Hey DEVS, may have Perfect Solution to get rid of the 4 Dps groups.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by smoove76, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    My only suggestion would be to go back to the old days and remove the role less buff except from the pve legends. This in turn could make all roles viable again but will also let the so called Elitist to form their groups how they want. The only other suggestion would be to turn your role optional queue alerts on so you can only be grouped with the proper roles.
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  2. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I guess my question is. If the group is good enough, why not run with 4/5 DPS ??

    We run 5 DPS for HoH now and it works pretty smoothly...
  3. iRule Level 30

    First of all how people choose to run their groups is really upto them..... we have armories to change roles on the fly and WM & AM's that mean a player straight off the Brainiac ship can put up decent numbers (yes, I know we still have plenty that are terrible).... group composition shouldn't be a problem.

    The main issue I have with your solution is that you seem to think support roles doing more damage is the answer..... IMO the only way to enforce a balanced group is to drop the resto and vit of healers and trollers..... solo healing or trolling with half the stats current gear is giving would need a very skilled group or a balanced group.
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  4. youngshotti New Player

    Tbh I have said just increase the support role damage % but on the other hand this game is cater to dpsing n if u don't believe that u r wrong
  5. ermike Committed Player

    This is not a solution or really a problem. The only way to make balanced groups viable is the content itself. For example, in necro and art i prefer 7 dps 1 tank. For lab and hoh 5 dps. For throne 3 dps. Even the alerts dictate the group a bit. RTN, i prefer to run 2 dps no troll whereas in AOD i prefer 2 dps no healer. Even with your change a balanced group will not be the most efficient way. The game kind of promotes dual roles now i.e. Survival mode and elite where players can swithc on the fly. I have no problem with this.
  6. ChuckLess New Player

  7. Gunny New Player

    If you remove the damage split from support roles....

    So.... I go in controller stance, use DPS gear, use AM, and hit everything in the room for 60k+ each easy? This isn't OP at all...

    I'd be a DPS really.... just I'd use controller role, sacrificing the damage buff in exchange for no splitting.

    Yeah.... might need to think about these suggestions a little more...
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Honestly, nerfing healer's resto and controllers vit is the answer.
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  9. smoove76 Committed Player

    Ok then what would be your idea for counteracting the possibility of someone doing what you just described? or are you just throwing negative comments about my idea without posting any ideas of your own? AND by the way some trolls do that now, soooo not seeing your point....o_O
  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    please explain.
  11. smoove76 Committed Player

    All you did was state your preference of what kind group you like to run with. There was no offer of idea to either add or counter the idea proposed. In short , I'm not sure of what you are getting at....
  12. smoove76 Committed Player

    ok I like that as well
  13. smoove76 Committed Player

    The idea is interesting ......thanks for adding to the conversation ALL ideas are welcomed
  14. youngshotti New Player

    It healers damage is increased by 20-25% trolls 25-30% n tanks 15-20% this will help with the burn
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  15. smoove76 Committed Player

    Ok you read the title but did you read the description? Meaning Yes I DO think that a fourth dps in any raid is absurd......Even if it is for the sake of expediency. The dps ALWAYS beating their chest about how good they are BUT they need 3 other dpses backing them up.I mean if these dpses are as good as they say they are ,then my little idea SHOULDN'T bother them .........AT WORST for a raid group it would mean a 3 dps group instead of 4 dps group, and you pick up a healer that can solo heal AND do 2mill damage (Pre-damage split) to work along side another healer that can do the same. NOW WITH the damage split the healers 2mill damage out ,may jump as high as 3.5, or even 4mill damage out on top of healing with no problems or wipes. IMO of course.
  16. ermike Committed Player

    This.. as long as trollers and healers are so overpowered having more then 1 in most instances is very inefficient.
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  17. ermike Committed Player

    But if the 2nd healer is still getting smoked in damage, then it doesnt really matter that they threw out a few unneeded heals. If ur idea has support roles keeping up with dps, then all ur doing is eliminating the dps role. In league runs or skilled groups, the 4th or 5th dps is just the most efficient way to run most instances
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Right now you dont even have to spam heals or recharge anymore because VIT and Resto are so high in raids. This is why the solo troller trend is becoming more and more frequent. 2 healers and 2 trollers were used in the games launch simply because resto and vit were low, extremely low, and AM and WM were not in the game.

    Now we have AM in place so trollers only need to supply power to tanks, and healers. With nature healers now having a powerback mechanic, trollers only need to supply POT and power back to tanks. Reducing vit and resto would impact healers and trollers to where you would have to bring a second one.

    Instead devs are more concentrated on DPS centric gameplay. Many can tell since how weak munitions is controller wise. 4dps groups will continue in both alerts and raids( many times 5 dps) until devs implement mechanics that cannot be overlooked, or nerf healer and troller stats on gear.
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Every dps power can't run w/o a troll, so trolls are a must in almost all groups. In the new alerts imo 2dps troll healer is best setup. I wouldn't go in no new alert without a healer in pugs. The first boss in both alerts are way easier with a healer
  20. Gunny New Player

    My point is smoove, is that your suggestion does not solve the issue you are trying to solve.

    The only result is people will utilize their role - but only to do more damage. They will effectively be a DPS, just the only difference will be the icon next to their name. Functionally, nothing will change with your idea.

    THAT is the point. It's not im coming here to insult you, I am simply saying your idea is not going to change anything in a group functionally. People will still stack damage - just their icons next to their names will look different.
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