Hey DEVS, may have Perfect Solution to get rid of the 4 Dps groups.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by smoove76, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I don't think I'll ever understand the hard divide between "DPS" and "support" people. You realize you can play both, right? If I can do something to get through it faster as DPS, I'll DPS it. If I need to tank, I'll tank it. I'm 'bout to go all Lion King up in this...but there's far too much to take in here. Getting everything done in this game requires a huge time commitment. I may "only" be shaving 3 minutes off a run, but if I'm doing 50 runs in a week that's about two and a half hours I could be doing other things, like exo farming. Every little bit helps.
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  2. Ink Eyes New Player

    Does it really matter how people choose to build "their" group?
  3. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Oh. That's an easy one. The title says "solution for getting rid of 4 dps groups" To me that's your motive. some people enjoy that set up. It's not going to be very well received, and comes off as trying to force this set up on people. I would've had different thoughts if your motive and thread was something along the lines of "how to improve support roles so people want to play them"
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  4. smoove76 Committed Player

    Thanks for the input but this is more for those who may like survivability over speed in raids I'm not trying to remove certain raid setup options I just want to see that every option that's on the table is as a viable idea as the next or the last wether it be -2-2-2-2 0r 1-3-2-2 or what have you .again thats for your view of things
  5. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Get rid of the damage role. Allow the other roles to have the damage % modifiers.
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  6. Rocky Well-Known Player

    IMO, if was a problem i believe to the way to fix it is to removing split damage from all roles then, either reduce the health of adds (thus removing the need for more damage) or reduce Resto from gear sets, seriously 10K Resto?, I'm no healer but that seems ridiculously high to me.
  7. smoove76 Committed Player

    :rolleyes: Yeah like these forum aren't full of titles like mine.....
  8. Rocky Well-Known Player

    Why do people hate dps so much, what did we do to you guys?!:(
  9. smoove76 Committed Player

    :mad: You were born!!!! :D KIDDING!!!!
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  10. Deepeess New Player

    This, the "solution", it's already in the game: For your own group.

    Then I and every other person who wants to dps to make things go faster,
    will just mod/spec heavily into dps stats, and focus only on one thing: Dealing damage.

    It wouldn't solve anything, and it would just create confusion, take a look at the new pvp set,
    it's the same for all roles, and those who like to dps mod with precision/might mods,
    healers? Resto mods etc...

    No matter what, people will want to finish the content as fast as possible so they can run other things or
    replay the same content or walk around the Watchtower or decorate their bases.
  11. Alekimsior New Player

    More instances that force people to become separated, specialized assassin mobs that can sneak attack and go for 1 specific role, more bosses and adds that can whisper away players. Bosses that are more about solving puzzles to defeat them, instead of relying on damage.
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  12. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I love my DPS mates and I DPS as well. I just like to throw money in the air so people will riot. :)
  13. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

    So many bad trolls, tanks and healers now that are more concerned about doing damage than their actual role. I see this as only making the problem worse. Not a fan of this idea at all.
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  14. Biester New Player

    Since the op's idea would not effect how you choose your raid set-up then I see a lot of overreaction on your part. If I'm doing a league raid and we have a third troller who wants to run with us but he cant dps, with the op's idea he can still be of use to the group.

    It seems when any kind of idea is given to help support roles do more than support, a player, such as you, feels the need to condemn the idea with no real reason as to why. You like to solo heal so you are completely against receiving a damage buff while you are healing? Where's the sense?
  15. smoove76 Committed Player

    funny & no counter idea.....again funny o_O
  16. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Who cares how other players want to run their group. They want to stack burn let them, if you want a balanced group make your own. Balanced groups will usually make the runs smoother but a competent group can usually stack the dps and if things get hairy then the extra dps can use those fancy armories.
  17. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Excluding Tanks in T5 and Healers in the 1st half of T6, because most DPS players couldn't burn paper.
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  18. smoove76 Committed Player

    If SOME of these dpses up here hate this Idea, then that must mean that this Idea IS on the right track somewhere :D
  19. Karnevil Committed Player

    i don't understand why this is a concern for people. If a group wants to run a certain configuration.....let em. Who cares? You run the way that you want and let others run the way they want. Isn't that the motto of the game, 'Play your way'? HA! Just WOW! The censored part of my post says, " P l a y Y o u r W a y " same as in my signature. And they censor it. I even asked Spytle as to why this happens and he had no idea. Unreal.
  20. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Support roles have way too much raw stats. 7k resto is enough to solo throne but an unmodded healer has 9k. Trolls have 5k vit with all the pow w back ams solo trolling is cake with 3.5k. If you lfg a group and need 4dps you might get 1 good and 2 average. I won't discuss the 4th but who cares we staked so much burn anyway anticipating this problem. Oh and with nature healer and quantum dps stuns worjing better than a troll stuns with 3k dom who needs that?

    I can essentially build an 8 man group for any raid where only the tank needs power. I have seen this supplied from a quantum dps with half troll great and a pot move on his loadout