Hey DEVS, may have Perfect Solution to get rid of the 4 Dps groups.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by smoove76, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. smoove76 Committed Player

    Now see explaining your view of things wasn't so bad now was it?:)
  2. smoove76 Committed Player

    LMBO :D
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Why do you think people look for glitches.

    I like most of the content, but during the early T6 time, the health pools were extreme. They are just right now. At level, it's fun.
  4. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I am with you on that.

    I came from other mmorpg's that took a good amount of time just to get through a raid, because the raid was designed to be over an hour long. Not completed in 10 minutes.

    So because of those old days of MMO playing, i am very patient because this game feels like a walk in the park compared to some of the stuff I've done in the past.
  5. Gunny New Player

    And it is not about "OMG, I'm in here for an extra 5 minutes".

    Have you guys been around when nexus/dox were top raids? The best groups had burn so fast that they could burn down the two holograms before shields popped - that made it so the timer on the one-shot shockwave reset. Then, the boss dies before the shockwave goes off.

    The whole fight goes without a hitch because of that burn - no one had to worry about shields, LoSing with artifact pedestal, etc. Sure, the fight took a few less minutes, but the reason people want that kind of burn? It's things like that.

    Epic odyssey in tier required burn for it to take place.
    Nexus became TONS easier in multiple fights with good burn.
    Cerberous in Halls of Hades requires burn relative to how well handlers/weapons are handled.
    Throne of the dead regular, many tactics require adds to be burned at least as fast as they spawn - especially for ares.
    Throne of the dead elite fight requires add control as well.

    DPS is really becoming stressed and has been for awhile. It isn't to shave a few minutes off, it literally makes the fight night and day easier.
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  6. smoove76 Committed Player

    Well your experience is your experience. But for me A dps heavy group to me is the kiss of death. I often find that we spend just as much time in those type of raids due to wipes cus dpses being K.Oed and and we trolls trying to pick them up and the group usually end up wiping often times cus the dps is to busy scoreboard chase to pick up the one healer in the group on the ground next to him. I still find it funny how dps talk about burning stuff in raid but yet they need at least 3 other dpses to back them up, BUT they somehow swear up and down they are the s**t when it comes to dpsing
  7. smoove76 Committed Player

    If These ppl who do raids in like 10-15 mins had to play WoW they would lose their minds....LMBO:p
  8. Gunny New Player


    People comment about their individual burn and how good they are.

    Grant it, most people do not live up to their words.... and even then, there isn't any sort of visible quantifiable system to measure just how good a DPS is - you just have to compare directly who is better than who if you wanted to find the best ones.

    However, you are comparing what people say about their individual performance... with what the team needs. I'm sorry... there's not going to be any one DPS out there capable of adequate burn to live up to what teams expect. It's just not going to happen.

    The solution to that problem, therefore, is to bring additional DPS's.


    Damage, however, is a unique job. See.... the more damage/second you can accomplish in the role, generally the better you're going to be at the role. This is true both for an individual AND as a team effort. This is unique because there is no limit to how good of a job you can do - you can always be faster.

    Tanks have a limit - holding all of the agro and never dying is pretty much as good of a job as they're going to need to do. Sure, you can perfect the art, pass immunities at the right times, and a variety of other things to make other roles easier to play, but as far as YOUR ROLE is concerned, there is no room to improve - it is considered a perfect performance. Controlling and healing is in the same boat. No one is without heals or power, there is no longer room to perform better - its a perfect performance.

    Damage is unique that it has no limit, means that if you can manage to make a group with as few supports as possible - while all 3 roles still able to do the job - it means that any extra bodies to fill a group is best served as DPS - because you can almost never have too much burn.


    You're comparing what people say they can do individually, and then saying they not up to par because they cannot accomplish the group's damage task by themselves. That's like saying the Seatle Seahawks have the best runningback in football, yet he sucks because he can't score touchdowns without the offensive line on the field. Your statement here is beyond ignorant to what is going on, and sadly, you're not the first one to make it.
    • Like x 2
  9. MetalMario Loyal Player

    You could also argue that the limit for other roles is extended by doing additional damage on top of their primary function. A lot of the dps stacking is required, from my experience, because of non-DPS roles slacking off on their share of the damage. When I heal on my main I'm usually doing more damage than other heal/troll/tank players by a huge margin. The tank might not be able to do damage because of needing to block to stay alive, but the others are usually playing sub-optimally.
  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    Naw it was just a observation is all,:) But don't you think its Ironic that certain roles are ask to solo content to prove their worth, all except dpses I FIND THAT TO BE REALLY WEIRD.Like i said before it was just an observation:)
  11. ChuckLess New Player

    I can't click the "thumbs up" button twice so... +2
  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    There are some DPS that get outDPSed by support roles. This occurred a few times. To one player's defense... he is legally blind.
  13. just an honest dps New Player

    the solution isnt to let support roles do more damage it's to make their jobs more challenging and requiring 2 healers or 2 trolls or 2 tanks.
    i.e. have dots and aoe's on your group so that it requires 2 healers constantly healing back and forth.make CCing more mandatory..etc
    • Like x 2
  14. Gunny New Player

    just an honest dps....

    You know... one of the most complained about things in terms of healing was healing through DoT's. It's been that way for years too, with everyone always avoiding them at all costs.

    Though a few in the game now are one-shots (so not really a DoT so to speak technically) there are many out there that do not kill you, but cause a massive amount of damage to the group.

    Having fights where the entire arena is encased inside of a giant pit of gas.... or inside a volcano just above lava... or something that would cause a steady mid-damage DoT on the entire group would certainly put some emphasis on healers - and spamming healers are not a controller's best friend either. Right now, a few places do place a DoT in the area, but they are miniscule. The strongest one is the gas room inside LoLS, and it does MAYBE a few hundred damage ticks.

    A 1500-2000 ticking DoT on constantly through a boss fight? That'd pose a challenge. Depending on the boss, adds, and any other damage sources? Might need two healers.

    If someone were so inclined to bring back two healers/two trolls, this would probably be one of the most straight-forward simplest ways to go about it - or at the very least a very large step in the right direction.

    +1 from me. This is so simple, yet a good idea.