Hey let my ask a question about open world pvp events

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by somerandombats, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. somerandombats New Player

    I have been wondering f anyone else thinks the rewards for the open world pvp could use a touch up? The zones are normally deserted and rarely used and a large reason is if someone stops and completes the objective they get a whole mark of triumph to spend. Contrast that with a arena match taking the same amount of time giving them 40 marks if they have full gear. If they upped the regards to something of more value in the t6 era we could get these areas to be extremely fun highlights of our evenings. Not a fetch quest with no one around to be the opfor.
    Please dont misunderstand i dont want something to make it a 100 v 100 lagfest just something to make the game something other than villain vs ice cream truck or hero vs bagel maker. Anyone else think about this?