Hero & villian based moves

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by veri, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. veri Active Player

    Batman has his own fighting style so dose every hero and villians in the dcuo have there on fighting styles our toons should have there on fighting styles.
  2. Gamer_Liko Well-Known Player

    Won't happen. DBG can't make money off it.
  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    What do you mean by own fighting style? Only difference I see with Batman is that he throws batarangs.
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You know the developmental power required to allow each person to have their own unique fighting "swag"? You're better off asking for a sequel.
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    We already have our own unique fighting style.

    Can NPC's use Cross Weapon Combos? Nope. Huntress and Joker are the only ones that switch weapons in the middle of combat; but it's not the same thing.

    Can NPC's play from the tray? Nope. Legends PVE demands pure hybrid.

    Can NPC's modify their own loadout as they please? Nope. Even in Legends PVE; you're stuck doing what's preassigned to that character; we the players have the ability to switch loadouts as we see fit.

    Can NPC's heal, tank, or power up group members? Nope. Only some Legends can only heal themselves, no Legends can provide the role of tank, and Batman is the only one that can power up group members thanks to his drone.
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  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    We do. Batman has Martial arts. You can use Martial arts, a staff, pistols, two swords at once.

    You can use the style of earth, water, sorcery etc.
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    You already have the ability, to some entext, to develop your own fighting style... Every power set awards you over 20 different attacks, shields, heals, etc that you can utilize and the absolute most you can slot and use is six.. Now of course some of those individual powers are designed with support in mind... A DPS hardly wants to run around with a healing power that does zero damage but you still have options. Next... let's talk weapons. There are 11 and each has its own set of animations and specific attacks based on how and when you click. A TANK using Martial Arts as a weapon will be fighting with a totally different style that a DPS using Dual Pistols.

    And as Fatal explained... aside from those options if you think the Dev team has the manpower, time and money available to spend.. ??? WHO knows how long to revamp the entire game so every single player can pick out special animations or whatever so their fighting style is unique........ FORGET IT. I can not even imagine the amount of added lag and the potential for bugs and glitches that would create... And I really can not imagine Daybreak spending the amount of time and money to change the game that dramatically. Oh and let's not forget the storage nightmare.. as it is your character can have as many as 8 armories..... That mean the possibility for 8 completely different outfits. As many as 8 totally different load outs... Let's divide those up between PvP and PvE but realistically a player could make small changes in which powers they slot, and even how they use their SP so it could even be 8 completely different builds all for PvE and even all DPS .. or DPS and Support. They can OWN as many as 8 different lairs with completely different style (as in Gothic or Penthouse) and whatever furniture and amenities they place in each... AND ALL OF THAT HAS TO BE STORED ON THE SERVER FOR EVERY SINGLE PLAYER....Now add in more data for every character for your proposed "special fighting style" They'd probably need to buy all new servers to handle the added stored data.