Have you ever met a player so wholesome you wish there was a commendation system?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Beltalowda, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Beltalowda New Player

    Maybe I'm easily impressed. But I've honestly never met a player with such amiability and thoughtfulness.

    Last night, I needed help with world boss bounties in Bottled DC and Cursed Gotham. So I asked in LFG chat for help. After what felt like an eternity, someone named "Gallantry" messaged me, saying he'd help.

    Besides his great style, this guy was awesome. He was tanking the bosses, reviving me (he never failed even once!), healing me with the supply drop, and generally being freaking impressive and wholesome.

    After we defeated Gorgon, I asked him if he needs help with anything. He said he already did all bounties yesterday, which led me to believe that he helped me out of generosity (with his time).

    I wish there was a commendation system in the game. I would have loved to commend him. I don't know if he was genuine or he was roleplaying. Either way, he put his anonymity to good use.

    I'm making this post because this is such a rare occurance. In the game where negativity is running rampant and the absence of help from the community is witnessed and experienced, what this player did was admirable.

    I'm planning to pay it forward, it's the least I can do to thank him or her. I believe this community (especially new players) could use some help from us. You never know, maybe you could be making someone's day by just helping those in need.

    Thank you for reading.
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  2. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Those people do exist. They probably aren't half bad in real life. Helping others in need is a friend indeed.
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    there's good people running around out there, man. I've met a few, especially when I first started & was trying to work me way up. a lot of solid guys & girls. yeah, there's a lot of muppets, too. but what you gonna do? pass it on, man.
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  4. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

  5. Beltalowda New Player

    I'm beginning to think so now. But due to my social anxiety, I haven't allowed myself to associate with people in this game that much. On top of that, I had encountered some of the most toxic players in the raids so I've been very careful when I try to engage in a conversation with someone. I could count the numbers of friends I have on the friendlist but my ignore list is uncountable....

    But because of this recent incident, I'm kind of hopeful again. I guess I just need to figure out where to look when I try to find players like that.
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  6. Beltalowda New Player

    That's really good to hear that. I think I'm just going to find some new players and do random acts of kindness so they have fond memories playing this game.

    And thank you for giving me the idea!
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  7. Beltalowda New Player

  8. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    oh yeah!
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  9. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It's in my signature. Some here knows me well for that. The past few years.
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  10. Iconic Imposter New Player

    Thank you for this post. I have been playing off and on since launch. This game unfortunately has a lot of toxic players, especially in chat. Seeing something like this is awesome. The person that helped you was great, you acknowledging the act is cool. Then spreading the love here is what this game and honestly this world needs (it all starts at home), thank you again for such a happy forum posting. See you out there.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    That Proxystar guy is pretty cool, I had him help me with a bunch of content once, he was a jolly good chap
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  12. Beltalowda New Player

    Thank you for reading! The game could use more wholesomeness. And I'm very happy I had something positive to share with the community.
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  13. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I've got a player in my league with multiple alts that helps people complete missions of all types, achieve feats, helps with catalysts she saves when people need them. If I could give her a commendation that people could see on her name or on inspection I would.
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  14. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I've got a player in my league with multiple alts that helps people complete missions of all types, achieve feats, helps with catalysts she saves when people need them. If I could give her a commendation that people could see on her name or on inspection I would.
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  15. Dene Devoted Player

    Modest too!

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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    If not his best quality ;)
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  17. Beltalowda New Player

    I'm glad you found a player like that. I think a commendation system could go a long way especially for those deserving of it. It's always good to be appreciated.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    A bit of a headcase though....I hear he talks about himself in the 3rd person.;)
  19. rA9 New Player

    Gallantry sounds like a cool dude. With the name alone, seems like he's living up to it.

    Anyway, glad you came across such a good soul. Guys like him is what makes online game a better place.
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  20. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I've run into few like that, here and there. When I was more active, I tried to be that person, though I don't chat much b/c no headset, and text chat means I have to sit with the keyboard on my lap (and my kitties get a bit possessive about lap space).

    Just try to pay it forward. Even if you can't find a newbie to help, just not being toxic in LFG or Shout chats goes a long way.
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