not sure if this has stated before but i really think that for healers with group shields and with regenerative shield mod should be affected like the people who receives the shield also should receive the heal, not the caster only
I agree, they made all the troller shields give power, so why can't the healer shields heal you if you have the tactical mod?
I'm totally for it. I mostly play as DPS, but I always carry a PvE healer set with 2000+ Resto, for those lovely occasions when U get thrown in a PUG with a whole bunch of other DPSs and I can either turn around and leave or try my best with wht I've got. As a DPS, my main loadout is built around the DoTs - every power on my main loadout lays/spreads DoTs, except for Wolf-form. In healer role I do the same with pheromones and try to avoid using Blossom if I can help it - these HoTs are power consuming to stack. It would be a nice little touch if my shield would add more to the greater effort. Especially that I usually use the swarm shield when I see one of my teammates taking significantly more damage than others, perhaps because of lower stats. I do this in DPS role as well, particularly in Duos. If the shield healed as well I wouldn't have to constantly re-stack the HoTs just to keep one lower level/CR player alive.
The amount the shield heals the other player could be scaled down, maybe depending on his resto, or something...
Instant cast 1-2k heal every what, 20 seconds? Not a chance they would put that into the game. It would be equal to a supercharge.
wll good point, how about they make it so that it heals me and the player with lowest hp in group? that wouldn't be op and its more like 1-3k
True, with a crit its very high. I think it should work that way IF the recipient also has regenerative shielding mod on. If not a burst heal, how about a HoT?
i actually like the idea of HoT, it would hit like 3-5 times with same strength as the other HoT powers or not even have to hit so strong, like 75% of that would be good
Nature's Nature's shield only covers one other teammate with the lowest HP anyway, so in my case it wouldn't be overpowered however it was done. Short, fairly strong HoT would work for me, especially to use as DPS, when I have fewer teammate-healing options available, but I think if someone has the healing shield mod equipped - they most likely can put up shields of their own, while I'd rather be able to heal people with lower stats and/or no shields in their powersets, some of whom may not have the access to the DLC. Like when doing walk-in alerts/raids with league-mates to help them power-level...
Oh, I see. My Nature healing knowledge is lacking to say the least. The misguiding tool-tip for Swarm Shield doesn't help. Thanks for clarifying that for me.