are the yellow circle or triangle and the lightning bolt for?
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    can anyone point me in the direction for the map that give the future batman shoulders? the briefing locations came out right before origin crisis i believe and there was a thread on it... but i cant find it and id like to complete that set and get the style...
  12. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    the lightning bolts are the Lightning Strikes Bounties, and the Yellow markers are exobit locations
  13. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    First off, these are great Happy Cat. Easier to read and navigate than Axah's, though those were the first I used. Looking for something a little more updated when I found these. I do have a question about those yellow markings, though. I completely understand the majority of the markings on the maps. I get the arrows denote location of the briefings/investigations/exobits. However, the yellow is still a little confusing to me. On the Metropolis map, there are yellow dots that match the up/down arrows, but then there are these other yellow dots, more of a dark goldish color. Do those denote collections? Or just someone else marking exos? The Gotham map also has multiple yellows. There are some other yellow dots that are much, much smaller than those that I'm sure are marking exos. Is there a difference for those?
  14. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    the smaller yellow dots are what I referred to as the "Axah Tribute layer" they are the collection locations that were originally found by axah. They were shown on the map like that as sort of a way of acknowledging the work he did.
  15. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Another idea for your maps:
    Maybe you could make the intrances to instances more explicit and maybe also give them numbers and make an index, which entrance is for which instance, hero- and villain-side.

    I'm working on a treasure chest locator atm. and with this additional info your map would just be PERFECT to show where to find them. :)
  16. darkmoon caverns New Player

    What are the yellow arrows and circles and fuzzy yellow circles for? I needed a map for collections and was hoping this would help.
  17. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    the small circles are the old collection places, I have told people like 50 times what the larger yellow circles and arrows up and down are. Although I no longer play this game, I really don't mind coming back to answer questions, but it seems that it is the same question over and over, read the thread people.
  18. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    How about just including an explanation of all used symbols on the acutal map, like you also have on reallife world maps? This would make the map even for people, who don't know this topic or the page, just the maps, selfexplanatory.
  19. Seth Grey New Player

    THANK YOU! :D :D :D
  20. chironicus New Player

    BTW if you have ability at DHTML4 + all one needs do is use 5 maps each wiht each type on it and use transparency and then layer them

    you then on left click exobits and exobits only show up say....or click htem all and everythign shows up all one needs do is once the objects are properly placed you cut out all the mappings....and have one main image for the city

    just a heads up form a lad whose done many neat stuffs over the years and anyone wanting help doing so can pm me and illeven setup a webserver to teach people....