Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by smoove76, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    Just adding to the pile of instances with rendering problems:
    8th Precinct (Solo): Grey Silhouettes
    Chinese Mannheim Theater (Solo): Grey Silhouettes
    Watchtower Containment (5v5 PvP): Invisible
  2. dukegraybo New Player

  3. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    Tiime Lapse, Viirg0 & Spellcaster Violet (GFs Toon).

    Corrupted Zamaron, Fatal Exams & Act of Defiance.

    Haven't tryed any solos.

    Impacts all toons.

    I hope this will be fixed ASAP. I would also like to be reimbursed for legendary gameplay days lost because of this. Game is un playable in this state.

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  4. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    So... Any time frame to when this will be fixed? You should be fixing the game & not tweeting to do lists for players who can't even play the game.
  5. tomuchpressure New Player

    CauseOfDeathNature ps3 usps
    Every instance.
  6. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    Really not fixed yet? I literally can't play like that shop it's bs it's a ps4 + 3 , problem aka it's a dc rendering issue ty for going on the 2nd day of wasted membership.
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  7. zorile New Player

    I watch my step son play on it. it is horrible invisible players npc. ridiculous
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thank you for the info provided thus far. We are still working for a resolution, and appreciate any further information anyone might have.
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  9. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Yeah, its been a bummer. I can't do much. I think about trying to run Throne or Lockdown lol. I'm not even going to try. Lockdown, especially, was hard for us ps3 users. Throw in invisible adds and/or pick-ups? Fuggedaboutit!
  10. Savage99 New Player

    All instances that I have been in as well as anywhere I have been
    It has affected all of my toons
    I am on USPS
  11. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    What is the time frame on the fix? & Will we be reimbursed for legendary days missed because of this? The game is un playable.
  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Now I decided to log on my PS3 and that the issue occurred in Lpve Armory and the BS Raid. I actually could see my team, enemies and vendor at first, but then it happened. What I found to resolve the issue for the current time was relog to change character. This is on EUPS.
  13. CaptainBombus Level 30

    This is ongoing for me too for PS3 since the update. It happens everywhere: raids, alerts, lpve. Oddly, the only time it hasn't happened was in HOD LPVE where we happened to have two Hal Jordans and two Kyle Rayners and I was previously grouped with one of the Kyle Rayners for the teamup feat. There were also brief moments in FOS: The Chasm where I would see team-mates for just a few seconds and then they'd disappear again. I also noticed that in healer role, none of my raid team-mates seemed to get my heals while they're invisible. I'm a 129 celestial healer and I could see on radar that people were standing next to me, however their health bars didn't move at all with heals that should have instant-healed them. I decided not to queue as a healer again after that.
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  14. smoove76 Committed Player

    I Found POSSIBLE Temporary Solution to the Update 51 bug. FOR PS3 USERS. (1st) on your Ps3 XMB Scroll over to Game. (2nd) Scroll down to, & OPEN ( Game Data Utility ).Find your DCUO saves , VERY IMPORTANT. Delete ONLY the files that say Profile Settings: Audio, Video, & Game Settings. There should be 2 of them in the file, Now you DON'T repeat DON'T have to delete chat settings save in the file OR even the game itself. Once you complete the steps Then proceed to enter the game FINALLY ONCE YOUR IN ((( DO NOT ))) TURN ON TITLES FOR ANY REASON ((( For I believe this is where the problem/ Bug/ Glitch occurs))) THIS WILL START THE PROBLEM ALL OVER AGAIN! What I told your should be more than enough to temporarily fix the problem till a official hotfix drops . This Method worked for me And I HOPE it works for you...... BTW don't worry about the saves I told you to delete they will come back once you've enter the game. Just go into your game setting and put all setting back to your particular preference. PASS THIS ON TO LEAGUE MATES / FRIENDS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Again I HOPE THIS HELPS:D
  15. The Valor Well-Known Player

    Same here on my nature healer I couldn't heal anyone in Bombshell raid because of how bad the rendering is.
  16. smoove76 Committed Player

  17. smoove76 Committed Player

  18. smoove76 Committed Player

  19. smoove76 Committed Player

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  20. smoove76 Committed Player

    Possible solution Hope it helps
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