1. greyfullbringer New Player

    I've been gone for awhile I'm pretty confused. water is coming after atomic? What happened to serums? I heard the dlc content will be sold differently. Also what other major changes have happened?
  2. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    Yes serums was scratched and atomic is now the tank power and water is the healing power. dlc will be 2 pieces of content every moth and will be 4 dollars each.
  3. greyfullbringer New Player

    Is there a reason why it was scratched?
  4. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    I dont really know.
  5. Askarod Active Player

    Apparently its player call, most of the players didnt want serum as they want water. So daybreak followed public opinion if we can say. Imo atomic healer seems far away more badass than water and serum could be a big big big power with potential but i think its to late to make our voice count now. Decitions already made...
  6. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Well, stat flattening happened, which mad a lot of content too hard. Plus they removed marks rewards for content you're over geared for, so no one is running older stuff really. Then this update fixed stat flattening so it wasn't too hard. Powers were buffed, powers were nerfed. Mepps has done his best to deal with A LOT of flack from us players (love ya Mepps ;) ). People have complained about skill points etc. People think the world is crashing down. Maybe it is. Bombshells are coming. And black lanterns.
  7. greyfullbringer New Player

    I heard they're going back to one Universal mark is that true?
  8. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    HAVE GONE back, yes. Well, there are still marks of valor for pvp and marks of Legends but only one pve mark.