Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by smoove76, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. smoove76 Committed Player

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  2. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Mepps, I just got to T6 on my toon and in the solo instance: Aegis of truth, it started for me. I can't see the npc right at the beginning to pick them up and can't continue the instance.

    Toon name: DarkFyria
    Solo Instance: Aegis Of Truth.

    I will try to delete my save files too and say if it worked for me.
  3. Prince Royce Level 30

    El servicio técnico de mal en peor,puse un ticket y ni se an tomado la molestia de responderme y eso que el precio del servicio legendario ha subido 10 euros,me pregunto adonde irán a parar porque desde luego que al servicio técnico y a resolver incidencias no,por otra parte me pregunto,hasta cuando estaremos así? Ya bastante se nos castiga Alos jugadores de dcuo en español con dlcs completamente en silencio sin voces y ahora se le suma esto... De mal en peor
  4. Jaydman New Player

  5. Nokturnal Emision New Player

    The fix worked for me. Ran all Duo's perfectly.
  6. tomuchpressure New Player

    Different day same problem. I wish someone would give us a update about this ongoing problem. Still everything invisible in alerts and raids.
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  7. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    BipolarDiva USPS ps3. Can't see enemies, can't see players.
  8. OANGL Well-Known Player

    is there any new info? Been a couple of days now,
  9. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    What is the time frame for this fix? I want the game I pay for every month back! Now! We def need to b reimbursed for this. It's gettin beyond ridiculous now.
  10. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  11. CollKev Well-Known Player

  12. The Valor Well-Known Player

    I hope they fix this soon haven't been able to run anything with my league really would love to.
  13. Parker Level 30

    I posted this on the other thread where someone mentioned a possible work around, but I figured I would place the glitch I discovered here. Using the temporary solution of deleting the file worked until I decided to change a style or use my armory. I tested a few times. When switching from different builds, my teammates did flicker in and out for a while and then stabilize. However, constant switching resulted in the temporary solution to stop working unless I back out of the game and delete the file again. I hope this find a solution.
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  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    During NGN, couldn't see anyone, but could see the NPCs until we got to New Genesis ... everything worked fine. Then, when we went back inside, it broke again.
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  15. smoove76 Committed Player

    That's to be expected here,& there. It's possible that some people including you may ( from time to time ) have keep redoing the work around method every so often , When Npcs and other players start to completely disappear....This work around is the best we got for right now. ( I Can imagine it would be kind of a pain to keep redoing the steps every so often ) Wish I could do more. EDIT Sorry I got this thread mixed up with another I'm currently doing Which is I found a Possible But temporary work around to the Update 51 bug. Click link, hope it helps you like it did some others.
  16. smoove76 Committed Player

    I'm currently doing another thread , in Which I found a Possible But temporary work around to the Update 51 bug. Click link, hope it helps you like it did some others.
  17. smoove76 Committed Player

  18. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

  19. speedster1981 Committed Player

    since the update the same thing is happening to me too. I've been running ALOT of the content and even pvp lair battles 2x2 and can't see anyone on my screen only on my map. I'm on a ps3 as well. When is this going to be fixed?
  20. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    While your at it, will you look into the latency UI and screen distortion after entering and leaving campaign solo instances?
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