Healing: The Big Picture

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Charmed Legacy, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Surtur Well-Known Player

    You're not insane, not even close. Healers and controllers are in a good spot.

    This is what I see. Players thinking they still don't need to manage their own power, block, dodge, roll or learn instance mechanics. It's apparent that a lot of players are refusing to try new things because that is all it takes within this revamp. Other than a few tweaks within lower content the revamp is finished. All this belly aching because players refuse to look outside the box is just absurd.

    The best thing the Devs could do is take threads like this one and delete them.
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  2. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    I reported this on test, besides from skull attacks or room mechanics no one takes damage, with how HoTs are atm I would say it's a good thing, also if this was the case power sets with lower cooldowns would be much more desirable to play.
  3. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    Mhm. Go right ahead. What could possibly be wrong with healing and trolling right now? :rolleyes:
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  4. gemii Dedicated Player

    i have a nature alt only 200 sp on it but the hots do seem kind of weak and the power pool kind of stinks. i can solo heal with it as it is now but i have to be more strategic with it.
  5. Surtur Well-Known Player

    Besides a few players not wanting to manage their own power and others refusing to try new things there is nothing wrong. It sounds like you probably fall into both of those categories. Good luck with that, change is inevitable. You can either choose to get wet & stand in the rain or learn to dance.
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  6. Surtur Well-Known Player

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  7. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Currently, COP is a total waste of power at 450 base power cost. 2 Soul Wells cost 400, perform the same function and 2 HoT ticks is better than 1. Placing 2 Soul Wells at separate locations increases HoT range, at cheaper power cost.

    Soul Siphon is ok imo. Used to be great on add-heavy areas. Now its functionality is different and is better used on higher health targets.

    Being able to stack 3 Soul Wells used to be great. 3 Soul Wells at 3 separate location for 3 HoT ticks covering a wide area. Soul Wells used to be great on add-heavy areas. Supremely power-efficient. Now its used only cos COP is too power-hungry.
  8. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I stated in the OP that there is literally nothing to heal outside of mechanic damage. It didn't end up like that until the last update we received the Friday before launching it to live.
  9. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Sorc already had some issues..I really don't know why they hung it out to dry like they did...
  10. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    Here we go, right from the op's post.

    Celestial- This power is based around Burst/HoTs and once had the option to battle heal. Initial powers can also be combo'd for additional HoTs. The power cost to combo is 200 for Celestial, so take the initial power cost for the ability and add a 200 power cost to get the total cost for the combo. This is how Celestial's power costs/consumption reached such a high level. Celestial healers are also very clip heavy which unfortunately is a bad habit to have with the current power costs. The passive regen and two trolls isn't enough for the high rate at which it goes when clipping. This leaves the Celestial healer without power a lot because of the power cost/combo cost and clipping.

    Nature-HoT/Pheromone heal based power. The power cost to setup the pheromones is extremely high which puts a strain on the Nature healer. If an emergent situation happens (mechanic damage) that leaves Nature with a few options, trying to use enough burst (with high power costs) to get everyone back up to a safe range causing them to run out of power, or they can use roar which takes down all the pheromones leaving you to reapply them all using majority of their power bar.

    Sorcery-This power is based around HoTs and some bursts. It is more power friendly because of the duration of the HoTs and the need to reapply isn't as often as Celestial for example. This powerset lost a lot during the revamp. Some of the heals lost range (which it lacked in anyways), and some of the heals just lost functionality. Soul Siphon and CoP would be good examples of heals that lost functionality.

    So overview: Cele basically lost the ability to battle heal (one of the main points for support roles in the revamp) and it leaves you starving for power after two or three powers used. Nature uses all of power bar to set up pheromones and has very limited options in emergency scenario without killing it's power.
    Sorcery lost a lot of range on it and then some of the powers lost funcionality (another purpose of the revamp was to allow powerset to use anything and still compete, even in a support stance).

    I mean honestly, do you really think healers have much of a choice when managing their power so far. All of the healers main heal moves practically drain their bar and are required for effective healing. And for the record, I know how to manage my power bar very well and I try new things all the time. When was the last time you saw someone doing rage melee without using outrage, or playing earth without jackhammer? And I'm only addressing and supporting actual problems that need to be fixed. I love the revamp and have been a full supporter and tester of it since it first came out. Just because it's gone live doesn't mean there is nothing to be fixed. It's not like I'm some AM baby asking for my infinite power return back.
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  11. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Hmmmm....Refuse to look outside the box and don't manage their own power bar...
    I'm a CR 200 277 SP Celestial healer main who spec's extra SP into power after my Restoration instead of Dominance (which is in my healing formula for 25% of my base healing). I buff up on Omega and Special Forces Energy soda before content...I use Reserve Tank ht mod in my chest for the extra power pool, as well as spec'ing for the Superpowered mastery for the extra power pool and the better passive power regen...but I don't do my part...I don't think outside the box....:rolleyes:

    Trolling this thread isn't welcomed so feel free to leave..
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  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    Heya :p (you should know me^^).

    Just can tell my experiences from the last view days of playing the game again.

    With the revamp I went electricity, because I've been in love with the healing side for a long time. I'm just a huge fan of that reactive gameplay centered around burst heals. Keeps you kinda active and awake (... harvest spam before revamp... :rolleyes:).

    I'm at cr 198 as heal currently with 298 sp. But the experience from 190-198 wasn't a different one (190 modded vs 198 barely modded though)

    Healing is very different now, but I kinda like it.
    Alerts feel very very easy

    ----Mind that I've never pllayed current content with AMs and stuff like that---

    Just popping a shield and blasting through the Alert. Also just used some very aggressive healiing builds for some damage and it worked very well tbh. :)

    In raids I just went full heal (healing crits, all resto and the left sp into might&power since I don't have issues with my shields).
    Healing isn't that hard since (like other said) you have a different kind of damage in. But it keeps me kinda busy and in times with no damage I can run around groups, setting supplys or countering the bosses/adds. I don't have the feeling i'm not needed during the battles. Especially for the tank.
    Now that I'm electricity I don't have any issue with my powerpool for obvious reasons.

    Also blew off the dust from my firetank (189) and went straight into the Raids with the league. Our heal was sorcery (first time healing with sorcery after the revamp) and he also dislikes the changes. Not too much abotu the HoTs, but more about the issues with power at some peak-damage. With COP he said I was really fine as a tank and he was right. COP under my feet and I could tank all day.

    But I agree, they might have to do something with the other powers.
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  13. ghosts Well-Known Player

    I can see what you mean, it may be the case for some players to have trouble with supporting because they do the same things they did before expecting for them to work. I don't see that on OP's post though

    For me it's good for people to make these posts about how the game feels for them, if they follow the new rules of the game and still have a bad time playing the devs have to consider their opinion, they may be related to imbalances across different powers. There's also the fact that the new power mechanics put a substantial learning curve for healers used to having massive power pools and using the weapon mastery bonus, so it's natural to see people struggling to adjust in the first months
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    So I dabbled around a bit. Testing all the ends and outs of the revamp with multiple healer powersets. Spent all my loyalty points changing through all 4 in doing so.

    In conclusion Hybrid is a non viable way to go for healing. This is because of 2 things.

    In a fight you constantly have to move, block, cast a heal, use weapon. When you are doing the first 3 only PoT from the controller and insta power is supplying you power, along with a very small and unnoticeable innate power regen. In a raid setting, solo healing you have a brief moment inbetween healing to do a weapon combo and the power returned is determined by the length of the combo. Hybrid seems to only be rewarding to controllers, and even then those controllers are on the very heavy weapon side of playstyle.

    So in my 299SP. 147 went into might and power. 60 in the damage crits and magnitude. 60 in the healing crits and magnitude. 5 in the weapon attacks. 5 in restoration.

    So with a 25k+ power bar had 0 issues healing with electric, nature, and sorcery. Celestial I had to take a few sodas because I was being greedy but still no major power issues( could not battle heal raids like USR, and JFA, but could battle heal GOM certain areas and all of OLYR).

    The power bar is the key issue in healing in general. But Superpowered playstyle is the real culprit due to the benefits it gives you that the healer role needs to have which is a larger power pool and a far superior power regen compared to hybrid.

    So I understand why devs say they arent going to adjust the healer powersets. I still wont go back to celestial even with this 25k powerbar setting( This is simply due to electric having far superior power cost and stronger heals).

    On a side not sorcery does have some broken heal abilities, and celestial still has the highest power cost to heal and lacks real burst heals outside of admonish and DL
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  15. krytine Loyal Player

    I understand your point of view but i disagree about hots. I ran both of the new raids with two healers and they were celestial and sorcery. They did a great job. The hots were always flowing and health was always being reclaimed. If the hots were doubled then there would be no need for 2 healers. I like running with 2 heals and trolls. Now i was tanking but no wipes and only a few pick ups were needed to be done. If the boss jumped and someone was at half life then yes they dropped. I dont feel the hots strength needs to be increased. I know others wont feel this way but do think the combo heals should be reduced some to accommodate there powers better. I haven't ran with nature healing yet so I can not comment on them and sorcery seems that people just need to learn the new set up new. The new way of how things go. I do also believe the troll roleless buff needs to be way way lower then it is. And players still need to learn to role or jump out of fire or energy pools
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  16. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Heyyyyy :D
    Elec is the top tier healer atm so I would expect you or anyone else playing elec to have these feelings. Glad to hear Elec has some battle options..wish Celestial still did. :( I stated in my original post that the damage in raids is minimal and nothing to do really outside of burst on mechanic damage which is right up Elec's ally. It's also why I stated that content damage should be adjusted followed by HoT buff and an increase to the healer power pool. A healer should never feel as awkward as they are right now with Celestial, Nature, and Sorcery. I won't say everyone is hating it or that everyone feels the way I do, but it does seem to be the majority of the healing community (within those 3 powersets) feeling the same way I do.

    Also tanks are in an amazing place right now. A skill tanked doesn't even need heals for the most part given they know what they are doing regardless of the tank power.

    Glad to hear from you and hope you are doing well! :D
  17. Tilz Loyal Player

    ye doing well :p

    Yep, if ppl feel like it with those powers (haven't tested them myself, but my leaguemates also "complain" about the HoT thing.
    And the battleoptions.. well it's nothing major, just some little damage off in alerts. Won't do that in raids currently.
    I'm totally in to adjust things that need to be done, doesn't matter how, as long as we get the results of having healling powers on a similar level, but still different somehow (playstyle) :D
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  18. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I hate to hear you blew through all of your DBC just to test healing. You arrived at the same results that Celestial Powers and I have been seeing the entire time the healing powers have been on test server with the Revamp. i will disagree with you on the understanding of the Dev's. As much outcry from the Celestial healing community as well as the Sorcery healing community adjustments should be made. Creating a FOTM healing power is absurd to even be a thing..
  19. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    If you want to run with 2 healers by all means run with 2 healers I won't stop you nor will I group with you. I still solo heal in the Revamp and will continue to do so. I have always preferred solo healing, and I'm not alone in that feeling. Solo healing should be a thing for the people with the skillset. At this rate tbh I have no idea why anyone would run two healers because that's just unnecessary imo. With the lack of real damage coming in at a consistent rate any idiot could solo heal lol. It shouldn't be this way.
  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    You still playing on US server? If you are or decide to again give me or Fatal a shout! :D