Hey DEVS, may have Perfect Solution to get rid of the 4 Dps groups.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by smoove76, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Rocky Well-Known Player

    I was once kicked by a troller in a alert for not leaving after being too ( In my defense i wasn't going to leave an alert i queued 30 mins for because i was asked to, without a reason), now i hate all trolls and want the devs to remove the troll role...because trolls are evil.
    Does that logic make sense to you?!;)
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    I didn't know there was a problem that needed a solution :confused:

    Form your own group if you personally don't want 4 DPS :rolleyes:
  3. smoove76 Committed Player

    Here we go.....This seems to be the main argument for some of these Dpses rather than come up with a valid solution. They are TRYING to convolute the overall suggestion Lifting the damage split from support role for a overall better group burn of adds and Bosses with support roles being in groups and They are trying to replace my suggestion with I'm somehow forcing ppl to play the way I want them to play.... REALLY?! With the Million and 1 suggestions being posted on these forum DAILY about chaging this, that & the other.Somehow MY 1 Suggestion will somehow break this game...... Give ME a break! What can you expect from THE SAME PPL that will argue with the Devs themselves , as if they can do a better job with running this game than they can. You Dpses are make such a statement about playing your way. Why are some of you so worked up about this 1 little idea / suggestion??? Why are you acting like my little ol' idea is 1 U.I update away from being implemented.??? What is it about this 1 idea that has got you all so worried??? I wonder.....o_O
  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    The same thing that throws then in a whirl web someone mentions battle role. I have nearly 10k resto with all resto might mods in yellow and red sockets. I can heal and contribute at the same time. What you suggest is not far removed from "battle roles". The masses will never accept it.

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  5. smoove76 Committed Player

    I think there is a certain few who trying to stop the blossoming of ideas on thse forums by trying to troll and sidetrack ppl into arguments till the overall point of the thread is lost. Then the devs will have no choice but to come in lock the thread despite the idea of the thread on the surface being a good one. I'm not going to let the true nature of my idea be lost in mindless back and forth... Counter Ideas ARE MORE THAN WELCOME. I won't ever accept criticism without a reason for why you think this Idea is not a good one. To say something is a bad idea and leave the thread alone, is not enough of a reason for anything
  6. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    A healers main job is to heal. A tanks job is to take all the hits. A trolls job is to make the grp run smooth. A dps's job is to do the dmg. 3 out of 4 roles arent ment to be the ones doing the dmg. Nothing is stopping you from running a grp the way you want to. Why should we have to run how you "think" it should be? I wish we could down vote threads like this to show you how many ppl dislike your idea of the "correct grp formation".
  7. smoove76 Committed Player

    :rolleyes: .I admit I've been gone from the forums for about a month but when did posting a suggestion mean you are currently making ppl play that persons way? o_O
  8. HazeTA New Player

    Give support roles DPS might and prec stats and let DPS work from their modifier alone then people could run any set up they like, 1 heal 1 tank 6 trolls if they were so inclined, with no real compromise to burn. If it was like this then why not just run 2222 for survivability purposes, it would force all these weak DPS to step up if they wanted to be one of the 2 since a huge amount of piss poor DPS plaguing each server is one of the biggest reasons for stacking them, maybe give us more support roles also. Why should DPS get off so lightly for under-performing? Support roles certainly don't.
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  9. MrBeefCakes New Player

  10. ChuckLess New Player

    If you want to be DPS so bad, just be DPS. Otherwise, PLAY YOUR ROLE!

    Why are you so focused on damage if you're not a DPS?
  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Fundamentally, if an imbalanced group containing 4-5 DPS can beat a current tier end-game raid, then we are to powerful for the content or the content isn't strong enough for us.

    That means that any challenge found in any of the raids is depending too much on BS one shots and mechanics (which can easily be worked around) to challenge us.

    The best example of this is Lockdown. Hard as **** the first time you enter it, not knowing what to do. An endless wave of trash. 5 Death zones that trigger individually, at random. One which covers a quarter of the map. A death aura given to one player by one of the bosses that can wipe the entire group. Madness. The only thing hard about Lockdown is finding 7 other people who either know what they're doing or speak the same language and understand your instructions. Once you know what to do, it's a case of standing in the right place and spamming your rotation. No risk of wiping. This becomes boring and doesn't give the satisfaction of beating something challenging.

    Another reason why balance must be restored is knowing that raids are balanced by the developers to 2-2-2-2. Which means the bosses are designed to be handled by just 2 DPS. If a solo tank, healer and controller have got Survivability covers, that opens up at least 3 spots to DPS, who by definition, don't need to perform adequately and ultimately don't, either.

    I'd rather run a raid that was so challenging that it required 2-2-2-2 than run these endless streams of raids that can be obliterated in the first week with imbalanced groups.

    Learning your role is extremely hard now-a-days, because of all the high CR players running low tier content, not giving a care in the World to who else is in there. People are arriving at the end game in record time with very little skill and the way that raids are set up at the minute, these unskilled players are switching to DPS, copying their rotations from YouTube and riding the coat tails of better players because the content simply doesn't require a full, strong group of 8 players.
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  12. smoove76 Committed Player

    SIgh......... Increasing damage output and dpsing ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE to one another. That's like saying If I hit even one add even, if it was just to Regen my power as a troll I'm exclusively dpsing...... NO! NICE TRY THOUGH!
  13. ChuckLess New Player

    Yes. It is. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking for an increase.

    It's not like that at all.
  14. smoove76 Committed Player

    If you can't see the simple fundamental difference, in increasing damage to a support role, as part of a larger whole to increase a support role OVERALL performance , and exclusively dpsing..... then there is no need to discuss this with you further...
  15. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

  16. Ajoda New Player

    Oh god chuckless is in another thread leaving more stupid *** comments like always
  17. Ajoda New Player

    Okay this is gonna be a long'n

    1st off to all the people coming in here saying people are gonna play how they wanna play, don't force your views on people, if you wanna dps dps. How about you shut up maybe?
    You are literally missing the point entirely as this won't effect you at all. It won't have any consequences on group make up period because people are going to play how they want to play so stop saying this idiotic mess.

    I like and dislike this idea because maybe support roles will try to dps more than supporting, I like it because we need more people playing support roles, the dps infested lfg is so horrible.

    Now here's a suggestion, and I was thinking of making my own thread for this but here goes.

    You know how if there's no healer role you get small healing when you're low health and block? Well that should be added for the absence of all roles. If there's no tank a defense buff, if no troll a power regain buff, if no dps a damage buff. That just something I think should be in the game, but this is not my actual suggestion

    What should happen is if there are two of any support role the party gets a damage buff that stacks. If there is 1tank 2heal 1troll 4 dps the parties damage will be increased by double the normal amount. If 2tank 2heal 1 troll 3dps the party is buffed by quadruple damage, and 2222 6x damage. If there are 4 tanks and 2 heals 1troll 1 dps the damage will still only be quadrupled because the support roles don't stack. This will limit the exclusion of the dps and support roles alike. This will also let the group mix and match because 3 good dps with 4x dmg buff might be better than 2dps with 6x dmg buff and so in and so fourth.
    The benefits to this will make it easier to find groups, and improve the standard of knowing how to play your role.
    The downside which really isn't a downside will be cream of the crop dps, getting subpar players to step up and know their role better than YouTube loadouts. Also getting rid of selfish people that just want to coast by learning nothing but how to dps, you have two roles for a reason learn to use both.
  18. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Simply put, as long as Healers are able to solo heal 8-man content, groups will always drop the second Healer for the sake of “more burn”.

    Even if the content initially calls for a second Healer, with Replay Badges, Healers will quickly “outgear” the content and we’ll be back to the status quo in a matter of days.

    In the end, no matter how much the damage potential is increased for Healers, Tanks and Controllers, the DPS will be preferred.
  19. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    The OP has a valid point. Taking away the split from the support roles---which have an abysmally small damage output anyway---would give just a slightly sharper edge to their combat effectiveness, without overly tipping the scales on gameplay. What would this mean?
    Better burn, of course, but it would also mean that DPS roles would be in slightly less demand...let's face it: Everyone wants to be the "rock-star", putting the smack-down on the whole show. That's why there are so many of them. With something like this in place, burn would be augmented, allowing for more support roles welcomed into the group in place of DPS, especially in 8-player runs, where one DPS plus 7 roles with NO SPLIT might make up the difference of the missing DPS. For 2 DPS plus a no-split on the other six, the burn would be nice. REALLY nice.
  20. Shift New Player

    I just wish there were more dps out there willing to play their support role, or at least be a good dps :( I don't know why alot of players place dpsing as their foremost role and even some of the time exclusively their only role. I enjoy playing every role in the game :/