Having multiple styles available to switch into

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leonite, Mar 18, 2022.

  1. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I know there is a maximum of 4 armories to quickly switch into anywhere in the game. But how about extra armories just for holding styles that can be activated only in a base?

    Anybody here switching toon styles based on the holiday or event going on? How do you save/remember multiple styles if you have more than 4 ?

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  2. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I have a armory on all of my PS toons just for seasonal styles that I create for each toon per season! :D

    Anyhow, you just buy more armories, you can have a max of 16 and you can switch between any of them in your base.
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  3. Leonite Well-Known Player

    oh cool! I only have 4 but don't want to buy more thinking there's a max of 4. Thank you!
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  4. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    No problem, glad I could help! :D

    Also, I meant you can have a max of 16 per toon, not like in total on your account. I have probably almost 100 armories on my PS account, lol.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Just to add, you can have all 16 armories in the same base/lair. That's what I do, and it's awesome. I wish we could have some more armories.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We also may be able to raise the armory cap soon.
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  7. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Awesome! :D
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I currently have 11 armories on my main so I’m all for this lol
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  9. Tree Well-Known Player

    I’m sorry, is this about the “Armory wheel”? Could you clarify?
    Right now, we can only pick from 4 to instantly switch to at any time. If we’re getting that increased, oh goodie.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    I concur, if this is for multiple builds we can change to, then great. Otherwise we can have hundreds of armories that are just lair decorations, but doesn't change our ability to swap our styles.
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  12. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Good. But soon there will be people complaining that this will bring imbalance in the game. lol
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  13. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I honestly didn't even think about that, I just thought he meant raise the 16 cap to 24 or whatever. However being able to swap between more than 4 armories would be great as well.

    Heck, I'd be happy if the mainframe bot was just upgraded to allow us access to the armory tab so we could swap out armories on the go! :D
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You can currently have four armories in each base and eight bases per character.

    Do you really need need more than 32 armories per character? (I have always had 16 armories for my primary character, because I never bothered to add more when the base cap went from four to eight.)
  15. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Two ideas come to mind...

    1) Go to Mainframe where you pay your Merits
    - a - Switch to Styles window
    - b - Say "Save Style"
    - c - Go to Mainframe Dispenser
    - d - Toggle to "Styles"
    - e - Go through list, previews are included, choose one, it drops icon in inventory
    - f - Go to inventory and double click, "Are you sure you want to change styles?"
    - g - Say "Yes" and have fun

    2) We have a nice scrolling menu wheel to go from Inventory, Setup, Styles, Marketplace, whatever... Why can't we have a wheel with that many options to select which armory we want?
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can have all 16 armories in one base.
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  17. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    As someone addicted to making/designing characters I reached the max 32 characters in breakneck speed and have now moved to using armories to design more characters...... I probably will need that eventually, I'm gonna be honest lmao....

    I..... I have a problem......
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  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Oh, I know, thanks. I just started with them spread out and haven't had a particular reason to redesign all the bases.

    My alts all have all the armories in just one base, because it's easier for updating, but my main I'm used to doing what I've been doing since armories were invented.

    (Before armories existed, I used to beg for them to be invented; single greatest QoL add to the game ever.)
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The first step is admitting one is an altaholic!
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  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Oh yeah!!! :eek:

    I would buy that for a dollar.

    Heck if you raise the cap to 99.... I would pay at least $99 for that??

    But if you raise the cap only to 98..... that will be fine too. ;) ;)