Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by smoove76, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For those PS3 players impacted by this, can you respond with:
    • Your character name
    • What specific instance(s) you were in when it happened, by name
      • Has it happened to you in any solo instance? Which one?
    • Does it impact all of your characters or just one
    • US or EU
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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    -Bombshell Paradox, Recovery Duo, Zamaron Duo, Throne of the Dead, New Genesis Now.
    And in the Watchtower, i was surrounded by people and all of the sudden everyone was gone.

    -Im only playing only with this character at the moment.
    -US server.
  3. StarExtinction New Player

    Your character name :


    What specific instance(s) you were in when it happened, by name:

    the Bombshell paradox raid and the throne of dead raid

    Has it happened to you in any solo instance?

    no, i test the solo instance and it is fine.

    Does it impact all of your characters or just one
    im logging on in my other toons for Answer to your Question...

    US or EU :

    US ps3
  4. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Everywhere. Including open world and watchtower as well as the T7 duos and Bombshell's Paradox.
    Checked another character earlier. Was happening with 12CelestialAbyss21 too. Haven't checked any others yet.
  5. Laz523 Well-Known Player

    Smallville alert
    was effecting all of my characters
  6. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    Since titles are new. Please tell me someone has tried turning them off. Cuz if thats all it takes its an extremely easy fix.
  7. Terraphix Level 30

    -corrupted zamaron and lpve hall of doom armory
    -haven't done any solos since gu51
    -have only played on terraphix (my main)
  8. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    On Red Jenni (USPS), some toons in the nightclub were blinking in and out. In Legends pve, I never saw anyone but the silhouettes of some enemies. I switched toons to Scara Banda and tried the duo, but it didn't seem to be happening at all. I could see my partner and the enemies. I haven't been able to test any more.
  9. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    My son is playing Outer Caverns now (xxUltra Quantumxx-USPS) he is seeing some invisible players, but not all, some gray silhouettes but not all.
  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    Characters Name Grim Punishment & Grim Justice Locations Open world, Watchtower, Alll T7 duos. Did't try other instances got Realy frustrated after NOT seeing ppl in duos & Open world,Logged out USPS3
  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    on usps3 i did 2 duos. level 7 and HOH. all inv
  12. OANGL Well-Known Player

    Yeah this is pretty bad trying to do bombshell without seeing my team or npc
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  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Yea i cant see anyone, or pick up anyone. I played throne, hh reg, bombshell, lpve, and lpvp. I was able to complete them all because i ran them with my league, and i wasnt needed to pick up people. Still, not seeing anyone at all is pvp is dreadful.
    • Like x 1
  14. Alexonic Committed Player

    i thought it was just me...
    so every ps3 user are having this issue?

    • character name: Alexonic
    • happens in every instance
    • happens with every character
    • EU
  15. OANGL Well-Known Player

    I'm not so sure that its just ps3 users but for now
    Name:OAN GL
    happens everywhere
    all characters
  16. ssvillae New Player

    Tried logging in with my main ssvillae several times to see if it change... No dice t7 duos, and aod that's about the time I gave up for the night. Logging in on Cryo freak to do vault and blindly finish corrupted zamaron and im out for the night this is annoying and I hope you guys can resolve this issue soon.
  17. SSB Active Player

    Characters: Estoque and Dave Boss
    Places: LPVE, regular alerts and Bombshell raid
  18. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Immortal kyrro


  19. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Alice Bailey -Legends Batcave: 2v2
    Asteria Bailey- Bombshell Paradox

    Yes, this impacts all characters.
  20. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Ran bombshell couldnt see anyone except pets. Couldnt even see the enemies, but the target lock was my only help in finding enemies..
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