Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by smoove76, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    You posted at 7:58a Pacific on a Monday morning ... if the office is even open, they probably haven't even turned on the coffee maker, or the tea kettle, let alone read your post.
  2. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Just doing my part to help. That's all.
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The game may be connected seven days a week, but if it goes down on a weekend, it waits until Monday. Mepps said on Friday he wasn't hopeful for a solution by the end of the day.
  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Please vote for that issue on the Issue Tracker, and include a comment that might help with steps to reproduce:
  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Hope the devs have come up with some ideas over the weekend, and that we'll see it put into action today.
  6. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't suggest anyone holds their breath on that.
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  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    lol, I changed the word from "soon" to "today," fearing the Soon™
  8. coco Committed Player

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  9. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    What you said makes no sense. The ps3 just can't handle the game properly anymore. Yes that is easy for me to say, because it's true.

    The ps3 players are the suckers in this situation. YOu pay for a game that doesn't work while the devs just sit back, laugh and collect on a dense crowd of people that refuse to update their outdated electronic equipment.
  10. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    What i said made perfect sense, just maybe not to u.

    And no, i pay for a game that works. The last time a glitch like this happened was over 3 months ago, and we received compensation for it in the form of 500 loyalty points. Before this update, the game worked fine. Just a little laggy in pvp, but i can live with that as long as the rest of the game works great.
  11. coco Committed Player

    What gives you the right to come in here to troll? Or for that matter what's your college credentials? Because last time I checked your not a GM, a DEV, or a Mepp, otherwise you'd have that title next to your name so don't give your advice that a ps3 can't handle this game when you actually don't know. Mind your own business this is a thread for people having a problem if you don't have that problem stay out of it simple.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Swiftduck said:
    While I agree that the PS4 is an upgrade that is great for some, for a lot of us it's not worth it. The only game I cannot play properly is DCUO, and they have proven time and again (and this applies to you PS4 users too) that they put out wonky updates and obviously are not testing completely. Since the updates included in update 51 did not include any major graphical update (in the list at least) above titles being added, i'm not sure how my hardware caused people walking around the HOD and WT to turn invisible. Sure, if the 2 new missions ran like crap or I couldn't see the tendrils, I'd tend to agree...the new content is too high end for my crappy PS3 and I'd either have to miss out or upgrade, but what changed in the WT? What changed in HoD or FOS1-2-3 or any other content that has been working fine for years? How come I can't see my portable workstation 90% of the time i pop it? Because code is changing that is not in the list and probably not tested all the way.

    BTW, this is the only game I play on the PS3 kids use it for lots of different games that run fine, and I do occasionally play other games that run fine. If continuing to play DCUO will cost me my $10 a month +$400 for a hardware upgrade I'll probably just give it up. I can lump through the issues (as long as there is a PS4 player to grab gears/pickups in multi-player content) I'm not too affected by not seeing the bad guys....I grab one, target lock, kill and go on....If I tank, I can tell when the adds are drifting and will pull them back in, if i'm healing or trolling, I go off the status bars on the player names anyway, so I can see those. It's a drag, but i'll deal a bit more. If the drag gets too be too much and I still don't feel like spending $400, there are LOTS of games that work perfectly fine on a PS3....I'll play those.

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  13. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    Someone do me a favor..... The live stream on twitch is happening now for the booster bundle. Someone spam in the chat: WHEN IS THE INVISIBLE GLITCH GONNA B FIXED? I'm at work so I cannot go on twitch right now. I'll love u forever! ;)
  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I am equally frustrated with this invisible situation. Cant raid. Hoping it gets fixed b4 thursday so we dont miss an entire week worth of raids. Our progression gets cheated. End of the day I own part of the responsibility being on ps3. We are still lucky enough to be able 2 use ps3 because of the % still here. Borrowed time IMO. Anyways hope u dont leave but understand in the moment how u can be that mad
  15. coco Committed Player

    Would have asked but I'm on iPad & don't have twitch app I just use the link which doesn't give me the option to type anything. Dk if anyone else may have.
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  16. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    My ps3 can handle dcuo p.e.r.f.e.c.t.l.y. My console is probably the most performant of all and some have the same performance and can play. This invisible npc and players are a bug and the devs are looking for a hotfix. So, ps3 C.A.N. handle dcuo. Just ps4 do it better but it still run it.

    And we don't refuse the upgrade, we can't atm. What ps4 players can't understand about that? I don't care your reasons anyway. I'll have my ps4 in a month or so but you won't tell me and others we can't play on ps3 when we can. So just sit and play on your ps4. Have a nice day.
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  17. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    lol the ps3 players get so mad when you tell them their 10 year system is dying.

    The truth hurts doesn't it?
  18. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Hey when my PC couldn't run DCUO i had to buy a new PC. If PS3 is showing its age jump to a PS4.
  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    No, it doesn't, but you are all annoying talking about the same thing over and over. You all get mad too about your ''ps3 is holding us back'' when your console is 10X faster. I tell you you'll never be happy. If you're not happy with what you have and can't let others play because you just want to whine, well put that in your brain, okay? My ps3 can handle dcuo perfectly. it is so fast than some other ps3, you wouldn't believe it.
    At least when I'll be on ps4, I'll continue to support ps3. I won't be selfish like all of you. Disappointing.
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  20. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Selfish is when someone expects their old games console to be supported forever.

    I wonder where i can get Atari cartridge for DCUO?
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