Healing loadouts/Power.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by IVUltimate CanaryVI, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. IVUltimate CanaryVI New Player

    Hello, I’ve recently respect to nature , and I think my loadout is good but I’m struggling. I find myself not being able to solo heal but I’m able to on my water healer. I’m Cr.259 running Eog,PoD, and OrbA i eventually run out of power then its becomes harder to heal I run out of power on my water, but can still keep myself and everyone else alive with nature I find myself dying or not being able to save lower health people like I can with water(I’m running a bug supercharge loadout too). Can anyone help me maybe my loadouts bad “which I doubt” or maybe it’s my rotation idk at this point lol. If anyone thinks I should respect (which I’m considering) was going to go electric healer/dps so if anyone has tips and a loadout for that so I can learn it I ’d be grateful : ). What is the best healing powers too?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The thing with healing powers is that there is not “best” healer power. Each healer power is capable of solo healing if you learn the power. For example, a lot of people find huge success with electric healing, however it’s the ones I have the least experience with since I don’t enjoy healing with electric. This means I’m not that good at it. A lot of people don’t like sorcery healing however it’s my best healing power.

    That being said, what are you currently running?
  3. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Sounds like your trouble is the Orb as Nature. If you're running out of power, try switching out Orb for Soul Cloak and use Bug form for the crit when you need increased healing, similar to Wolf dps play style. Not using the Orb will allow you to use your priority heal more and Regeneration when raid needs HP fast.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What's your LO?
    Once I've setup my three HoTs, I rely on Metabolism or Cross Pollination in between Flourish/HB combos to keep people topped off. I only pop Blossom if A. Someone's health drops quick or B. I see someone about to get smacked.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Also swapping out EoG for Demon's Fang will help with your power management.
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  6. The Mighty Heap New Player

    A lot of what healers are going through right now is jump to end game players with 294 cr and 135 skill points. So they throw everything the have into might and nothing in health so you working over time healing squids
  7. xenothelm Active Player

    Wow yes this. The way some of these tanks lose HP in raids really has me second guessing myself sometimes lol...
  8. Jensu Well-Known Player

    i would replace your orb with something else, while that is a good artifacts for us healers, the power cost is just not wroth it, run POD-125 EOG/121 soul cloak 120 and trans card 128, i ususally swap out my eyes for my trans card, but those are the 4 artifacts i run with the most on my water healing
  9. Brit Loyal Player


    I'm a little baffled to see you using Eye of Gemini as a Nature Healer. Nature's supercharges are far from great, and Nature really requires all 6 slots for normal powers in order to complete their rotation.

    I run:
    1- Swarm Shield (4 player shield. Used to clip Cross Pollination)
    2- Savage Growth (HoT #1; also applies )
    3- Metabolism (HoT #2, used to clip Savage Growth)
    4- Cross Pollination (HoT #3. This one heals extra when there are more targets. This one also heals pets, which makes it vitally important if you have an Earth Tank. When you have the million pets on the field, this power can heal quite a bit.)
    5- Blossom (Priority Heal)
    6- Flourish (refresh/spread Phermones)

    The only real option of a Supercharge is to run a shapechange, and then put one of your other powers on the shapechange bar, which I find too clunky for regular rotations. Otherwise, placing a supercharge on the bar involves removing an essential power from your regular rotation.

    For Artifacts, I go with Orb of Arion (to boost the Priority Heal and give Nature some much needed burst healing, since almost all of Nature is HoT).
    Then I go Demon's Fang (to offset the power cost of Orb of Arion).
    Final slot, your mileage may vary. If I were you, I'd stick with Page of Destiny, not because it's the best, but because it's good enough and because you already have it leveled, and leveling Artifacts is a massive pain.

    But I would not budge on Orb and Fang being the best choices for a Nature Healer.
  10. Jensu Well-Known Player

    do you have a setup for water healing, im still trying to find a good setup?
  11. Brit Loyal Player

    Sorry. I don't do water healing. I pretty well despise any of the powers that use power-combos. The whole power-click-click stuff just feels too clunky and awkward for me.
  12. L T Devoted Player

    What artifacts are you using?
  13. Jensu Well-Known Player

    Right now it's page eyes and so cloak, but going to swap out eyes and soul cloak for trans card and the Strat card
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    One of the CURRENT best set ups for water healing is page, orb, soul cloak. This is because while your ult is up you are able to spam your boosted priority during Emergancy moments. So if you are switching just to switch than you may want to hold up on it. However if you are switching for a play style that better fits you than yes page, trans, strat is also viable
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  15. Yette New Player

    With healing, it’s important to cater to the power’s “specific specialty”. As a nature healer, your main heal is to spam the priority heal when the entire raid is losing health making it inefficient to use an artifact such as the Orb. Furthermore, since nature has a lot of heals over time, I find that it’s a lot more effective in strengthening those HoTs, which can be done by maxing out your restoration with artifacts with 5% resto. As a nature healer, I ran page of destiny, transformation card, and demons fang, with no supercharge. This combination allowed my heals over time to be restore huge amounts of health in a short amount of time, as well as allow me to spam the priority heal (healing 4 people) without having any power struggles.

  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Your main heal to spam is Cross Pollination. The priority heal, Blossom, is for emergencies. Without the Orb, Blossom is not that strong of a heal.

    I'm not saying your setup is wrong. Just the priority heal isn't what you need to be spamming.
  17. L T Devoted Player

    So with your current artifacts, Eye and Soul Cloak point you to Flood of Power, which I find is a great supercharge. Page of Destiny wants Mending Wave.

    Flood of Power - Mending Wave - Tempest Guard - Solace of the Sea - Soothing Mist - Bubble/Tsunami Strikes/Riptide

    With this load out you're keeping tempest guard on cool down, and using mending wave whenever anyone takes damage. Set up Solace under the tank if they're stationary and on where the dps are congregating if the tank is kiting. Between solace and tempest guard you should almost not have to rely on your priority heal. I'd use Bubble for the last spot in most cases, Tsunami Strikes if your healing an Earth Tank with Brick and Riptide only if you hate those first two options.

    When you ditch Soul Cloak and Eye for Transformation and Strategist, I'd definitely swap in Riptide and get two overlapping Solace heals out. It's incredibly powerful with that combination. Obviously, Flood of Power becomes optional in that load out, so you can use one of the other abilities there if you find you're never able to use it. If you find that you generate a lot of supercharge with your weapon attacks it's very potent to be able to get 4 solace of the sea heals out at once though.

    I'm generally not a fan of water's 8-person heal, since it only heals over time in high tide. Your mileage may vary.
  18. Yette New Player

    I see, but I found cross pollination incredible weak no matter what I ran, especially compared to galvanise...I didn’t see the point in it, maybe I’ll test it again
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Cross Pollination is significantly stronger in large groups, and its healing out depends on how many allies (capped at 16 PCs and NPCs) are being healed. Since Cross Pollination heals player pets this is important for Earth tanks that use Brick. The only drawback is it's range but there are very few fights in the game where players are spread out.
  20. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Priority heal, 4 man (or 8 man if raids), solace +riptide (drop another solace), bubble, SC (the one that resets all powers cool down).