Help me ice tank towwe

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xxHELLSTROKExx, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So I have admitted that I never run the alert because I’m just not a fan. I’m still not but on my ice alt, I am starting to run the elite duo/ alert/ raid since my main is done and the other toons are set. So did the alert with him for the 1st time yesterday. He’s in full elite gear from last dlc and blue or purple gear for weapon/rings/neck/utility belt. 200 circes/ manacles/ mystic. Winter ward/ HL/ reflection/ and the cc breakout shield. Usual pull and frost slam cuz it gives me a little healing and it’s more comfortable for me still coming from rage and being used to without mercy. Utility belt is supply drop/ sidekick/ chronos/ baby shield things. Basically I’m as self sustaining as possible. Dom/might head augs maxed and lower dom augs maxed. Maxed dom stat/ health 100sp/ resto 100sp/ inmates full/ weapon tree has like 4 sp to get one handed flurry. Forget my gen elite mods but the 2% dom is up.

    Ok, 1st room, one and done easy enough. 2nd fight, I screwed up 1st run cuz I couldn’t get to the gas. 2nd try was smooth and easy enough. Mxy, easy till all the adds. Admittedly, we did not have anyone with a good weapon for breaking boxes and were ignoring burning any adds. A 1/1/1/1 group btw. I tried face tanking. Hahahahaha wow. 2nd try, I rotated around the room but adds were just too far away to snag before they’d kill someone and even if we got the pickup, my shields were gone almost instantly so we’d still wipe. Didn’t try much but it was clear I wasn’t going to be able to pull it off.

    Ideas? Should I ditch the cc shield for Amazonian? I don’t like being planted like that but if I have to I’ll try. Replace frost slam with the cc long range stun? Maybe a tad to the battle tank side and replace the cc shield with frost blast (or whatever the no cool down mid range attack is called) to try and clear some adds out? I can tank most stuff with half might/ half tank gear/ arts/ augs so am used to it. Or am I just needing to rely on my team a bit more to clear some trash? Should our troll go to dps and let the main dps take out boxes while he clears adds? Or is it better for him to stun adds? Healer can’t help with boxes because he’s way too busy healing.

    Edit: I know I can go in and try all sorts of different things but it is very annoying to have to start that fight over so I’m not really game for experimenting vs hoping someone has some experience. No one I know wants to do that fight at all let alone multiple attempts. Or we’ll just go back to disbanding before that fight since that’s what most of us were doing anyway even in regular.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    From the way you wrote your post it seems that for the last boss you were staying on the edges pulling adds. I would suggest staying off-center. This way you can get to the adds faster. This section can also be made easy or hard by the healer. The healer should also be saving the group shield for when adds spawn to give tank a few secs of wiggle room to pull adds. You had a 1/1/1/1 group so the troller couldve also used their group shield SC. With that being said, its a good idea for group members to have a weapon or some way to break the boxes faster. In elite this is pretty important. I have equipped the brawling into shuriken on all my toons since it is a weapon im comfortable with. HLs impact can break boxes pretty fast too. Point is that the slower boxes are broken the closer to wiping you get.

    What is your movement mode? There is a reason why most endgame tanks are speed. I am not saying to switch. I am flight myself so I know how tanking as a none speed tank can slow you down. But if you are speed than you can also add dash attack to get to farther adds faster. If you are not speed than try tumbling master. Another weird thing you can try is using ice boulder throw. If you have a shield and use it you remove the in combat movement penalty. I believe AV said there were other abilities that do that too. I have to double check which these are.
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I am SS. I hate it but it is good for tanking. And yeah, I tried dead center 1st and dang did that go poorly and then tried circling outer edges of the room. Was pulling a train of adds and was probably more than the pull can do. It’s hectic haha. I’ve never used dash attack but pretty sure I have it unlocked. If not, I’ll unlock some more sp. What would I be replacing that with tho?

    Should also say I’ve played 10ths but mainly as healer. My tank has only started doing elites last dlc. I had been doing regular for like 2yrs but that ain’t really useful when stepping into elite. I switched to ice so I could concentrate on learning counters vs having to concentrate on rage mechanics. I was good with it but not great at having to do mechanics/ counters.
  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Shields, Chronos, Stun-Rotation (easy as Ice) and Dash attack... maybe even phase dodge as shield.

    Also it helps if the group can do presents fast and has decent burn with orbitals and stuff on the adds.
    Imo the fight is more about the group than the tank.
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I’m sure they need to adjust some things but I for sure was not getting the adds fast enough. I was overwhelmed for sure. I’ve never used phase dodge. Is it a supercharge shield from movement?
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You want to keep your core 3 shields and your pull. You could either replace your breakout shield or your 2nd ability. Have you tried resonating gale? It’s an aoe pull but the pulls center is away from you. So things get grouped up and knocked down away from you. So maybe had that as your second ability and dash attack in place of your breakout shield.

    And when I said off center I meant between the center and edge. So not in the middle but not all the way out
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I’ve used resonating gale before, that’s the one I referred to as “long range cc ability” cuz I couldn’t remember the name. I like it but even as weak as the frost slam leg mod is, it’s something and does ok with the circes mask buff for self healing. I’ll swap that in and rely on my healer a tad more. My breakout shield will def be the 1st to go so I’ll try dash attack in it’s spot. Hopefully we try again later today. God I hate that fight so much lol
  8. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Dash attack is pretty OP. If you can get to an edge of a green circle it comes back pretty quick. Unless there is a cc that you really need shatter restraints doesn’t do much, and if you want a breakout for yourself you can just run one of the old self breakout trinkets (believe New Genesis and Moho/Ranx as well as other old vendors have them; ignore the crappy stats, do not matter). Shatter restraints is a tissue paper shield; dash attack seems similar to WW and HLS in strength. If you don’t like that, use breakout tranket into Amazonian Deflection from iconics.

    I’ve been MIA except for seasonal this DLC, so just a general tip. YMMV.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, basically I just use shatter cuz I ran out of toon in my belt/ didn’t have a good spot that feels comfortable to access when needed. I know shatter is crappy but I use it fairly often to get ice armor during HL shield (think it works, hard to tell visually) so it’s kinda just there for that and the random hard stuns that the adds have in all content. My healer was splaying greenies so dash sounds like a worthy idea. Tho I was trying to keep them pretty far from most fights since thankfully, they’re all range. Last fight sure doesn’t matter since it’s just a hectic explosion of randomness
  10. CraccaGeneral Active Player

    Not gonna lie it seems like they buffed those adds on the presents part a couple weeks ago. I don't have that much trouble as Rage but I could see how Ice could have a hard time. My suggestion would be to tell the group to burn adds. Even if it takes a little longer it will be much easier on you tanking. If you have lasso art you might even try that to see if it helps.
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  11. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Probably not helpful for your situation but Lasso is great in there if you have the artifact.

    Also, I feel like the present phase is lowkey the hardest part of the whole alert.
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  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Well at least y’all are making me feel better about my failure haha. Yeah, adds are always rough with ice. I’d say we had at least 25 little buggers out. Unfortunately do not have lasso but I guess I’ll start working on that next for him. I guess I should be happy that everything else in the dlc is easy enough with ice provided we 2 tank add heavy raid sections and I stick with the boss. Anyone recall off the top of their heads what level the lasso would need to be to round up a ton of tiny pains in my behind? Not that I have even a 10 chunk of nth left after this week.
  13. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    You may be better than me at using it, but I like the breakout trinket more than the supply drop just because it seems like by the time I get it, I’m already dead. Frustrating looking at your dead body in the middle of the supply drop.
  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Haha we’re probably the same cuz that’s usually how I end up