Okay so as I am running through content I never got hand blasters (which was also my first weapon from character creation) as an option until I bought some from my tiers vendor... now all raids I am running offer me unnatuned hand blasters... (runned over 5 raids) I want a one handed weapon Should I equip a different kind weapon so it will drop as annatuned?
You've just been unlucky, random drops are random. Your equipped weapon and armor don't factor in at all.
just keep playing, once you reach T6 weapon boxes start to drop that let you pick what weapon you want.
Sadly DCUO has one of the stupidest and most frustrating reward systems in the history of gaming...you have been unlucky, one day, someone, somewhere presumably at some time has actually had the luck you have missed out on. Unfair yes but.....err ..... err nope can't think of anything positive in compensation! Thankfully the highest tiers do drop weapon boxes allowing you a selection to choose from.
You have to admit it is a little suspicious that as soon as he bought the hb from the vendor he gets them 5 times in a row.
Welcome to dcuo to where you need that last armor piece and you finally get it after spamming it everyday for 4 months, then from every point on all you get is that same piece over and over and over and over again. Don't worry, the dcuo randometer is working as randomly as it should be.
Fruitless randomness leads to replay and stabilizer buying.."working as intended"..."free to play"...
Well the random generator is not random. If it were random then everything would have the equal chance of dropping. DCUO has weighted some items to drop more frequently than others. That is why it is not random. When AF3 was released I purchased replay badges and my healer made 188/187 in two days. With each subsequent toon it has taken longer. The drops on the other toon were for some of my highest item level and my lowest items were not dropping. It is done this way to slow your progression. IMO, the game is programmed to look at your gear and then weight your drops accordingly. Because if it were truly random the odds of you getting the same piece of gear in the same loot drop or over the different bosses in all the instances is highly improbable.